TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2010

(immediately following the Hospital Board meeting)



(RDN Board Chambers)









          1.           CALL TO ORDER


          2.           DELEGATIONS


12                           Sakari Rautiainen, re Request to Support Area ‘H’ ALR Application.


          3.           BOARD MINUTES


13 - 28                    Minutes of the regular Board meeting held April 27, 2010.






29 - 32                    Janet Dunnett, Parksville Qualicum Community Foundation, re Request for Youth Support to Present to Combined Chambers of Commerce.


          6.           UNFINISHED BUSINESS




                        Public Hearing, Third Reading & Adoption.


33 - 41                    Report of the Public Hearing held May 11, 2010 on Amendment Bylaws No. 1055.04, 1148.06, 1152.04, 1335.04, 1400.02 & 1540.01. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - One Vote)


                                    That the Report of the Public Hearing containing the Summary of Minutes and Submissions of the Public Hearing held Tuesday, May 11, 2010, together will all written submissions to the Public Hearing be received.


                              Bylaw No. 1055.04


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - One Vote)


1.      That “Regional District of Nanaimo East Wellington-Pleasant Valley Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1055.04, 2010" be read a third time.


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - 2/3 Vote)


2.      That “Regional District of Nanaimo East Wellington-Pleasant Valley Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1055.04, 2010" be adopted.


                              Bylaw No. 1148.06


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - One Vote)


1.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Arrowsmith Benson-Cranberry Bright Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1148.06, 2010" be read a third time.


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - 2/3 Vote)


2.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Arrowsmith Benson-Cranberry Bright Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1148.06, 2010" be adopted.


                              Bylaw No. 1152.04


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - One Vote)


1.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘F’ Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.04, 2010" be read a third time.


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - 2/3 Vote)


2.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘F’ Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.04, 2010" be adopted.


                              Bylaw No. 1335.04


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - One Vote)


1.      That “Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘H’ Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1335.04, 2010” be read a third time.


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - 2/3 Vote)


2.      That “Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘H’ Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1335.04, 2010” be adopted.


                              Bylaw No. 1400.02


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - One Vote)


1.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No, 1400.02, 2010" be read a third time.


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - 2/3 Vote)


2.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No, 1400.02, 2010" be adopted.


                              Bylaw No. 1540.01


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - One Vote)


1.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘G’ Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1540.01. 2010" be read a third time.


                                    (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ - 2/3 Vote)


2.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area ‘G’ Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 1540.01. 2010" be adopted.


                                    These bylaws amend the Official Community Plans for East Wellington - Pleasant Valley, Arrowsmith Benson - Cranberry Bright, Nanoose Bay & Areas 'F', 'G' & 'H' to include greenhouse gas emission targets.


                        For Adoption.


                              Bylaw No. 975.52. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That “Regional District of Nanaimo Pump & Haul Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 975.52, 2010” be adopted.


                                    This bylaw amends the Pump & Haul service establishment bylaw by reducing the boundaries to exclude an Area ‘E’ property and by updating the legal description of an Area ‘B’ property.






42 - 43                    Minutes of the Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held May 11, 2010. (for information)




                        AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS


                              Bylaw No. 500.355 Zoning Amendment Application No. PL2009-211 - Keith Brown & Associates - Fielding Road - Area ‘A’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That the Summary of the Public Information Meeting held on April 21, 2010 be received.


2.      That Application No. PL2009-211 to rezone the subject property from Residential 2 (RS2) to Industrial I (IN 1) be approved subject to the conditions included in Schedule No. 1.


3.      That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.355, 2010" be given 1st and 2nd reading.


4.      That the Public Hearing on "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.355, 2010" be delegated to Director Burnett or his alternate.




                              Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2010-063 - JE Anderson & Associates - Lee Road East - Area ‘G’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2010-063.


                                    That the Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2010-063, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 - 4.


                              Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2010-067 - Martin - 3581 Juriet Road - Area ‘A’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2010-067.


                                    That the Development Variance Permit Application No PL2010-067, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 - 3.




44 - 50                    Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held May 11, 2010. (for information)




                              Sally Barton, Bowser Seniors Housing Society, re Crown Land Application in Bowser Village Centre. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from the Bowser Seniors Housing Society be received.


                              J. E. Harrison, City of Nanaimo, re RDN Not-For-Profit Rental Housing Sewer Development Cost Charge Reduction Bylaw No. 1577, 2010. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from the City of Nanaimo be received.


