Request for Proposal
The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is seeking responses to the following Request for Proposal (RFP):
Utility Work Machine Purchase - Request for Proposal RFP No. 17-01
This Proposal is for the Supplier selection to supply One (1) New Utility Work Machine or One (1) used Utility Work Machine.
Copies of the Proposal form can be downloaded from our website (links below) on or after Monday, January 9, 2017. All Suppliers are requested to reply to [email protected] to ensure inclusion in any and all addenda that may arise. There will be no public opening for this RFP.
- Utility Work Machine Purchase - RFP No 17-01
Filename File Size (mb) Modified 2017 RFP Utility Work Machine CRTS 0.41 MB Jan 6, 2017
Sealed Proposals clearly marked "Proposal for Transfer Station Utility Work Machine", RFP No. 17-01 and Name and Address of the Supplier will be received by hand or courier service only at:Regional District of NanaimoUp until 2:00 pm, (Pacific Standard Time) Tuesday, February 7, 2017.
Regional Landfill
1105 Cedar Road
Nanaimo BC V9X 1K9
Proposals may be withdrawn before the deadline upon written notice (facsimiles of notice will be accepted) to the Superintendent Scale & Transfer Service, at the address noted herein or at fax number 250 722 9437.
Alternate proposals may be submitted as part of this RFP. It is preferred that alternate proposals be provided as distinct and separate.
Proposals must remain valid for 60 days following the closing time and date. Proposals are irrevocable after the closing time and date.
The RDN reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals for any reason or to accept any Proposal that the RDN, in its sole unrestricted discretion, deems most advantageous to itself. The lowest or any Proposal may not necessarily be accepted. The Supplier acknowledges the rights of the RDN under this clause and absolutely waives any right of action against the RDN for failure of the RDN to accept its proposal whether such right of action arises in contract, negligence, bad faith or any other cause of action. The acceptance of any proposal is subject to funds being legally available to complete this transaction and/or approval by the Board of the RDN or the officer or employee of the RDN having authority to accept the Proposal.
Unless otherwise requested in writing by the herein designated RDN employee, a proponent must not contact or communicate with any elected or appointed officer or employee of the RDN other than the designated employee in relation to the Proposal prior to the award of such Proposal as outlined herein. Any such communication will result in disqualification of the Proposal from further consideration.
The RDN is subject to the provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. As a result, while Section 21 of the Act does offer some protection for third party business interests, the RDN cannot guarantee that any information provided to the RDN can or will be held in confidence.
Information regarding the specifications in this solicitation may only be obtained from:
Maggie Warren
Superintendent Scale & Transfer Service
Regional District of Nanaimo
Tel: (250)722-2044 ext. 3225
Fax: (250)722-9437
Email: [email protected]
Bill Hill
Chief Operator Equipment & Maintenance
Regional District of Nanaimo
Tel: (250)722-2044 ext. 3224
Email: [email protected]