(immediately following the Hospital Board meeting)
(RDN Board Chambers)
16 Wendy Maurer, Vancouver Island Economic Alliance, re Overview of the Link Project.
France Tellier & Violet Smith, John Howard Society, re Overview of the Restorative Justice Program.
17 Carly Gronlund, Nanaimo Telephone Visiting Society, re Society Overview.
18 - 30 Minutes of the regular Board meeting held February 23, 2010.
31 Sheila Malcolmson, Islands Trust, re Update - Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program.
For Adoption.
Bylaw No. 789.03 – Amends the Fairwinds Streetlighting Service Establishment Bylaw. (All Directors – One Vote)
That “Fairwinds Streetlighting Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 789.03, 2010” be adopted.
This bylaw increases the maximum requisition limit for the Fairwinds Streetlighting Service.
Bylaw No. 804.06 – Amends the Area ‘F’ Community Parks Service Establishment Bylaw. (All Directors – One Vote)
That “Electoral Area ‘F’ Community Parks Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 804.06, 2010” be adopted.
This bylaw increases the maximum requisition limit for the Area ‘F’ Community Parks Service.
Bylaw No. 861.02 – Amends the Joint Civic Properties & Recreation Commission Service Establishment Bylaw. (All Directors – One Vote)
That “Joint Civic Properties & Recreation Commission Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 861.02” be adopted.
This bylaw introduces several house-keeping amendments including changing the name of the service from Joint Civic Properties & Recreation Commission to Northern Community Recreation.
Bylaw No. 1001.04 – Amends the Parksville Fire Protection Service Establishment Bylaw. (All Directors – One Vote)
That “Parksville Local Fire Protection Service Amendment Bylaw No. 1001.04, 2010” be adopted.
This bylaw increases the maximum requisition limit for the Parksville Fire Protection Service.
Bylaw No. 1553.02 – Amends the Regional Growth Management Service Establishment Bylaw. (All Directors – One Vote)
That “Regional Growth Management Service Amendment Bylaw No. 1553.02, 2010” be adopted.
This bylaw increases the maximum requisition limit for the Regional Growth Management Service.
32 - 33 Minutes of the Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held March 9, 2010. (for information)
Request for Frontage Relaxation on Subdivision Application No. PL2009-716 - Townline Ventures Boat Harbour Ltd. - Kendall Road & Pylades Drive - Area 'A'. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)
That the request to relax the minimum 10% perimeter frontage requirement for proposed Lots 2-7 inclusive be approved.
Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets in Official Community Plans. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)
1. That staff be directed to prepare the OCP bylaw amendments to address the requirement for greenhouse gas emission targets.
2. That one public hearing be scheduled and be held in the RDN Board Chambers for all OCP bylaw amendments.
34 - 45 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held March 9, 2010. (for information)
Miles Phillips, Cowichan Energy Alternatives Society, re Request for Letter of Support. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the correspondence from the Cowichan Energy Alternatives Society requesting a letter of support for the “Vancouver Island Bio-Fuel Network (VIBN) Project” be received.
Bob Maling, Homeowner Protection Office, re Proposed Expansion of Building Inspection Service. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the correspondence from the Homeowner Protection Office in support of the proposed expansion of Building Inspection Services be received.
Chuck & Linda Addison, re Growth Strategy Amendment to Support Zoning & OCP Amendment Application No. 0604. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the correspondence from Chuck & Linda Addison be received.
Peter Alexander, BC Assessment, re Building Permits and BC Assessment. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the correspondence from BC Assessment regarding the proposed expansion of Building Inspection Services be received.
Bruce Cownden, Denise Sakai & Helen Sims, Oceanside Development & Construction Association, re Proposed Expansion of Building Inspection Service. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the correspondence from the Oceanside Development & Construction Association regarding the proposed expansion of Building Inspection Services be received.
Byron Gallant, Canadian Home Builders’ Association - Central Vancouver Island, re Proposed Expansion of Building Inspection Service. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the correspondence from the Canadian Home Builders’ Association regarding the proposed expansion of Building Inspection Services be received.
