Request for Proposals

Regional District of Nanaimo Asset Management Program:
Condition Assessment Plan and Implementation Framework

The Regional District of Nanaimo is seeking the services of a qualified professional to prepare a Condition Assessment Plan and Implementation Framework to support an organization wide asset management program.

The desired outcome for this project is a Plan that outlines appropriate approaches, principles and methods for an organization-wide condition assessment program, and an Implementation Framework recommending steps forward for each department in the RDN.

NB: Completing actual Condition Assessments is not within the scope of this project.


3 complete hard copies plus 1 electronic (CD or USB key) copy prepared in .pdf format of each Response must be received before 3:00 PM Pacific Time on July 17, 2017

Closing location:

Regional District of Nanaimo
Regional and Community Utilities
Second Floor
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2

Contact person:

Jeff Ainge
Asset Management Coordinator
Phone: 250-390-6560
[email protected]