TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2009

7:00 PM


(RDN Board Chambers)








                        CALL TO ORDER




6                            Diane Brennan & Pam Hadikin, United Way Central Island, re 2009 United Way Campaign.


                              Michael Weedon, BC Bioenergy Network, re BC Bioenergy Network Tripartite Collaboration Agreement.




7-11                        Minutes of the regular Committee of the Whole meeting held June 9, 2009.






12                           Patty Biro, District 69 Electoral Area ‘H’ Commissioner, re Resignation from District 69 Recreation Commission.


13-24                      Derk Corrigan, City of Burnaby, re Local Government Liabilities Resulting from Building Construction Regulation – Request for Legislative Changes.


25                           Rosemary Bonanno, Vancouver Island Regional Library, re Facilities Planning.


                        UNFINISHED BUSINESS






26-29                      Bylaw No. 148 – To Authorize Borrowing for Nanaimo Regional Hospital District 2008 Capital Expenditures.

30-33                      Bylaw No. 1575 – To Authorize Temporary Borrowing for the Purchase of Land for the Nanoose Bay Bulk Water Service.


34-47                      Bylaws No. 1565, 1566, 1445.03 & 1004.04 – In Relation to the Cedar Sewer Collection System.


48-49                      Amendment to Regional District Signing Authorities and Appointment of Deputy Financial Administrator.


50-53                      Amendment Bylaw No. 1532.01 – Amends the Cedar Sewer Service Rates and Regulations Bylaw by Temporarily Decreasing the Sewer Connection Fee.


54-66                      Bylaw No. 1576 – To Regulate Burning and Fires Within a Portion of the Yellowpoint-Waterloo Fire Protection Service.


                        DEVELOPMENT SERVICES


                        BUILDING & BYLAW


67-70                      Property Maintenance Contravention – 2499 Schirra Drive – Area ‘E’.


                                    Delegations wishing to speak to Property Maintenance Contravention at 2499 Schirra Drive – Area ‘E’.


71-78                      Amendment Bylaw No. 1418.01 – Amends the Bylaw Enforcement Ticket Regulation Bylaw by Adding the Waste Stream Management Licensing Bylaw.


79-82                      Amendment Bylaw No. 787.12 – Extends the Building Inspection Service Area to Include the Regional District of Nanaimo Church Road Transfer Station.




83-99                      Request for Urban Containment Boundary Amendment – City of Nanaimo.




                        SOLID WASTE


100-115                  BC Bioenergy Network Tripartite Collaboration Agreement.




                              District 69 Recreation Commission.


116-184                  Minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held June 25, 2009. (for information)


1.      That the Youth Services Review: January – May 2009 Report, be received as information.


2.      That the recommendations from the Youth Services Review Report for the design and development of a new youth recreation services plan for District 69 be approved and that $10,000 be allocated in fiscal years 2009 and 2010 in the District 69 Recreation Coordination budget for consulting services to undertake the plan to commence in the fall of 2009 and conclude spring 2010.


3.      That, respecting the District 69 Recreation Services Fees and Charges 2009/10 staff report, the new Fees and Charges category titled Golden in Appendices A and B for participants 85 years and older be changed to 80 years and older.


4.      That the 2009/10 program, admission and rental fees for Oceanside Place be approved as highlighted in the staff report and outlined in Appendix A, as amended.


5.      That the 2009/10 program, admission and rental fees for Ravensong Aquatic Centre as be approved as highlighted in the staff report and outlined in Appendix B, as amended.


6.      That the 2009/10 Recreation Coordinating program fees and recovery rates, administration fee, and revenue-sharing percentage ratio for Term Instructor (Companies) agreements be approved as highlighted in the staff report and outlined in Appendix C.


7.      That the District 69 Track and Field Facility Feasibility Study be approved as a resource document for the planning and development of track and field facility in District 69.


8.      That Regional District staff continue to work with School District 69, City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach, Oceanside Track and Field Club and the District 69 Sports Association to further explore the options identified in the District 69 Track and Field Facility Feasibility Study.


9.      That the Regional Board appoint an alternate for each member of the Commission as provided in Bylaw No. 935.


                              Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.


185-186                  Minutes of the Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held May 4, 2009. (for information)


                                    That staff be directed to investigate further the design and construction of a community trail adjacent to the existing trail which forms part of Strata #3393 lands as it extends off Rockhampton Road.


                              Electoral Area ‘G’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.


187-188                  Minutes of the Electoral Area ‘G’ Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held May 21, 2009. (for information)


                              Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee.


189-191                  Minutes of the Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting held June 18, 2009. (for information)


                              Regional Parks & Trails Advisory Committee.


192-237                  Minutes of the Regional Parks & Trails Advisory Committee meeting held June 16, 2009. (for information)


1.      That the Mount Arrowsmith Regional Park – Park Use and Management Concerns staff report be received for information.


2.      That the Regional Park Acquisition Criteria and Rating Framework be approved.


3.      That the E&N Trail-with-Rail Feasibility Study be received to use as a guiding document for the future development of the E&N Rail Trail.


4.      That the Regional District write a letter to the Chief Medical Officer at Vancouver Island Health Authority requesting his investigation into the use of Round Up on the E & N Rail Line and for his opinion if it presents a health problem with drinking water or to citizens who may come in direct contact with the herbicide.


                              Regional Liquid Waste Advisory Committee.


238-240                  Minutes of the Regional Liquid Waste Advisory Committee meeting held June 19, 2009. (for information)


                              Transit Select Committee.


241-273                  Minutes of the Transit Select Committee meeting held June 17, 2009. (for information)


1.      That the 2009/2010 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit be approved.


2.      That the Board direct staff to proceed with the Prideaux Street Exchange Upgrade Project.


3.      That the two letters from Vancouver Island University be received for information and that staff be directed to send letters regarding cost sharing opportunities to School District No. 68, BC Transit and Vancouver Island University for an improved bus service from Cinnabar Valley/Chase River Area to John Barsby Community School, NDSS and Vancouver Island University/Malaspina International High School.


4.      That staff prepare a report to be brought to the August Board meeting that outlines the L’Association des francophones de Nanaimo request regarding transportation support for the Maple Sugar Festival.


5.      That staff send a letter to Greyhound Canada supporting a non-idling policy.


                              Sustainability Select Committee.


274-277                  Minutes of the Sustainability Select Committee meeting held June 17, 2009. (for information)


1.      That the name of the Regional Growth Strategy be amended to Regional Sustainability Plan to reflect the revised focus on sustainability.


2.      That the information regarding Regional Growth Strategy definitions be referred to staff for consideration in the revised Regional Growth Strategy.


3.      That staff be directed to arrange a presentation on forest and resource management at a future Ideas and Updates Board Seminar.






                        NEW BUSINESS


                        BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)




                        IN CAMERA


                        That pursuant to Section 90(1) (e) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera Committee of the Whole meeting to consider items related to land issues.