Invitation To Tenderers

Anchor Way Watermain Replacement
RDN File: 5500-22-NBP

Supply, installation and testing of approximately 422 lineal metres of 200mmØ PVC watermain including appurtenances and service connections, removal of existing 150 AC pipe and completion of surface restorations on Anchor Way from Florence Drive to 2975 Anchor Way in Nanoose Bay, BC.

Contract Documents are available during normal business hours at:

Timberlake-Jones Engineering
Weldon Professional Centre
Suite 201-177 Weld Street
Parksville, BC V9P 2G3
Electronic (PDF) copies of the Tender Documents are available below at no charge. Hard copies of the tender documents are available on payment of a non-refundable amount of $100.00 including GST payable to Timberlake-Jones Engineering.

Tender Closing Time: 2:00pm local time
Tender Closing Date: March 7, 2018

RDN Utilities - 2nd Floor
6300 Hammond Bay Rd.
Nanaimo, BC
V9T 6N2