Request For Proposals

Outdoor Recreation Programs
Recreation and Parks Department

The Regional District of Nanaimo is seeking proposals from qualified proponents with experience in providing the following service:

Outdoor Recreation Programs

Three (3) copies of the proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked 'RFP for Outdoor Recreation', by mail or in person at RDN Recreation and Parks Dept., Oceanside Place, 830 W. Island Highway, Parksville, B.C. V9P 2X4, Attention: Anne-Marie Harvey, Department Secretary, by no later than 3:00pm, November 3, 2017.

All inquiries regarding this RFP must be sent by email to Chrissie Finnie, RDN Recreation and Parks Programmer, [email protected] no later than 3:00pm October 30th, 2017.

Issue Date

13 October 2017
Closing Date and Time
3 November, 2017, 3:00pm
Closing Location
RDN Recreation and Parks Department
Oceanside Place
830 W. Island Highway
Parksville, BC V9P 2X4
Submissions may be withdrawn before the deadline upon email notice to Anne-Marie. Proposals withdrawn may be replaced by alternative proposals providing emailed notice of intent is delivered to Anne-Marie at least 24 hours before the closing date of this RFP. After the closing date, proposals become irrevocable and the property of the RDN. All proposals remain in effect for a period of ninety (90) days after the closing date.

The RDN reserves the right to modify the terms of this RFP at any time at its sole discretion, and may prior to closing date issue clarifications resulting from questions from proponents. Any such modifications will be communicated through formal addenda posted on the RDN website www.rdn.bc.ca under the heading of this RFP.

All addenda will be incorporated into and become part of the RFP Document. No amendment of any kind is effective unless it is contained in written addendum issued by the RDN. Upon submitting a Proposal, Proponents will be deemed to have received notice of all addenda posted on the RDN website.

Further information regarding this proposal request may be obtained from:

Chrissie Finnie, Recreation Programmer
Telephone: 250-248-4744 loc 3607
Email: [email protected]
In the Programmer's absence, Proponents may contact:
Hannah King, Superintendent of Recreation Program Services
Telephone: 250-248-3252
Email: [email protected]