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Calendar of Events

Jun 22, 2016
Electoral Area H Official Community Plan Review Open House
Category: Area H - OCP Review - CM
Date: Jun 22, 2016
Time: 3:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Bowser Legion
7035 Island Highway West

Official Community Plan Review and Active Transportation Plan Kick Off!

You are invited to attend an Open House next month to provide feedback regarding two plans:
  • Official Community Plan: the Open House will wrap up the “explore issues” phase of the review and present what the community has said about changes needed to the Official Community Plan so far.
  • Active Transportation Plan: many people have said they would like more cycling and walking routes, as well as safety improvements along the highway. As part of the Official Community Plan Review, the RDN is working with active transportation professionals to develop a plan that will identify how to make it safer and easier for people to walk and cycle in their communities.
  • Open House Poster
  • Presentation Boards
  • Report on Open House Comments
  • Facebook Event
Drop by the open house and stay for as long or a short of a time as you like.