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Request for Proposals
Fire Department Governance Review
The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant to undertake a review of the governance and administration structure for the fire departments operating within the jurisdiction of the RDN. In consultation with the RDN, local fire departments, fire department societies and regional stakeholders, the Consultant will provide the deliverables as outlined herein, a comprehensive report with recommendations for how the RDN should structure and manage their responsibility for delivery of fire services in the future.
- Fire Department Governance Review
Filename File Size (mb) Modified Fire Department Governance Review Addendum No.1 0.09 MB Sep 20, 2018 RDN Fire Department Governance Consulting Services RFP 1.7 MB Sep 10, 2018
September 10, 2018
Closing Date/Time/Location:
Proponents are requested to submit their Proposal prior to the closing time of 3:00 PM (15:00 hrs), Pacific Time, September 28, 2018.Select one (1) of the Submission Methods below:
- By Email: In PDF file format with "Fire Department Governance Review" as the subject line at this electronic address: [email protected]
Please note: Maximum email file size limit is 15MB, or less.
- By hand/courier delivery: One (1) copy of the Proposal along with one (1) electronic PDF copy of the Proposal on a USB stick should be enclosed and sealed in an envelope clearly marked: "Fire Department Governance Review" delivered to the:
Regional District of Nanaimo
Main Reception - 2nd Floor
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6N2
Attention: Doug Gardiner
Should there be any differences between the hard copy and the electronic copy, the hard copy will prevail.
Contact for Questions:
Doug Gardiner, Fire Service CoordinatorDeadline for questions is three (3) business days before the closing date.
Email: [email protected]
Proposals will not be opened in public