TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2011

7:00 PM


(RDN Board Chambers)








                        CALL TO ORDER




6                            Sandy Ferguson and Paul Liddy, re Expansion of the Nanaimo Bioenergy Centre.




7 - 11                     Minutes of the regular Committee of the Whole meeting held May 10, 2011.






12 - 13                    J. A. Ferrero, re People with Disabilities.


                        UNFINISHED BUSINESS








14 - 16                    Use of Development Cost Charges in 2010.


17 - 28                    Board Remuneration Review and Recommendations.


29 - 30                    Central Island 911 Service Update.


31 - 71                    Bylaw No. 1611 - Renewal of Central Island 911 Partnership Agreement and 911 Call Answer Levy.


72 - 75                    Fire Departments Authority to Respond to Emergencies Outside Fire Protection Boundaries.



                        DEVELOPMENT SERVICES


                        BUILDING & BYLAW


76 - 82                    Building Inspection – Contaminated Building Remediation Policy.


83 - 86                    Building Inspection – Building Bylaw Contravention – 3106 Northwest Bay Road – Area ‘E’.


87 - 91                    Bylaw Enforcement – Zoning and Building Bylaw Contraventions – 146 Kinkade Road – Area ‘G’.




92 - 124                  Bylaw No. 1615 – Regional District of Nanaimo Growth Strategy Bylaw and Summary of Public Input.




                        LIQUID WASTE


125 - 135                Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre and Nanaimo Community Gardens Society Agreement.




136 - 137                Drinking Water and Watershed Protection – Water Budget Project – Expenditure of Reserve Funds.




                        SOLID WASTE


138 - 151                Regional Landfill – Cedar Road Bioenergy Facility Expansion Agreement.




152 - 154                Electric Vehicle Use Within Electoral Areas.




                              Arrowsmith Water Services Management Board.


155 - 159                Minutes from the meeting of the Arrowsmith Water Service Management Board held April 26, 2011.  (for information)




                              AWS Capital Plan Study


                              (A copy of the full study is available on the AWS Website, and a copy will also be available for viewing at the Committee of the Whole meeting.)


1.      That the Arrowsmith Water Service Joint Venturers adopt the report ‘Englishman River Water Intake, Treatment Facilities and Supply Mains Phase 1 Conceptual Planning, Budgeting and Scheduling Report’ dated April 2011, prepared by Associated Engineering.


2.      That the Arrowsmith Water Service Management Board direct the Arrowsmith Water Service Management Committee to proceed with the recommendations in the report.


160 - 167                AWS Communications Strategy


                              That the AWS Management Board approve the Arrowsmith Water Service Communications Strategy.


                              AWS Project Manager


1.      That the Arrowsmith Water Service Management Board approve the new position of “AWS Program Manager”, effective immediately.


2.      That the AWS Management Board authorize the AWS Management Committee to direct the Operator, (City of Parksville), to appoint and employ a qualified AWS Program Manager, such appointment subject to approval of the AWS Management Board.


3.      That the Operator be reimbursed from the AWS Operating Budget for AWS Program Manager compensation and expenses directly attributable to AWS activities.


                              District 69 Recreation Commission.


168 - 173                Minutes from the meeting of the District 69 Recreation Commission held May 19, 2011.  (for information)


                              District 69 Recreation Grants

                              1.   That a cross reference process be formalized in RDN Grant-In-Aid procedures to ensure applicants are accurately completing RDN Grant-In-Aid request forms and to verify applying organizations meet the criteria for the Grant-In-Aid programs.



2.      That the following District 69 Recreation Youth Grants be approved:

Arrowsmith Community Enhance. Society - youth sport facility rental  $   400

Bard to Broadway Society - youth summer theatre facility rental              800

Bard to Broadway Society - Education Series facility rental                   1,500

Erik Goetzinger BMX Society Qualicum Beach - gate controls,

  gate repairs and PA speaker                                                              1,500

District 69 Family Resource Association - youth week event                     600

Milner Gardens and Woodland - Shoots with Roots

  youth camps at VIU marine field station                                             1,195

Oceanside Minor Baseball - video training equipment                           1,500

Ravensong Aquatic Club - pool rental                                                  2,500


3.      That the following District 69 Recreation Community Grants be approved:

Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society –

  Coombs Halloween Candy Walk                                                     $ 1,500

Arrowsmith Agricultural Association - padding for indoor court            2,500

Oceanside Building Learning Together –

  sand; play cars and helmets; play traffic signs                                    2,500

Nanoose Bay Landscaping Project - landscape materials and irrigation 1,500

Parksville and District Association for Community Living -

  program and event expenses                                                              1,500

Parksville and District 69 Team – transportation                                  1,500

Parksville Lions Club - playground maintenance                                  1,500

Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club - equipment and signage              1,400

Qualicum Beach Historical and Museum Society –

  children's day event costs                                                                     750


174 - 177                Arrowsmith Community (Area 'F') Recreation Services Agreement 2011-2013


                                    That the Agreement with the Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society, as provided in Appendix A, covering the term from June 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013, be approved as presented.


178 - 197                District 69 Recreation Services Fees and Charges


                              1.   That the 2011-2012 Northern Community Recreation Services Program Fees be approved as provided in Appendix ‘A’.


                              2.   That the 2011-2012 program, admission and rental fees for Oceanside Place be approved as provided in Appendix ‘B’.


                              3.   That the 2011-2012 program, admission and rental fees for Ravensong Aquatic Centre be approved as provided in Appendix ‘C’.


      4.   That the Fees and Charges Policy be approved as amended in Appendix ‘E’.



198 - 227                Electoral Area ‘A’ Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission.


                              Minutes from the meeting of the Electoral Area ‘A’ Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission held May 26, 2011.


                  1.   That a Porta Potty with a concrete privacy surround, a garbage can and dog sign be installed at the Pebble Beach MOTI water access in Electoral Area ‘A’.


                              2.   That the Electoral Area ‘A’ Recreation and Culture Services Fees and Charges Policy be approved as amended in Appendix A.


                              3.   That the Electoral Area ‘A’ Recreation and Culture Services 2011-12 program fees and charges be approved as outlined in Appendix B.


                              4.   That $27,000 in 2011 and $21,000 in 2012 be provided to Cedar Community Hall Association for hall upgrades funded by the Area ‘A’ Community Parks Budget.


                  5.   That the Regional District enter into an Agreement with the Cedar Community Hall Association that provides for a reduced rental arrangement for a five year period.


                              6.   That the License to Use Agreement between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the Cedar Community School and Enhancement Society for the operation and use of the Cedar Heritage Centre be approved for a Three Year Term from July 1, 2011 – May 30, 2014.


                              7.   That the request by Cedar School and Community Enhancement Society (CSCES) be approved as presented, with the understanding that the placement of the memorial bench for Mr. Jock Gourlay may be temporary due to being on leased land and should the removal of the bench be required, it will be returned to the family.


                              8.   That a memorial bench policy in RDN Parks be developed.






                        NEW BUSINESS


                        BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)




                        IN CAMERA


                        That pursuant to Section 90(1)(e) and (g) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera Committee of the Whole meeting to consider items related to land issues.