Policy A1.15 - Proposed Amendment to Provide for Reimbursement of Telecommunication Devices. (All Directors – One Vote)
1. That the Board support covering the cost of mobile telecommunication devices for Electoral Area Directors.
2. That Policy A1.15 be amended by adding the following sections:
5. Mobile Telecommunication Devices
At the option of an Electoral Area Director, the Regional District will either provide the Director with a Blackberry or a monthly allowance of $50 as reimbursement for a mobile telecommunication device. The allowance shall be provided on or about the first day of the month.
6. Annual Eligibility for Communication Services Allowances
In December of each year a Director shall on request, identify which communication services are in use by the Director. The monthly allowances shall be amended in accordance with that report commencing January 1 of each calendar year.
Bylaws No. 1532.02 & 1596 – Amend User Rates and Establish a Parcel Tax for the Cedar Sewer Service.
Bylaw No. 1532.02
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Cedar Sewer Service Area Rates and Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 1532.02, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Cedar Sewer Service Area Rates and Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 1532.02, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1596
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Cedar Sewer Service Parcel Tax Rate Bylaw No. 1596, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Cedar Sewer Service Parcel Tax Rate Bylaw No. 1596, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaws No. 1567.01, 1568.01, 1569.01, 1336.07, 1483.04 & 1525.02 - Amend Parcel Tax Rates for Water, Sewer, Fire Protection and Crime Prevention/ Community Justice Services.
Bylaws No. 1567.01
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Water Services Parcel Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1567.01, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Water Services Parcel Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1567.01, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaws No. 1568.01
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Sewer Services Parcel Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1568.01 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Sewer Services Parcel Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1568.01, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1569.01
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Fire Protection Services Parcel Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1569.01, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Fire Protection Services Parcel Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1569.01, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1336.07
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Driftwood Water Supply Service Area Parcel Tax Rate Amendment Bylaw No. 1336.07, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Driftwood Water Supply Service Area Parcel Tax Rate Amendment Bylaw No. 1336.07, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1483.04
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Barclay Crescent Sewer Service Area Parcel Tax Rate Amendment Bylaw No. 1483.04, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Barclay Crescent Sewer Service Area Parcel Tax Rate Amendment Bylaw No. 1483.04, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1525.02
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Crime Prevention and Community Justice Support Service Parcel Tax Rate Bylaw No. 1525.02, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Crime Prevention and community Justice Support Service Parcel Tax Rate Bylaw No 1525.02, 2010” be adopted.
Operating Results for the Period Ending December 31, 2009. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the summary report of financial results for the year ending December 31, 2009 be received for information.
Bylaws No. 787.13, 1250.05 & 1595 - Amend the Building Inspection Service Establishment, Regulatory and Fees & Charges Bylaws.
Bylaw No. 787.13
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Building Inspection Extended Service Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 787.13, 2010,” be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Ministry of Community and Rural Development for approval.
Bylaw No. 1250.05
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Building Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 1250.05, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
Bylaw No. 1595
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Building Regulation Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 1595, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
Policy No. B2.1
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That Building Permit Fees Policy No. B2.1 be approved as amended.
District 69 Animal Control Services - Kenneling Agreement. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)
That the agreement between the SPCA and the Regional District of Nanaimo for the sale of dog licenses and use of the animal shelter at 1565 Alberni Highway for the boarding of impounded dogs be approved for a two year term commencing April 1, 2010 and ending March 31, 2012.
Building Inspection Service – Proposed Policy Respecting the Requirement for Inclusion of New Subdivisions Within the Service Area. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the attached policy with respect to inclusion of new subdivisions within the building inspection area be endorsed with a revised effective date of October 1, 2010.
