(immediately following the Hospital Board meeting)


(RDN Board Chambers)








          1.           CALL TO ORDER


          2.           DELEGATIONS


                              Chris Vrabel, North Island 9-1-1 Corporation, re Overview of Operations.


9                            Andrew Speed & Colin Catton, Errington Volunteer Fire Department, re Construction of a Communications Tower at Fire Hall #1.


10-16                      Elaine Miller & Sharon Cox-Gustavson, re Relocation of Frontiersman Pub & Liquor Store (Transfer of Liquor Licence).


          3.           BOARD MINUTES


17-35                      Minutes of the regular Board meeting held March 24, 2009 and the Special Board meeting held April 14, 2009.






36-68                      Petition, re Transfer of Liquor Licence - Frontiersman Pub & Liquor Store.


          6.           UNFINISHED BUSINESS




                        For Adoption.


69-74                      Bylaw No. 500.348 – Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That “Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.348, 2009” be adopted.

                                    This bylaw rezones Lot 1, District Lot 84, Nanoose District, Plan 47545 from Rural 5 Subdivision District ‘D’ (RU5D) and Lot 2, Plan 47545 and Lot A, Plan VIP80224, both of District Lot 84, Nanoose District, from Resource Management 3 Subdivision District B (RM3B) to Rural 10 (RU10) Subdivision District ‘Z’ in order to facilitate the development of a 5-lot subdivision.


                              Bylaw No. 804.05Electoral Area 'F' Community Parks Service Bylaw Amendment. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That “Electoral Area 'F' Community Parks Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 804.05, 2009” be adopted.


                                    This bylaw increases the requisition limit for the Electoral Area 'F' Community Parks service.






75-76                      Minutes of the Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held April 14, 2009. (for information)






                              Development Permit Application No. 60811Lewin – 1505 Mason Trail – Area ‘G’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That Development Permit Application No. 60811 submitted by JE Anderson, BCLS, on behalf of D & W Lewin, in conjunction with the subdivision on the parcel legally described as Lot 24, District Lot 38, Nanoose District, Plan 25031 and designated within the Sensitive Lands Development Permit Area pursuant to the “French Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1115, 1998”, be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 and 2 of the corresponding staff report.


                              Development Permit Application No. 60848 – Beyeler – 204 Kinkade Road – Area ‘G’. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ‘B’ – One Vote)


                                    That Development Permit Application No. 60848, to permit the construction of a dwelling unit and detached garage and to legalize the siting of an existing storage building on the property legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 9, Newcastle District, Plan 20326, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 to 4.




77-84                      Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held April 14, 2009. (for information)



                              Russell Tibbles, Fairwinds Community & Resort, re Sidewalk Function at Fairwinds – Community & Resort. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      Participate in a working group with Fairwinds and Ministry of Transportation, utilizing the services of a third-party engineer to be retained at Fairwinds’ cost, to:


a)      evaluate the condition of existing sidewalks and estimate the repairs and associated cost required to address deferred maintenance issues;


b)      estimate ongoing annual maintenance costs (perhaps using $/ft. statistics from nearby municipalities);


c)      objectively explore the legal and administrative arrangements that have been used by other unincorporated areas to accomplish the sidewalk function, e.g., Cowichan Valley RD, Alberni-Clayoquot RD, East Kootenay RD (Panorama Mountain Village), Tofino, Ucluelet and Saltspring Island; and


d)      undertake a risk assessment to understand the practical magnitude and likelihood of exposure relating to snow removal and other perceived risks (consider utilizing the MIA database).


2.      Prepare a list of appropriate regulatory powers that are reasonably required for the purpose of sidewalk maintenance and, in consultation with legal counsel, if/how such could be procured.


3.      Report back to the Board to advise on the above with supporting financial analysis, timelines and a plan of action which could be followed subject to direction from the Board.




                              Brian Hunter, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, re 2009 Funding for Victim Services and Restorative Justice. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the correspondence from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police regarding disbursement of the 2009 funding for Victim Services and Restorative Justice be received.






                              Regional District of Nanaimo - 2008 Annual Report (Audited Financial Statements). (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the 2008 Consolidated Financial Statements, associated financial schedules and Auditors’ Report to the Chief Administrative Officer be received.

                              Directors’ & Committee Members’ Remuneration & Expenses - 2008 Report. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the 2008 report on remuneration and expenses for Board and Committee members be received.


                              Use of Reserve Funds for Expansion of Transit & Administration Buildings. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


1.      That an amount of $1,670,000 be drawn from the Administration Building Reserve Fund for the Administration building project.


2.      That $614,670 be transferred from the Solid Waste Management reserve funds to the Administration Building Reserve Fund for the purposes of the Administration building project.


3.      That $876,950 be transferred from the Solid Waste Management reserve funds to the Southern Community Transportation capital reserve fund for the purposes of the Transit building project.


4.      That the amounts transferred from the Solid Waste reserve funds be repaid over a ten year period with interest charged monthly on a simple declining balance at a rate equivalent to the rate earned on the Regional District’s consolidated cash balances.


                              New Model for Fire Services Delivery. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That staff arrange a working committee comprised of fire department representatives and the Directors for Electoral Areas ‘C’, ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’ and ‘H’ to review the recommendations from the report titled “Proposed Fire/Rescue System Model” and provide feedback which the Regional Board can forward to the UBCM and LGMA.


                              Seismic Review of Rural Firehalls. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the Board receive the reports for information only and direct staff to arrange a meeting(s) with the fire departments to discuss the report conclusions.


