Request for Offers

One (1) New or Used 15 Passenger Van

The van will primarily be used to provide transportation services in support of the RDN’s Recreational Services programs.

Issue date:

March 21, 2018

Closing Date and Time:

Offers must be received prior to:
3:00 pm (15:00 hrs) Pacific Time, April 11, 2018

Questions are to be sent to:

Kurtis Felker
Purchasing Manager
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 250-390-6762

Submission methods (use one of the methods below to submit your Offers):

  1. By hand/courier delivery: Offers should be enclosed and sealed in an envelope clearly marked: "15 Passenger Van" delivered to the:
    Regional District of Nanaimo
    Main Reception - 2nd Floor
    6300 Hammond Bay Road
    Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 5Z8
    Attention: Kurtis Felker
  2. By Email: With "15 Passenger Van" as the subject line at this electronic address: [email protected]
Please note: Maximum email file size limit is 15MB, or less.

Offers will not be opened in public