Bylaws No. 1021.08 & 889.55 - Amend the Boundaries of the Pacific Shores and Northern Community Sewer Services to Include an Area ‘E’ Property. (All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Pacific Shores Sewer Local Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 1021.08, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
2. That “Northern Community Sewer Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 889.55, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
Bylaw No. 1577 - Reduction of Sewer Development Cost Charges for Not-for-Profit Rental Housing (Northern Community, Southern Community, Duke Point & Fairwinds Sewer Services). (All Directors except EA ‘B’ – Weighted Vote)
That “Regional District of Nanaimo Not-for-Profit-Rental Housing Sewer Development Cost Charge Reduction Bylaw No. 1577, 2010” be introduced, as amended, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
Southern Community Sewer Service - Biosolids Contract Extension. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)
That Vancouver Island University be granted a two year extension to the initial contract for the hauling and beneficial reuse of biosolids from the Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre at $77 per tonne, through to February 28th, 2012.
Northern Community Sewer Service - Insurance Release for Roof Repair at French Creek Pollution Control Centre. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)
That the Board approves the execution of an Insurance Release for roof repairs at the French Creek Pollution Control Centre.
Northern & Southern Community Sewer Services - Assignment Award & Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaws No. 1593 & 1594. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)
1. That the GNPCC and FCPCC wastewater treatment options assignments be awarded to AECOM for a maximum value of $221,655, excluding GST.
(Nanaimo, Lantzville, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘C’, ‘E’, ‘F’ ‘G’ & ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)
2. That Northern Community Development Cost Charge funds in the amount of $110,200 and Southern Community Development Cost Charge funds in the amount of $79,600 be approved as a source of funds for these projects.
Bylaw No. 1593
(Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘E’, ‘F’ ‘G’ & ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)
1. That “Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1593, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘E’, ‘F’ ‘G’ & ‘H’ – 2/3 Weighted)
2. That “Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1593, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1594
(Nanaimo, Lantzville, EA ‘C’ – Weighted Vote)
1. That “Southern Community Sewer Local Service Area Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1594, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(Nanaimo, Lantzville, EA ‘C’ – 2/3 Weighted)
2. That “Southern Community Sewer Local Service Area Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1594, 2010” be adopted.
Convening for Action on Vancouver Island - 2009 Activities. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the Board continue to support staff participation in CAVI and attendance at CAVI learning activities associated with promoting water sustainability.
Update - Toilet Replacement Incentive Program. (All Directors – One Vote)
That the Board receive the Toilet Replacement Incentive Program Update report for information.
Bylaws No. 1340.02, 1342.02, 1343.02, 1346.02, 1384.02, 1435.01 & 1592 - Amend & Establish Water Restrictions in the San Pareil, Decourcey, French Creek, Surfside, Englishman River, Melrose and Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Areas.
Bylaw No. 1340.02
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo San Pareil Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1340.02, 2010” be introduced for three readings.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo San Pareil Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1340.02, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1342.02
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Decourcey Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1342.02, 2010” be introduced for three readings.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Decourcey Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1342.02, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1343.02
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo French Creek Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1343.02, 2010” be introduced for three readings.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo French Creek Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1343.02, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1346.02
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Surfside Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1346.02, 2010” be introduced for three readings.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Surfside Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1346.02, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1384.02
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Englishman River Community Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1384.02, 2010” be introduced for three readings.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Englishman River Community Water Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1384.02, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1435.01
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Melrose Terrace Water Local Service Area Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1435.01, 2010” be introduced for three readings.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Melrose Terrace Water Local Service Area Uses Restrictions Amendment Bylaw No. 1435.01, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1592
(All Directors – One Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area Uses Restrictions Bylaw No. 1592, 2010” be introduced for three readings.
(All Directors – 2/3)
2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area Uses Restrictions Bylaw No. 1592, 2010” be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1531.02 - Amends the Solid Waste Disposal Service Regulations Bylaw by Increasing Tippling Fees.
(All Directors – Weighted Vote)
1. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Solid Waste Management Regulation Bylaw No. 1531.02, 2010” be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors – 2/3 Weighted)
2. That “Regional District of Nanaimo Solid Waste Management Regulation Bylaw No. 1531.02, 2010” be adopted.
District 69 Recreation Commission. (All Directors – One Vote)
1. That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held February 18, 2010 be received for information.
(Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘E’, ‘F’ ‘G’ ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)
2. That the Cyclone Taylor Cup Tournament Committee Grant-In-Aid request for funding be rejected based on the information provided which shows that the Regional District, including both the City of Parksville and the Town of Qualicum Beach, is providing a subsidy of approximately $9,000 for their event and that the budget provided contains an error of approximately $2,200 in ice rental costs, which would indicate that, given the budget presented, additional funds would not be required for the tournament.
