Public Notice

Septage Disposal Rate Increases on March 1, 2018

Many homes in the Regional District of Nanaimo have septic systems to treat wastewater. Generally, septic tanks are pumped out every 3 to 5 years. The RDN accepts and treats trucked septage at its wastewater treatment facilities. On March 1, 2018, the regular septage disposal rate will change from $0.23 per gallon to $0.24 per gallon. Every year after starting on January 1, the rate will increase by $0.01 per gallon. The annual rate change translates to a $6 increase to pump out a 600 gallon tank and reflects the increasing cost of treating septage.

The holding tank (pump and haul) waste disposal rate is still $0.01 per gallon for approved customers.


RDN Wastewater Services
Phone: 250-390-6560 / 250-954-3792
Toll Free: 1-877-607-4111
[email protected]