(immediately following Regional Hospital District Board meeting)


(RDN Board Chambers)






          1.           CALL TO ORDER


          2.           DELEGATIONS


10                          Rose Anne McQueen, re San Pareil Water System Petition.


11                          Helmut Osenjak, re San Pareil Water System Petition.


12                          Jo Dunn, SSPORA, re San Pareil Water System Petition.


          3.           BOARD MINUTES


13 - 18                    Minutes of the regular Board meeting held October 25, 2011.






          6.           UNFINISHED BUSINESS




                        For Adoption.


                              Bylaw No. 1648 – Regional Services Review – Phase III.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              That “Southern Community Economic Development Service Establishing Bylaw No. 1648” be adopted.


                              This bylaw establishes an Economic Development Service function in District 68 for the promotion of economic development.


                              Bylaw No. 1649 – Regional Services Review – Phase III.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              That “Northern Community Economic Development Service Establishing Bylaw No. 1649” be adopted.


                              This bylaw establishes an Economic Development Service function in District 69 for the promotion of economic development.


                              Bylaw No. 1556.01 – Regional Services Review – Phase III.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              That “Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Service Amendment Bylaw No. 1556.01” be adopted.


                              This bylaw will enable the municipalities to phase-in their full participation in the existing Drinking Water Watershed Protection Electoral Area function.






19 - 20                    Minutes of the Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held November 8, 2011. (for information)






                              Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL 2011-170 – Couverdon Real Estate – Pratt Road – Area ‘F’.  (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2011-170. (maximum speaking time 5 minutes)


                                    That Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2011-170 subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1-2, be approved.


                              Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2010-186 – Rowe – 2648 East Side Road – Area ‘H’.  (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2011-186. (maximum speaking time 5 minutes)


                              1.   That Development Permit with Variance Application No. 2010-186 to permit fill, and re-vegetation of the subject property within the 15.0 m setback to Horne Lake be approved in accordance with the Riparian Areas Assessment prepared by Streamline Consulting Ltd., dated August 24, 2011.


                              2.   That the requested variance to the setback from the creek from 15.0 m to 3.0 m, be approved.


                              3.   That the requested variances to vary the number of storeys, and permit enclosed occupiable storage space, be denied.





                              Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2011-123 – Jordan Desrochers – 2347 and 2419 Cedar Road – Area ‘A’.  (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2011-123. (maximum speaking time 5 minutes)


                                    That Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2011-123 to vary the minimum setback from 5.0 metres to 0.0 metres from an exterior side lot line fronting Cedar Road, be approved.




                              Subdivision Application No. PL2011-130 – Request to Relax the Minimum 10% Frontage Requirement and Request to Accept Park Land Dedication – Glencar Consultants Inc. – 702 and 714 Wembley Road, and 916 Island Highway West – Area ‘G’.  (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                              1.   That the request to relax the minimum 10% perimeter frontage requirement for proposed Lots 30 and 31, be approved.


                              2.   That the request to accept the dedication of park land, as outlined in Schedule No. 1, be accepted.


                              3.   That the Summary of the Public Information Meeting held on October 20, 2011, be received.




21 - 27                    Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held November 8, 2011. (for information)




                              Blair Lekstrom, Minister, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, re BC Transit Review.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from Blair Lekstrom, Minister, Ministry of Transportation and Infastructure regarding the BC Transit Review be received.




                              Operating Results for the Period Ending September 30, 2011.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the summary report of financial results from operations to September 30, 2011 be received for information.


                              Bylaw No. 1650 – Corporate Climate Action Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              1.   That "Corporate Climate Action Reserve Fund Establishing Bylaw No. 1650, 2011" be introduced and read three times.


                              2.   That "Corporate Climate Action Reserve Fund Establishing Bylaw No. 1650, 2011" be adopted.


                        DEVELOPMENT SERVICES


                              Bylaw No. 1259.08 - Proposed Fee for Official Community Plan Amendments Requiring Change to the Regional Growth Strategy.