District 69 Youth Grants
3. That the following District 69 Recreation Youth Grants be approved:
Community Group Amount Recommended
District 69 Minor Softball Association $ 2,000
Errington War Memorial Hall Association $ 1,650
District 69 Family Resource Association $ 545
Parksville Qualicum Community Foundation $ 1,850
Ravensong Aquatic Club $ 2,500
District 69 Recreation Grants
4. That the following District 69 Recreation Community Grants be approved:
Community Group Amount Recommended
Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society $ 861
Errington Therapeutic Riding Association $ 2,500
Lighthouse Community Centre Society $ 1,424
Lighthouse Recreation Commission $ 2,500
Oceanside Community Arts Council $ 836
Oceanside Community Arts Council $ 1,500
Panters Hockey $ 1,650
Parksville Seniors Athletic Group $ 2,000
Ravensong Masters Swim Club $ 2,500
Vancouver Island Opera $ 730
Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)
1. That the minutes of the Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held February 1, 2010 be received for information.
2. That the Regional District of Nanaimo send a letter to the Director of the Integrated Land Management Branch, regarding the local community concerns about loss of the boat ramp at Schooner Cove which is part of the water lease on L.D. 2084 and that this information be considered in future deliberations of this water lease.
3. That the Fairwinds Development Corporation be requested to provide an update to the Electoral Area ‘E’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee regarding the proposed parkland allocations in their development plan.
Regional Agricultural Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)
1. That the minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting held January 29, 2010 be received for information.
2. That the development of the Area Agricultural Plan be referred back to staff for further review and report back to the Board.
Regional Liquid Waste Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)
1. That the minutes of the Regional Liquid Waste Advisory Committee meeting held February 4, 2010 be received for information.
2. That staff prepare a strategy for an educational awareness program for the disposal of residential chemicals in the wastewater stream.
Sustainability Select Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)
1. That the minutes of the Sustainability Select Committee meeting held September 16, 2009 be received for information.
2. That the staff report on the Regional Growth Strategy Amendment to Support Zoning & OCP Amendment Application No. 0604 - Addison - 2610 Myles Lake Road -Electoral Area ‘C’ be deferred for one month.
Ruth Sharun, Nanaimo Marine Rescue Society, re Overview of Society Operations & Current Initiatives. (All Directors – One Vote)
That staff be directed to prepare a report on the request from the Nanaimo Marine Rescue Society for a contribution of $25,000 to assist in the purchase of an enclosed vessel to serve the community’s marine emergency response needs.
Regional Parks & Trails Service – Camp Moorecroft Property Acquisition Opportunity. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)
That the Regional District of Nanaimo pursue a partnership arrangement with the Nanaimo and Area Land Trust for the potential acquisition of the Camp Moorcroft lands in Electoral Area ‘E’ as a regional park.
Drinking Water & Watershed Protection Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)
46 - 48 Minutes of the Drinking Water & Watershed Protection Advisory Committee meeting held February 24, 2010. (for information)
That the Terms of Reference for the Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Advisory Committee be amended to include representation by Islands Trust and that a letter be sent to Islands Trust to invite their participation on the committee.
49 - 67 Area ‘H’ Community Parks - Licence Renewal Thompson Clarke-Ocean Trail. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)
68 - 72 Nanoose Fire Protection Service - Firehall Update. (All Directors – One Vote)
73 - 90 Dashwood Fire Protection Service - Fire Hydrant Use Agreement. (All Directors – Weighted)
91 - 94 Final 2010 Budget Adjustments. (All Directors – Weighted Vote; All Directors – 2/3 Weighted)
12. BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)
That pursuant to Section 90(1) (c) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera Committee meeting to consider items related to personnel issues.