Notice of Intent to Award Contract

Organic Waste Processing Contract

Issued: April 27, 2018

Vendors are hereby notified that the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) intends to direct award an organic waste processing contract to Circular Waste British Columbia Inc. (Circular Waste). The contract covers both the acceptance of organic materials and the production of compost. The contract is expected to be for a 20 year term with a value above applicable threshold limits for conducting a public procurement.

The RDN wishes to direct award for the following reasons:

  • RDN requires a contractor that has the capacity, experience and expertise to accept and process at least 15,000 tonnes of organic material per year;
  • RDN requires a contractor that is fully licensed and permitted by the Ministry of Environment and all applicable local authorities;
  • Circular Waste and its related entities collectively have over 20 years of proven success using tunnel composting at more than 120 facilities worldwide;
  • Circular Waste intends to upgrade the existing facilities to provide storage and processing technology that is considered to be "best in class", including undertaking acceptance and processing of food waste in an air-controlled, odour mitigating environment;
  • the existing facility currently accepts drop off for RDN and City of Nanaimo residential curbside collection trucks;
  • increased organics diversion is essential to allow RDN to meet the Solid Waste Management Plan's goal of 90% diversion; and
  • RDN staff believes that Circular Waste and its related entities are uniquely positioned to meet RDN's requirements and that a direct award of this contract to them will provide long-term security of services and represents good value and quality for RDN's taxpayers.
Vendors who wish to object to the RDN's decision to direct award must reply in writing to Larry Gardner, Manager, Solid Waste Services before 2:00 p.m., pacific time on May 11, 2018 by letter to 6300 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N2 or by email to [email protected]. Vendors objecting to the RDN's decision should clearly demonstrate their qualifications and ability to perform the required service, including that:
  • the vendor has the necessary expertise and experience and will be able to process at least 15,000 tonnes of organic material per year;
  • the vendor can accept local drop off and provide waste consolidation for RDN and municipal collection trucks;
  • the vendor's facilities will be fully licenced and permitted by the BC Ministry of Environment and all applicable local authorities; and
  • the vendor's facilities would utilize appropriate technology and be able to conduct processing indoors in an air controlled environment.
Larry Gardner
Manager, Solid Waste Services
T: 250-390-6539 | Email: [email protected]