Request for Proposal

Solid Waste Management Plan Animated Video

This Proposal is for production of short (e.g. 1-1/2 min) animated video(s)

The RDN is seeking a production team to produce a short (e.g.1-1/2 minute) animated video(s) for use during the Public Consultation on the RDN Solid Waste Management Plan Update. The RDN anticipates that additional communication media (e.g. print, story boards) will also be used to communicate the Solid Waste Management Plan Update and the RDN's preference is to work with a single service provider in this regard. Communications expertise and pricing on this broader spectrum of services will be considered in the evaluation of proposals.

The RDN appreciates all proposal responses; however, only short-listed or successful Proponents will be contacted.

Issue Date

June 13th, 2017


4:00PM PST on June 26th, 2017


  1. Proposals sent by facsimile (fax) or email will be accepted.
  2. There will be no public opening for this RFP.
  3. Proposals are to be submitted in sealed envelopes, faxed or emailed clearly marked with:
    • Name and address of the Production Team
    • Proposal for Solid Waste Management Plan Animated Video
  4. Proposals shall be addressed to one or more of the following:
    • Mail: Regional District of Nanaimo Main Reception Desk (2nd Floor), Administration Building, 6300 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Fax: Attn: Meghan Larson, Solid Waste Planner
  5. The RFP closes at 4:00pm, (Pacific Time) June 26th, 2017
  6. Proposals may be withdrawn before the deadline upon written notice (facsimiles of notice will be accepted) to the Solid Waste Planner, Solid Waste Services, at the address noted herein or at fax number 250-390-1542.
  7. Alternative proposal (s) may be submitted as part of this RFP. It is preferred that alternate proposals be provided as distinct and separate proposals.
  8. Proposals must remain valid for 60 days following the closing time and date. Proposals are irrevocable after the closing time and date.
This RFP does not commit the RDN in any way to select a Preferred Proponent, or to proceed to discussions or negotiations for a Contract, or to award any contract, and the RDN reserves the complete right to at any time reject all Proposals, and to terminate this RFP process for any reason. The Proponent acknowledges the rights of the RDN under this clause and absolutely waives any right of action against the RDN for failure of the RDN to accept its proposal whether such rights of action arises in contract, negligence, bad faith or any other cause of action.

The RDN is subject to the provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. As a result, the Act does offer some protection for third party business interests, the RDN cannot guarantee that any information provided to the RDN can or will be held in confidence.

Information regarding the specifications in this solicitation may only be obtained from:

Meghan Larson
Solid Waste Planner
Regional District of Nanaimo
(250) 390-6560 (tel.) or toll free in BC 1-877-607-4111
[email protected]