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Morden Colliery Regional Trail

The RDN initiated development of the Morden Colliery Trail in 1995 under license from the Province of BC. The trail runs along an old rail grade used to move coal from the mines of South Wellington to Boat Harbour during the early years of the 20th Century. At one end of the trail is Morden Colliery Historic Provincial Park and at the other end is Hemer Provincial Park. The Nanaimo River separates the two pieces of this pretty 3.4 kilometre woodland trail.

things to do
Walking, bird watching, mountain biking, horseback riding

how to get there
On the west side of the Nanaimo River, take Morden Rd (off Hwy 1) to the Provincial Park and trailhead; on the east side of the River, take Hemer Rd (off Cedar Rd) to the Provincial Park or get on the trail along Cedar Rd by the shopping centre.

Park Location

location map

click map for larger version

park photo