7:00 PM


(immediately following the Hospital Board meeting)








          1.           CALL TO ORDER


          2.           DELEGATIONS


10                           Randy O’Donnell, re Property Taxes and Mission Creep.


          3.           BOARD MINUTES


11-19                      Minutes of the regular Board meeting held October 27, 2009.






20-21                      Colin Haime, District of Lantzville, re Regional Sustainability Strategy.


          6.           UNFINISHED BUSINESS




                        For Adoption.


22-23                      Bylaw No. 500.350 – Amends the Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw by Rezoning an Area ‘C’ Property. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.350, 2009” be adopted.


                                    This bylaw rezones the subject property from Subdivision District ‘D’ to Subdivision District ‘F’.






24-26                      Minutes of the Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held November 10, 2009. (for information)






                              Development Permit & Subdivision Application No. PL2009-818 – JE Anderson– 230 & 238 Kenmuir Road – Area ‘H’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


1.      That Development Permit Application No. PL2009-818, in conjunction with a four lot subdivision, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 and 2.


2.      That the request to relax the minimum 10% perimeter frontage requirement for Proposed Lots A and B be approved.




                              Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2009-783 - Springford - 587 Alberni Highway - Electoral Area ‘G’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2009-783.


That the Development Permit with Variance Application No. PL2009-783 to permit the construction of an addition and retaining wall be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 - 5.




                              Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2009-806 – C.A. Design - 2418 Andover Road - Electoral Area ‘E’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2009-806.


                                    That Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2009-806, to vary the setback requirements from the sea, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 - 4.


                              Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2009-808 - Fern Road Consulting - Gainsberg Road - Electoral Area ‘H’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)

                              Delegations wishing to speak to Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2009-808.


                                    That Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2009-808, to permit the conversion of an existing accessory building to a residential dwelling unit be approved.


                              Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2009-826 – Structure Design & Management – 3404 Carmichael Road – Electoral Area ‘E’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That the Development Variance Permit Application No. PL2009-826, to vary the maximum height requirements, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 - 3.




                              Subdivision Application No. PL2009-787 Request for Cash-in-Lieu of Sidewalks - Cedar Village Estates - Cedar & Hemer Roads - Electoral Area ‘A’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That the proposal for a contribution in lieu of sidewalks within the Cedar Village subdivision be approved and that the $48,500 be directed toward further improvements to the Morden Colliery Trail system.




27-32                      Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held November 10, 2009. (for information)




                              Rachel Shaw, Environmental Assessment Office, re Environmental Assessment of Proposed Raven Underground Coal Project. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the communication from the Environmental Assessment Office regarding the environmental assessment of the proposed Raven Underground Coal Project be received.






                              Operating Results for the Period Ending September 30, 2009. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the summary report of financial results from operations to September 30, 2009 be received for information.


                        DEVELOPMENT SERVICES


                        BUILDING & BYLAW


                              Property Maintenance Contravention – 2533 East Island Highway – Area ‘E’. (All Directors – One Vote)


                              Delegations wishing to speak to Property Maintenance Contravention at 2533 East Island Highway – Area ‘E’.


                                    That should the property maintenance concerns not be rectified by November 24, 2009, pursuant to the “Unsightly Premises Regulatory Bylaw No. 1073, 1996,” the Board directs the owner of the subject property to remove from the premises those items as set out in the attached resolution within fourteen (14) days; or the work will be undertaken by the Regional District’s agents at the owners’ cost.


                              Animal Control – Service Delivery in Districts 68 & 69. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the report be received for information and staff be directed to bring back options for providing animal control services in District 68 and District 69.


                        WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICES




                              Drinking Water & Watershed Protection Service - 2009 Team WaterSmart Activities. (All Directors - One Vote)


                                    That the 2009 Team WaterSmart Activities report be received for information.




                              Bylaws No. 1124.10 & 889.54 – Amend the Surfside & Northern Community Sewer Service Establishment Bylaws to Include an Area ‘G’ Property. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That “Surfside Sewer Local Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 1124.10, 2009” be introduced and read three times.


2.      That “Northern Community Sewer Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 889.54, 2009” be introduced and read three times.


                              Bylaw No. 1583 – Establishes a Storm Water Management Service in a Portion of Area ‘A’ (Cedar Estates Development). (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the “Regional District of Nanaimo Cedar Estates Storm Water Management Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1583, 2009” be introduced, read three times, and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.



                              Bylaw No. 791.18 – Amends the Rural Streetlighting Service Establishment Bylaw to Include an Area ‘E’ Property. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That “Rural Streetlighting Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 791.18, 2009” be held in abeyance until the developer and his agent hold a meeting with the residents in the local area.




                              District 69 Recreation Commission.


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held October 15, 2009 be received for information.


                                    (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘E’, ‘F’ ‘G’ ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)


2.      That the following District 69 Recreation Youth Grants be approved:


                                    Community Group                                                            Amount Recommended


                                    Associated Family & Community Support Services                                 $ 1,600

                                    Associated Family & Community Support Services                                 $ 1,500

                                    German Ju Jutsu Foundation                                                                 $ 1,500

                                    Kumbana Marimba Youth Band                                                              $ 3,250

                                    Oceanside Kidfest Society                                                                      $ 1,293

                                    Rough Diamonds Creative Arts Society                                                  $ 1,560


3.      That the following District 69 Recreation Community Grants be approved:


                                    Community Group                                                            Amount Recommended


                                    Coombs Halloween Candy Walk                                                             $ 1,500

                                    Lighthouse Floor Curlers                                                                       $ 1,800

                                    Nanoose Place Landscaping Project                                                      $ 2,500

                                    Parksville Lawn Bowling Club                                                                $ 1,390


4.      That the Regional District denies The Parksville Qualicum Foundation - The Hand proposal to change the project and request the return of the $1,850 RDN Recreation Grant provided June 2009.


