Invitation to Tender
San Pareil UV Upgrades
Tenders marked “Tender for the Regional District of Nanaimo – San Pareil UV Disinfection Upgrades” will be received at the office of Koers & Associates Engineering Ltd., PO Box 790, 194 Memorial Avenue, Parksville, B.C. V9P 2G8 up to 2:00 pm local time, Wednesday, August 16th, 2017.The work includes the supply of materials, labour, and equipment to construct a new UV Disinfection Building and install the new UV disinfection equipment including the following:
- Installation and commissioning of all process mechanical, electrical, instrumentation & controls, and installation of two pre-ordered UV reactors, and associated PLC programming.
- Fabrication, welding, and installation of stainless steel piping including miscellaneous valves, fittings, and appurtenances.
- Construction of a masonry block building and associated site drainage.
Enquiries regarding the project shall be directed to Ken Doll, P.Eng., of Koers & Associates Engineering Ltd., at telephone 1-250-248-3151 or email [email protected].
Award of the contract is subject to sufficient budget funds being available for the project. Tenders must be accompanied by the specified Bid Bond, payable to the Regional District of Nanaimo.
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The Regional District of Nanaimo reserves the right to waive informalities in or reject any or all tenders, or accept the tender deemed most favourable in the interests of the District, as detailed in this invitation and the tender documents. Tenders not conforming to the specified requirements may be returned to the Tenderer without consideration.
Mr. Gerald St.Pierre, PEng
Project Engineer
Water & Utility Services
Regional District of Nanaimo
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 6N2