                              Christopher, Liliana, and Isabella Garbers, re Growth Strategy Amendment to Support Zoning & OCP Amendment Application No. 0604 - Addison - 2610 Myles Lake Road - Electoral Area ‘C’. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from Christopher, Liliana, and Isabella Garbers be received.






                              2009 Audited Financial Statements. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the 2009 Consolidated Financial Statements, associated financial schedules and Auditors' Report to the Chief Administrative Officer be received.


                              2009 Statement of Financial Information. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the 2009 Financial Information Act report be received and approved and be forwarded to the Ministry of Community and Rural Development.


                              2009 Directors’ & Committee Members’ Remuneration & Expenses. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the 2009 report on remuneration and expenses for Board and Committee members be received.


                        DEVELOPMENT SERVICES


                        BUILDING & BYLAW


                              Notice of Building Bylaw Contravention - 2443 Arlington Road - Area ‘E’. (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Notice of Building Bylaw Contravention at 2443 Arlington Road - Area ‘E’.

                                    That staff be directed to register a Notice of Bylaw Contravention on title pursuant to Section 57 Community Charter and that legal action be taken if necessary to ensure "Lot 1, District Lot 79, Plan 6073, Nanoose District" is in compliance with "Regional District of Nanaimo Building Regulation & Fees Bylaw 1250, 2001 and Regional District of' Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw 500, 1987".


                              Property Maintenance Contravention - 2307 Gould Road West - Area ‘A’. (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Property Maintenance Contravention at 2307 Gould Road West - Area ‘A’.


                                    That this item be referred back to staff for further review and that a report be prepared for the May 25th, 2010 Board meeting.


                              Property Maintenance Contravention - 225 DeCourcy Drive - Area ‘B’. (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Property Maintenance Contravention at 225 DeCourcy Drive - Area ‘B’.


                                    That the owners of the subject property be directed to remove from the premises those items as set out in the attached Resolution within fourteen (14) days, or the work will be undertaken by the Regional District of Nanaimo's agents at the owner's cost.


                              Building Inspection Service - Public Consultation Plan for Proposed Expansion. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That staff be directed to hold a series of satellite office openings and public information meetings in Electoral Areas ‘A’ & ‘C’, Electoral Area ‘F’ and Electoral ‘H’ in accordance with the schedule set-out in the report.




                              Regional Growth Strategy Amendment to Support Zoning & OCP Amendment Application No. 0604 - Addison - 2610 Myles Lake Road - Electoral Area ‘C’. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board approve consideration for a site specific amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy to permit an Official Community Plan and zoning amendment that will decrease the minimum parcel size outside of the Urban Containment Boundary to enable an application for a proposed 4 parcel subdivision, minimum parcel size 5 acres, each with one house and dedicated path/trail to access Blind Lake Park.


                        RECREATION AND PARKS SERVICES




                              Area ‘H’ Community Parks Service - Licence of Occupation Renewal for Water Access at Sunnybeach Road. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


                                    That the 2010-2015 Licence of Occupation with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for the purpose of continuing the operation of the Sunnybeach Road water access in Qualicum Bay (Electoral Area ‘H’) be approved.






                              RDN Wastewater Services - Annual Wastewater Treatment Facilities Report. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the 2009 Annual Wastewater Treatment Facilities Report be received for information.


                              Proposed Expansion of Surfside Sewer Service - Results of Property Owner Consultation. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board receive this report for information and that no further action on the Surfside Sanitary Sewer Collection System expansion be taken at this time.




                              RDN Water Services - Well Condition Assessment & Maintenance Plan. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board receive the Well Condition Assessment and Maintenance Plan staff report for information.


                              Proposed Acquisition of Whiskey Creek Water District. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the RDN petition the residents of the Whiskey Creek Water District to determine support for the RDN to acquire the Whiskey Creek Water District utility and staff report back to the RDN Board on the results of the petition process.


                              San Pareil Water Service - Expenditure of Funds from Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1395 for Replacement of Water Main. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That a drawdown of up to $17,000 from "Regional District of Nanaimo (San Pareil Water Service) Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1395, 2004" for the replacement of the water supply main from the system reservoir to the distribution piping network be approved.