5.      That staff approach the Parksville Qualicum Community Foundation Youth Action Committee – The Hand, to discuss possible collaboration with regard to the Youth Services Review and to further discuss their grant application and to advise them the $1,850 funds will be reserved for a future application by the group, should they decide to reapply.


                              East Wellington/Pleasant Valley Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes of the East Wellington/Pleasant Valley Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held September 24, 2009 be received for information.


                              Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held October 5, 2009 be received for information.


2.      That staff be directed to contact Strata #3393 Council to discuss the possible development of a land use agreement or easement on the Strata’s Common Property that would provide public access to Schooner Ridge Community Park and Trail from Rockhampton Road.


                              Electoral Area ‘B’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the Electoral Area ‘B’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held September 29, 2009 be received for information.


2.      That staff be directed to apply to Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for a permit to create the Tunnel Trail, as presented by Gabriola Land and Trails Trust.


                              Electoral Area ‘G’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes of the Electoral Area ‘G’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held October 15, 2009 be received for information.


                              District 69 Community Justice Select Committee.


                                    (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the District 69 Community Justice Select Committee meeting held October 27, 2009 be received for information.


                                    (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’ ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)


2.      That a Grant-in-Aid from the remaining 2009 Electoral Area ‘H’ funds in the amount of $1,195, be approved to the Spider Lake Community Association.  Grant funding is to be used to purchase signage to improve road safety on Spider Lake, Turnbull and Shayla Roads and fire prevention signage for Spider and Illusion Lake Parks.


3.      That the grant application for the Arrowsmith Agricultural Association Society be denied.


4.      That the grant application for the Citizens on Patrol Society for $9,000 be approved.  Grant funding is to be allocated proportionately in Electoral Area’s ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’, ‘H’, City of Parksville and Town of Qualicum Beach, as outlined in their submission.


5.      That the grant application for the Arrowsmith Community Enhancement Society (ACES), be approved with funds provided from the balance remaining in the Electoral Area ‘F’ 2009 funding envelope.  Grant funding is to be used to purchase a portable safety kitchen for various events.


6.      That the District 69 Community Justice Select Committee recommends that the requisition for funding to support the Victims Services be increased by an additional $22,500 in 2010.


7.      That a letter be sent to the Provincial Government, local MLA’s and news editors highlighting the Regional District’s increased financial commitment to community safety despite our concerns that the Province continues in both direct and indirect ways to increase local taxpayer costs, in this instance by insufficiently funding training for Victim’s Services and Restorative Justice programs


                        BOARD INFORMATION


                              Proposed Raven Underground Coal Project. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That a staff member be appointed as a representative on the Working Group of the Environmental Assessment Office for the proposed Raven Underground Coal Project, and that the Environmental Assessment Office and the proponent, Compliance Coal Corporation, be invited to give formal presentations to the Board.


                              Mid-Island Sustainable Stewardship Initiative. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That correspondence from the Mid-Island Sustainable Stewardship Initiative (MISSI) be referred to staff for a report back to the Board on the implications to the RDN for convening a ‘Climate Action Team’, and that staff evaluate the merits and benefits of MISSI’s proposed Yellow Cedar Project.




          7.4         COMMISSIONS




                              Electoral Area ‘F’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


33-34                      Minutes of the Electoral Area ‘F’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held October 19, 2009. (for information)


                              Electoral Area ‘H’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


35-36                      Minutes of the Electoral Area ‘H’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held September 10, 2009. (for information)


                              Emergency Management Select Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


37-52                      Minutes of the Emergency Management Select Committee meeting held November 18, 2009. (for information)


                                    (Electoral Area Directors - Weighted Vote)


1.      That staff be directed to continue the current practice of purchasing and installing new generators at Emergency Reception Centres and that, if an opportunity arises, used generators be considered, subject to the equipment meeting RDN specifications.


                                    (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


2.      That the 2010 Service Agreement between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the District of Lantzville for Emergency Planning services be approved.


          8.           ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORTS


53-56                      Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service – Treatment Plant. (All Directors - One Vote)


57-60                      Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service - Connection Policy. (All Directors - One Vote)


61-85                      Area ‘H’ Community Parks Service - Wildwood Community Park Crown Land Lease Offer. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


86-89                      Solid Waste Collection & RecyclingChurch Road Transfer Station Tender Awards. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


90-104                    Ravensong Aquatic Centre Repair and Upgrades – Recreation Infrastructure Canada Grant. (All Directors - Weighted Vote; Nanaimo, Lantzville, EA ‘C’ – Weighted Vote; Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs ‘F’ ‘G’ ‘H’ – Weighted Vote)


                        Yellowpoint Waterloo Fire Protection Service – Tender Award. (to be circulated)


                        UBCM Task Survey. (to be circulated)


          9.           ADDENDUM




        11.           NEW BUSINESS

        12.           BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)


        13.           ADJOURNMENT


        14.           IN CAMERA


                        That pursuant to Section 90(1) (c), (e) and (g) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to consider items related to personnel, land and legal issues.