                              (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


                              1.   That "Regional District of Nanaimo Fees and Charges Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1259.08, 2011" be introduced and read three times, as amended.


                              (All Directors – 2/3 Weighted Vote)


                              2.   That "Regional District of Nanaimo Fees and Charges Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1259.08, 2011", be adopted as amended.


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              3.   That staff be directed to investigate the establishment of a RGS amendment fee for municipal OCP amendment applications and report back to the Board on potential options for implementation.


                        RECREATION AND PARKS SERVICES


                              Province of BC Community Recreation Program Grant.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              1.   That the Regional District of Nanaimo apply to the Province of British Columbia's Community Recreation Program for the construction of the Cedar Skate and Bike Park in Electoral Area 'A' and that the project commence upon confirmation of approved funding from the Community Recreation Program.


                              2.   That the Regional District of Nanaimo apply to the Province of British Columbia's Community Recreation Program for the installation of the playground structure and sport court at Meadowood Way Community Park Playground in Electoral Area 'F' and that the project commence upon confirmation of approved funding from the Community Recreation Program.



                              3.   That the Regional District of Nanaimo apply to the Province of British Columbia's Community Recreation Program for the construction of Natural Playground Elements, Pump Track and Sport Court at Henry Morgan Community Park in Electoral Area 'H' and that the project commence upon confirmation of approved funding from the Community Recreation Program.




                              District 69 Recreation Commission.


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              1.   That the minutes from the meeting of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held October 20, 2011 be received for information.


                              (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EA’s ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’, ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)


                              2.   That the following District 69 Recreation Youth Grants be approved:

                                    Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society - youth drop-in sports   $    760

                                    Ballenas Dry Grad Committee                                                          $ 1,000

                                    Bard to Broadway Theatre Society - B2Glee Teen Show Choir            $ 1,000

                                    Kwalikum Secondary School Dry Grad                                              $ 1,000

                                    Oceanside Minor Hockey - female hockey program equipment            $ 1,200

                                    Oceanside Kidfest Society - youth activity                                          $ 1,240

                                    Young Life of Canada (Qualicum Beach) – game and sports equipment        $    835


                              3.   That the following District 69 Recreation Community Grants be approved:


                                    Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society – Community

                                      Music Committee "Band in a Box" equipment                                  $ 1,822

                                    Corcan Meadowood Residents Association - Scary Walk Halloween

                                      event supplies and fireworks                                                           $ 1,500

                                    Errington Co-op Preschool - play equipment                                     $ 1,200

                                    Mount Arrowsmith Pipe Band – Celtfest music school                        $ 1,500

                                    Oceanside Tourism Assn. - Oceanside Sport and Tourism

                                      Council event kit                                                                            $ 1,500

                                    Ravensong Aquatic Club - pool rental                                               $ 1,000

                                    Ravensong Masters Swimming - pool rental                                       $ 1,000


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              4.   That the Regional District of Nanaimo support the efforts of the Oceanside Tourism Association with their plans to promote sport tourism in the Oceanside area.


                              Electoral Area ‘B’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              1.   That the minutes from the meeting of the Electoral Area ‘B’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee held September 6, 2011 be received for information.


                              2.   That the Islands Trust be informed that the proposed trail location at 1520 McCollum Road in favour of a 5% parkland dedication, adjacent to the 707 Community Park, should be denied.


                              3.   That staff be directed to conduct a community consultation process with Mudge Island residents regarding beach access priorities.


                              4.   That the 707 Community Park trail names be selected by historical usage and geographical directions, in lieu of personal names.


                              East Wellington and Pleasant Valley Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes from the meeting of the East Wellington and Pleasant Valley Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held September 12, 2011 be received for information.


                              Electoral Area ‘E’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes from the meeting of the Electoral Area ‘E’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held October 3, 2011. be received for information.


                              Electoral Area ‘H’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes from the meeting of the Electoral Area ‘H’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held August 24, 2011 be received for information.


                              Regional Parks and Trails Advisory Committee.


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              1.   That the minutes from the Regional Parks and Trails Advisory Committee meeting held October 18, 2011 be received for information.