                              District 69 Recreation Commission. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held April 15, 2010 be received for information.


                                    Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘E’, ‘F’ ‘G’ ‘H’ – Weighted Vote


2.      That the District 69 Field Allocations Update and Review of Guidelines report be received as information and staff be directed to meet with the City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach and School District #69 to review current scheduling practices, discuss trends in field use and review possible solutions to meet the changing demand on the District’s sportfields.


3.      That staff be directed to develop a recognition program for local groups or individuals that reside either in the City of Parksville, the Town of Qualicum Beach or Electoral Areas E, F, G and H and have won a Provincial, Western Canadian, National or World championship for the District 69 Recreation Commission’s consideration.


4.      That the District 69 Recreation Financial Assistance Program report be received as information.


                              Electoral Area ‘G’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes of the Electoral Area ‘G’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held April 12, 2010 be received for information.


                              Grants-in-Aid Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes of the Grants-in-Aid Advisory Committee meeting held May 5, 2010 be received for information.


                                    District 68 (Nanaimo, Lantzville, EAs ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ – Weighted Vote)


                                    That the following grants be awarded:


                                    Name of Organization                                                 Amount Recommended

                                    Hope Centre                                                                            $    500

                                    Jonanco Hobby Workshop Association                                   $    460

                                    Poetry Gabriola Society                                                          $ 1,000

                                                                                                                                    $ 1,960




                                    District 69 (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’ ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)


                                    That the following grants be awarded:


                                    Name of Organization                                                 Amount Recommended

                                    Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society                          $ 1,500

                                    Bow Horne Bay Community Club                                             $    800

                                    Errington War Memorial Hall Association                               $ 1,300

                                    Lighthouse Country Marine Rescue Society                            $ 1,500

                                    Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Foundation                               $    700

                                    Oceanside Volunteer Association                                            $ 1,000

                                    Parksville & District Association for Community Living          $ 1,600

                                    Vancouver Island Opera                                                         $ 1,000

                                                                                                                                    $ 9,400


                              Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes of the Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting held April 22, 2010 be received for information.


                              Transit Select Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the Transit Select Committee meeting held April 22, 2010 be received for information.


2.      That staff be directed to send a letter to BC Transit regarding the RDN Board’s interest in participating in a pilot study that would explore the benefits of using natural gas vehicles for Transit.


3.      That staff be directed to send a letter to BC Transit requesting that older buses in the RDN Transit System be replaced by the newer more efficient Olympic buses.




                              Sally Barton, Bowser Seniors Housing Society, re Seniors Housing and Our Crown Land Application in Bowser Village Centre. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board directs staff to meet with the Bowser Seniors Housing Society Executive to discuss and if possible negotiate a partnership between the RDN and the Bowser Senior Housing Society to apply for a Free Crown Grant for two lots of Crown Land that are within the boundary of the Bowser Village Centre, and then if successful, to lease part of those two lots to the Bowser Seniors Housing Society for the purposes of building an independent-supportive seniors housing facility.


                        NEW BUSINESS


                              J. E. Harrison, City of Nanaimo, re RDN Not-For-Profit Rental Housing Sewer Development Cost Charge Reduction Bylaw No. 1577, 2010. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That this item be referred back to staff for a report.




          7.4         COMMISSIONS




                              Regional Agricultural Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


51 - 52                    Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting held April 30, 2010. (for information)


                              Transit Select Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


53 - 76                    Minutes of the Transit Select Committee meeting held May 13, 2010. (for information)


                                    That the 210/2011 AOA with BC Transit be held in abeyance until a discussion is held with the President and CEO of BC Transit, regarding the increase in BC Transit’s management fees.


          8.           ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORTS


77 - 80                    Open Burning - Provincial Regulation Changes. (All Directors – One Vote)


81 - 97                    Property Maintenance Contravention Update - 2307 Gould Road West - Area ‘A’. (All Directors – One Vote)


98 - 100                  Solid Waste Disposal Service – Contract Award for Supply & Distribution of Green Bins. (All Directors - Weighted Vote)


          9.           ADDENDUM




        11.           NEW BUSINESS


                              Electoral Area ‘B’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (verbal report Director Rudischer)


        12.           BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)


        13.           ADJOURNMENT


        14.           IN CAMERA


                        That pursuant to Section 90(1) (e) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera Committee meeting to consider items related to land issues.