Request for Proposals

No. WWS17-001
Environmental Consulting Services
Receiving Environment Monitoring

The Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre (GNPCC) in Nanaimo, BC, treats municipal wastewater from approximately 93,000 people from Nanaimo, Lantzville and the Snuneymuxw First Nation. GNPCC discharges an average of 32,000 m3/d of chemically-enhanced primary treated to the marine waters of the Strait of Georgia via the Five Fingers Outfall.

Receiving environment monitoring (REM) is a requirement under the RDN's Liquid Waste Management Plan and associated discharge authorization.

Great Pacific has developed a receiving environment monitoring program for GNPCC with tasks distributed over a 3-year cycle. The scope of services includes completing the first cycle of monitoring which spans 2017 to 2019.

Issue Date

January 12, 2017

Closing Location

Regional District of Nanaimo
Regional and Community Utilities
Second Floor, 6300 Hammond Bay Rd. Nanaimo BC, V9T 6N2

Closing Time and Date

4 complete hard copies with 1 electronic (CD, DVD or USB) copy prepared in Adobe PDF of each response must be received before 2:00 PM PST on February 8, 2017.

Contact Person

Shelley Norum, R.P.Bio.
Wastewater Program Coordinator
[email protected]