                        DEVELOPMENT SERVICES


                        BUILDING & BYLAW


                              Amendment Bylaw 787.10 – Building Inspection Service Boundary Extension to include Area ‘H’ Property. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That “Regional District of Nanaimo Building Inspection Service Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 787.10, 2009” be introduced and read three times.

                        EMERGENCY PLANNING


                              2008 Farmed Animal Mass Carcass Disposal Plan. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the report and the 2008 Farmed Animal Mass Carcass Disposal Plan be received for information and that a copy of the report be forwarded to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for their information.


                              Hazard Vulnerability Risk Analysis – 2009 Update. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the report and the 2009 Hazard Vulnerability Risk Analysis update be received for information.




                        SOLID WASTE


                              Solid Waste Disposal Service - Regional Landfill Design & Operations Plan Approval. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


                                    That the Board approve the Regional Landfill Design & Operations Plan for submission to the Ministry of Environment as an amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan.


                              Assessment of New Waste Treatment Technologies - Final Report. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board receive the Assessment of New Treatment Technologies Report for information and continue to monitor developments in new treatment technologies from a cost and technology perspective.


                              Illegal Dumping Enforcement Program - 2008 Report. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board receive the 2008 Illegal Dumping Prevention Program report for information.


                              Residential Food Waste Collection - Field Test Final Report. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the Board receive the Residential Food Waste Collection Field Test Final Report for information.


                        WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICES




                              Innovative Options & Opportunities for Sustainable Water Use Study. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the Board receive the “Innovative Options and Opportunities for Sustainable Water Use” study for information.

2.      That the Board direct staff to develop an implementation strategy with budget implications for the proposed initiatives for the Board’s consideration.


                              Vancouver Island Health Authority Regional Drinking Water Team Annual Report. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the Vancouver Island Health Authority Regional Drinking Water Team 2008 Annual Report be received for information.


2.      That the Board support the Regional District’s continued participation on the Vancouver Island Health Authority Regional Drinking Water Team.


                              Convening for Action on Vancouver Island Leadership in Water Sustainability - 2008 Activities Summary. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the Board receive the report on the summary of CAVI’s (Convening for Action on Vancouver Island) 2008 activities for information.


2.      That the Board continue to support staff participation in CAVI and attendance at CAVI learning activities associated with promoting water sustainability.


                              Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service – Capital Planning Report. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the Nanoose Peninsula Water System Capital Planning report be received for information.


2.      That the Board direct staff to consider the report recommendations when developing capital plans for future infrastructure improvements in the Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area.




                              Southern Community Sewer Treatment Service – Award of Tenders for Cogeneration Equipment at Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


1.      That an equipment procurement contract be awarded to Esc Corporation to provide a biogas conditioning system for the tendered price of $624,411.


2.      That an equipment procurement contract be awarded to Waterous Power Systems to provide a cogeneration system for the tendered price of $950,400.




                              District 69 Recreation Commission.


                              All Directors – One Vote


1.      That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held March 19, 2009 be received for information.

                              All Directors – Weighted Vote


2.      That the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Regional District of Nanaimo and Lighthouse Recreation Commission be approved.


                              Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EA’s ‘E’, ‘F’, ‘G’, ‘H’ – Weighted Vote


3.      That the revisions to the District 69 Recreation Grants program be approved as detailed in Appendix I of the staff report “District 69 Recreation Grants Program Review”.


4.      That the current District 69 Recreation Grants funding allocation of 50% to Youth Grants and 50% to Community Grants be maintained.


                              Electoral Area ‘A’ Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes of the Electoral Area ‘A’ Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission meeting held March 11, 2009 be received for information.


                              Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes of the Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held February 2, 2009 be received for information.


                              Regional Liquid Waste Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


                                    That the minutes of the Regional Liquid Waste Advisory Committee meeting held March 12, 2009 be received for information.


                              Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the Regional Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting held March 19, 2009 be received for information.


2.      That the Regional Landfill Design and Operations Plan be submitted to the Ministry of Environment.


                              Sustainability Select Committee. (All Directors – One Vote)


1.      That the minutes of the Sustainability Select Committee meeting held March 18, 2009 be received for information.


2.      That the report “2009 Progress Report on Implementation of the Regional Growth Strategy” be received.


3.      That the report “Housing Need Overview”, Phase 1 of the Regional Housing Affordability Study be received.


4.      That the staff report “Community Emissions Reduction Measures” be received for information.


5.      That staff prepare a report on what is needed to undertake a communications strategy for public awareness and education on green house gas (GHG) emission reductions (Greensmart).




          7.4         COMMISSIONS




                              Regional Parks & Trails Advisory Committee. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


85-95                      Minutes of the Regional Parks & Trails Advisory Committee meeting held April 7, 2009. (for information)


                                    That the proposed campground fee increases, as listed in Appendix 1 of the staff titled “RDN Campground Fees – Horne Lake & Descanso Bay Regional Parks”, be approved for inclusion in the Park Use Regulation Bylaw 1399.


                              Selection Select Committee.


                                    Selection Committee Appointments (verbal). (All Directors – One Vote)


          8.           ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORTS


96-98                      Solid Waste Disposal Service - Food & Yard Waste Processing Contract. (All Directors – Weighted Vote)


          9.           ADDENDUM




        11.           NEW BUSINESS


        12.           BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)


        13.           ADJOURNMENT


        14.           IN CAMERA


                        That pursuant to Sections 90(1) (e)and 90(1) (g) of the Community Charter the Board proceed to an In Camera Committee meeting to consider items related to land and legal issues.