Solid Waste Management Plan

Our updated Solid Waste Management Plan (Plan) was developed through a collaborative process, and charts the path to a 90% waste diversion by 2029. The Plan outlines our commitment to solid waste diversion and management in a manner that meets the needs of our residents and environment, now and into the future.

To learn more about the Plan update, please visit www.getinvolved.rdn.ca/swmp.

Why Does the RDN have a Solid Waste Management Plan?

The Province of BC's Environmental Management Act mandates regional districts prepare and regularly update Solid Waste Management Plans. A Solid Waste Management Plan reflects a long term vision of how each regional district manages its solid waste, including diversion and disposal.

Plan Monitoring Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Plan Monitoring Advisory Committee (PMAC) is to provide input, from a variety of perspectives, on the implementation of the Solid Waste Management Plan (Plan). In accordance with the Ministry of Environment's Guide to the Preparation of Regional Solid Waste Management Plans a single public and technical advisory committee will act as a "sounding board" of community interests and will provide advice to the Regional Board through the Solid Waste Management Select Committee.