                              (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


                              2.   That the Coats Marsh Regional Park Management Plan be approved and used as a guide for park development and operation from 2011 to 2021.


                              3.   That the “Regional Parks Development Costs Charges Bylaw No. 1619, 2011” be introduced and read two times.


                              4.   That staff be directed to develop a consultation plan for 2012 that will solicit stakeholder group feedback and input on the Regional Parks Development Cost Charges Bylaw.


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              5.   That the topic of affordable housing and the use of regionally controlled land for use as affordable housing be referred to the next strategic planning session of the new Board.


                              Grants-in-Aid Committee.


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              That the minutes from the meeting of the Grants-in-Aid Committee held October 17, 2011 be received for information.


                              (EA’s ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ – Weighted Vote)


                              That Grant-in-Aid funds for District 68 be awarded to the following applicant:


                                    Jonanco Hobby Workshop Association                                              $ 1,300


                              (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EA’s ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’, ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)


                              That Grant-in-Aid funds for District 69 be awarded to the following applicants:


Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society                                    $ 1,000

Lighthouse Country Marine Rescue Society                                       $ 1,000

Nanoose Bay Catspan                                                                      $ 2,000

Qualicum Cat Rescue Society                                                           $ 2,000


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              That the Parksville and District Association for Community Living be encouraged to work on the homelessness initiative in the District 69 area based on their capacity and staffing to do this; and that the Association be advised that the Grants-in-Aid Committee would consider reviewing their grant application in the future.


                        RISE & REPORT




                              Regional Parks and Trails Advisory Committee.  (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


                                    That staff be directed to work in collaboration with the City of Parksville to identify a route for a potential public trail and bridge that would connect Parksville Community Park with Rathtrevor Provincial Park.





          7.4         COMMISSIONS




28 - 35                    Arrowsmith Water Service Management Board.


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Minutes from the meeting of the Arrowsmith Water Service Management Board held October 20, 2011.  (for information)


                              (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


1.   That the AWS Management Board recommend the Joint Ventures adopt the Year 2011 Final Budget as shown on Table 1, dated October 20, 2011.


2.   That the AWS Management Board recommend the Joint Ventures adopt the 2012 – 2016 Financial Plan as shown on Table 2, dated October 20, 2011.


36 - 43                    Englishman River Water Service Management Board.


                              (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Minutes from the meeting of the Englishman River Water Service Management Board held November 9, 2011.  (for information)


                              (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


1.      That the Englishman River Water Service Management Board recommend the Joint Venturers adopt the Year 2011 Budget as shown on Table 1, dated November 9, 2011.


2.      That the Englishman River Water Service Management Board recommend the Joint Venturers adopt the 2012 – 2016 Financial Plan as shown on Table 2, dated November 9, 2011.


44 - 47                    Electoral Area ‘F’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Minutes from the meeting of the Electoral Area ‘F’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee held October 24, 2011.  (for information)


48 - 49                    Electoral Area ‘G’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Minutes from the meeting of the Electoral Area ‘G’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee held October 17, 2011.  (for information)


                              Transit Select Committee.


                              Minutes from the meeting of the Transit Select Committee held November 17, 2011.  (for information)  (To be circulated)


          8.           ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORTS


50 - 53                    Release of Corporate Climate Action Reserve Funds for Transit Operations Infrastructure.  (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


54 - 61                    Solid Waste Management Regulation Bylaw No. 1531.03 – 2012 Tipping Fees.  (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


                              Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1615, 2011 Referrals to Affected Local Governments for Acceptance. (To be circulated)  (All Directors – One Vote)


                              San Pareil Water System Service Area (Fire Protection Improvements) Establishing Bylaw No. 1646 and Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1647. (To be circulated)  (All Directors – One Vote)


          9.           ADDENDUM




        11.           NEW BUSINESS


        12.           BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)


        13.           ADJOURNMENT


        14.           IN CAMERA


                        That pursuant to Section 90(1)(c) and (e) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to consider items related to personnel and land matters.