MONDAY, MARCH 5, 2012, 7:00PM



Attendance:       Frank Van Eynde, Alternate Director, RDN Board

                              Gabrielle Cartilidge

                              Gordon Wiebe

                              Robert Rogers

                              Peter Law

                              Randy Orr

                              Glenn Thornton


Staff:                    David Palidwor, Acting Manager of Park Services

                              Elaine McCulloch, Parks Planner


Regrets:               George Holme, Director, RDN Board, Chair





               In the absence of Mr. George Home, Mr. Van Eynde called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.


               Mr. Van Eynde introduced and welcomed the Committee members.


               Ms. McCulloch briefly reviewed the Orientation Binder contents.  Ms. McCulloch distributed the RDN Electoral Area ‘E’ – 2012 Detailed Project Plan to be discussed under new business.




               Ms. McCulloch called for nominations for the position of Secretary.


               MOVED R. Orr, SECONDED F. Van Eynde, that Mr. Peter Law be nominated for the position of Secretary.



               As there were no other nominations, Ms. McCulloch declared Mr. Law as Secretary.




               MOVED P. Law, SECONDED B. Rogers, that the Late Delegation, Ms. Alex King, be received.



               Ms. A. King addressed the Committee, referencing Ms. Alex King’s letter dated February 29, 2012, included as late correspondence in the agenda.  She requested the Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee consider the development of the Blueback Drive Community Park (E-04).  She stated the park is well used by the residents and the diving community but is overrun with blackberries, is lacking washroom facilities and the beach path can be covered with drainage water making it a muddy mess.


               Ms. McCulloch noted the Blueback Drive Community Park is scheduled as a 2013 item on the Five Year Plan to be discussed later in the meeting.  As Ms. King volunteered assistance with the project, Ms. McCulloch suggested she could assist with the distribution of a survey to local property owners and the diving community about development opportunities at the park.




               MOVED R. Orr, SECONDED G. Wiebe, that the Minutes of the Electoral Area ‘E’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held October 3, 2011, be approved.





Ms. Cartlidge requested clarification on when researching potential locations for a boat launch became a priority project for the POSAC. E.  Ms. McCulloch stated the POSAC directed staff to investigate subsequent to a request by the Schooner Cove Yacht Club in July 2010.


Mr. Van Eynde requested the status of the proposed POSAC (all areas) workshop that was requested in March 2011.  Mr. Palidwor responded the report is on the workplan and is moving forward.


Mr. Law thanked RDN staff for providing the Regional Rail-Trail Feasibility Study to the Committee.




               MOVED G. Cartlidge, SECONDED G. Thornton, that the Correspondence T. Montgomery, Schooner Ridge Strata Council and the Late Correspondence A. King, re:  Development Blueback Community Park, be received.




               Monthly Update of Community Parks and Regional Parks and Trails Projects


               Ms. McCulloch provided a brief summary of the Community Parks and Regional Parks and Trails project for May 2011 through to January 2012.


               At Mr. Law’s inquiry, Ms. McCulloch stated the DL 137 Woodlot owner had indicated interest in enhancing trail networks in the area to link Moorecroft Regional Park with Davingham Community Trail, which is proposed for 2014.


               MOVED G. Cartlidge, SECONDED B. Rogers, that the Reports be received.



               Five Year Project Plan and 2012 Detailed Project Plan


               Ms. McCulloch reviewed the Five Year Project Plan for 2012 to 2016 and the Detailed Project Plan for 2012, noting the following high priority projects:

·        Boat Launch – Ms. McCulloch provided a brief verbal update on the September 2011 investigation into suitable boat launch sites, using the Boat Launch Criteria developed by the Boat Launch Sub-Committee.  A number of sites were assessed, with the conclusion being no public access options exist in Electoral Area ‘E’ for future development of a boat launch.  The findings report will be forwarded to the Committee members.

·        Fairwinds – A comprehensive development plan is expected from Fairwinds in the coming months.  RDN Parks staff will be involved in reviewing the plan and providing advice to Planning.

·        Schooner Ridge Footpath Rockhampton Rd Access – Following up from Mr. Montgomery’s correspondence regarding the Schooner Ridge Strata Corporation’s disinterest in entering into a License of Access Agreement with the RDN, a legal survey of the existing panhandle access was completed. Staff has also received a cost estimate of $16,000 to $20,000, from a local excavating company to develop the path to Schooner Ridge Park from Rockhampton Road. However only $7,000 is allocated in the 2012 budget for the development of this access.  Although the trail project is still possible, due to topographic constraints, an agreement will need to be negotiated with the Schooner Ridge Strata to allow a portion of the trail over their property. The Committee tabled the project until further land acquisitions come forward with the phased development of Fairwinds. Staff was directed to follow up with the Strata once again to see if they are amenable to the development of the entrance trail and the necessary access across a corner of their common property.




Noting Ms. King’s presentation at the meeting for a more accessible Blueback Drive Community Park and to make it a useful park asset for the local community, the Committee agreed to move the project forward as a priority park project for 2012.


MOVED P. Law, SECONDED R. Orr, that staff allocate the majority of the Electoral Area ‘E’ Community Park 2012 work hours to the development of a Blueback Drive Community Park Plan.



Ms. McCulloch stated with regard to Mr. Montgomery’s correspondence regarding the licence of access agreement at Schooner Ridge Path, a legal survey of the area has been completed to ensure the Regional District is clear about the location of the mapped access.  Using the survey information, staff have also received a cost estimate of $16,000 to $20,000, from a local excavating company to develop the path to Schooner Ridge Park from Rockhampton Road.


               Further discussion regarding this matter was deferred until later in the meeting under the Five Year Project Plan agenda item.







               MOVED R. Orr, SECONDED G. Cartlidge, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00pm.





