RDN Recreation Notice

Active Aging Week

September 25-October 1, 2016 - explore the possibilities

Active Aging Week is an annual event that promotes the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. The week of September 25 to October 1 will showcase local resources where older adults can be active in a safe, friendly and fun atmosphere. The free activity line-up includes: yoga, curling, hula hooping, mini golf, walking soccer and many more. These free events are happening throughout Active Aging Week and aim to build stronger connections between older adults and their communities.

Initiated by the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA), events are hosted in September and the theme for 2016 is "explore the possibilities." 2016 is the fourth annual celebration in Oceanside and RDN Recreation and Parks is excited to work with the community to host a great list of free events.

For more information and a full list of events, please go to www.rdn.bc.ca/recreation or call 250-248-3252.


Jennifer Hopewell
Recreation Programmer
Regional District of Nanaimo
[email protected]
250-248-3252 or 1-888-828-2069