Request For Quotation
Battery Removal
Closing Date January 17, 2017
The Regional District of Nanaimo is inviting your firm to quote on the removal of batteries from the Regional Landfill and Church Road Transfer Station sites. Specifications are attached. Proponents are required to respond to all specifications in order to be considered a valid quote.
Responses should be clearly marked 'RFQ-Regional Landfill and CRTS Battery Removal' and will be received either by email at: [email protected] or by hand or courier delivery at:
- RFQ - Regional Landfill and CRTS Battery Removal
Filename File Size (mb) Modified Battery RFQ 2017-2019 0.36 MB Dec 19, 2016
Regional LandfillUp until 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. Faxed responses will not be accepted.
1105 Cedar Road
Nanaimo, BC
V9X 1K9
Responses may be withdrawn before the deadline upon written notice to the Superintendent of Scale & Transfer Service at the above noted address or to Fax Number (250) 722-9437.
Responses may be replaced by alternative responses providing written notice (facsimiles of notice will be accepted) is delivered to the Superintendent Scale & Transfer Service at least twenty four (24) hours before the deadline for closing noted herein.
Responses must remain valid for 14 days following the closing time and date. Responses are irrevocable after the closing time and date.
The Regional District of Nanaimo reserves the right to award the order in whole or in part on the basis of quotations received and to accept the quotation or part of a quotation deemed most favorable to the District. The highest or any quotation may not necessarily be accepted. Further, the Regional District of Nanaimo reserves the right to reject any or all quotations.
Unless otherwise requested in writing by the designated Regional District employee, a proponent must not contact or communicate with any elected or appointed officer or employee of the Regional District other than the designated employee contact in relation to the quote prior to the award of such proposal by the Regional Board or alternatively the officer or employee of the Regional District having authority to accept the quotation. Any such communication will result in disqualification of the quote from further consideration.
Further information regarding the specifications in this quotation may be obtained from:
Maggie Warren
Superintendent Scale & Transfer Service
Regional Landfill
Phone: 722-2044 ext. 3225
Fax: 722-9437