E. Hamilton Chairperson
H. Kreiberg Electoral Area A
D. Haime Electoral Area D
P. Bibby Electoral Area E
L. Biggemann Electoral Area F
J. Stanhope Electoral Area G
D. Bartram Electoral Area H
Also in Attendance:
Lapham General Manager,
Development Services
N. Tonn Recording Secretary
MOVED Director
Stanhope, SECONDED Director Kreiberg, that the following late delegations be
permitted to address the Committee.
McKillop, re DP Application No. 60429 Bev & Gerd Voigt, on behalf of
642703 BC Ltd. off Kaye Road and the Island Highway Area E.
Ms. McKillop
provided a verbal and written overview and history of the area and raised her
concerns with the application process with respect to DP Application No. 60429.
Ms. McKillop requested that the Board defer the application until such time as
all required information is submitted by the applicant.
Barnum, re DP Application No. 60429 Bev & Gerd Voigt, on behalf of 642703
BC Ltd. off Kaye Road and the Island Highway Area E.
Mr. Barnum
noted the importance of water to the neighbouring lots and asked that the Board
consider the effect any development would have on water tables in the area.
Voigt, re DP Application No. 60429 Bev & Gerd Voigt, on behalf of 642703
BC Ltd. off Kaye Road and the Island Highway Area E.
Ms. Voigt
provided an overview of their development permit application, noting that the
property contains 2nd growth trees, which they will attempt to avoid
disturbing, and that there will be a covenant attached to the application which
will not allow any development for a minimum of 30 metres from Craig Creek. Ms.
Voigt requested that the Board not defer their application.
Voigt, re DP Application No. 60429 Bev & Gerd Voigt, on behalf of 642703
BC Ltd. off Kay Road and the Island Highway Area E.
Mr. Voigt
declined his opportunity to speak at this time.
MOVED Director
Stanhope, SECONDED Director Bibby, that the minutes of the Electoral Area
Planning Committee meeting held April 27, 2004 be adopted.
Development Permit Application No. 60418
Gunning 1733Admiral Tryon Boulevard Area G.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED
Director Bartram, that Development Permit Application No. 60418 to vary the
minimum setback from 8.0 metres to 1.1 metres to recognize the siting of the
existing concrete retaining wall and to permit the construction of a rip rap
retaining wall sited a maximum of 1 metre below the natural boundary of the
sea, within the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area on the property
legally described as Lot 30, District Lot 28, Nanoose District, Plan VIP62528,
be approved subject to the requirements outlined in Schedules No. 1, 2, 3 and 4
and subject to notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government
Development Permit Application No. 60422
Johnstone Surfside Drive Area G.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED
Director Biggemann, that Development Permit Application No. 60422, submitted by
Bruce and Jeannette Johnstone to legalize the addition of two raised decks and
a porch addition for a dwelling unit and to facilitate the renovation of the
seawall located within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Hazard Lands
Areas Development Permit Areas for the subject property legally described as
Lot 5, District Lots 9 and 110, Newcastle District, Plan 15370 be approved,
subject to the requirements outlined in Schedules No. 1 and 23.
Development Permit Application No. 60424
Fern Road Consulting Ltd., on behalf of Barbon Construction Gainsberg Road
Area H.
MOVED Director Bartram, SECONDED Director
1. That
Development Permit Application No. 60424 submitted by Fern Road Consulting
Ltd., on behalf of Barbon Construction for the property legally described as
Lot 1, District Lots 1 and 86, Newcastle District, Plan VIP70719, be approved,
subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the
corresponding staff report and to the notification procedure subject to the Local
Government Act with respect to the proposed variances to Bylaw No. 500,
2. That
the following words be added under the heading Storm Water Drainage Plan of
Schedule 1 to DP Application No. 60424:
Applicant to obtain a Section 9 approval
from Land and Water BC in consultation with the Ministry of Water, Land and Air
Protection prior to realignment of the lower 50 metres of Hemsbrough Ditch.
Development Permit Application No. 60427
Smith/Vectis Ventures 3645 Dolphin Drive Area E.
MOVED Director Bibby, SECONDED Director
Biggemann, that Development Permit Application No. 60427, submitted by Tim Ram
of Vectis Ventures on behalf of Dan and Christina Smith for the installation of
a terraced retaining wall and removal of an illegal structure for the property
legally described as Lot B, District Lot 78, Nanoose Land District, Plan 44229,
be approved as submitted subject to Schedules No. 1, 2 and 3.
Development Permit Application No. 60428
43052 BC Ltd./Quest Homes Garrod Road Area H.
MOVED Director Bartram, SECONDED Director
D. Haime, that Development Permit Application No. 60428 submitted by Quest
Homes for the property legally described as Lot A, District Lot 36 and part of
the bed of the Strait of Georgia, Newcastle District, Plan VIP54987, be
approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
of the corresponding staff report and the notification procedure subject to the
Local Government Act with respect to the proposed variances to Bylaw No.
500, 1987.
Development Permit Application No. 60429
Bev & Gerd Voigt, on behalf of 642703 BC Ltd. off Kaye Road and the
Island Highway Area E.
MOVED Director Bibby, SECONDED Director
Stanhope, that the request, submitted by Bev and Gerd Voigt, on behalf of
642703 BC Ltd. to create new parcels and dedicate and construct a road as part
of a 6-lot subdivision proposal within a Farm Land Protection Development
Permit Area and to relax the minimum setback requirement for an existing barn building
from 30.0 metres to 13.0 metres from the proposed new lot line as shown on the
plan of subdivision of District Lot 44, Nanoose District Except Parts in Plans
39893, 3132 RW, be referred back to staff for further assessment of road access
and effects on the Sensitive Ecosystem Protection Development Permit Area.
Development Variance Permit Application
No. 90406 Peake 6235 West Island Highway Area H.
MOVED Director Bartram, SECONDED Director
D. Haime, that Development Variance Permit Application No. 90406, submitted by
Helen Sims of Fern Road Consulting Ltd. on behalf of W. Stephen Peake, to
legalize the existing dwelling unit, over height fence and accessory buildings
within the Residential 2 (RS2) zone by varying the minimum permitted setbacks
from lot lines and from a watercourse (Nash Creek) for the property legally
described as Lot A, District Lot 21, Newcastle District and Part Formerly the
Bed of the Strait of Georgia, Nanaimo District, Plan VIP67028, be approved
subject to Schedules No. 1, 2 and 3 and subject to the notification procedures
pursuant to the Local Government Act.
Development Variance Permit Application
No. 90409 C & J Ennals, on behalf of Mitchell 1478 Northwest Bay Road
Area G.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED
Director Bibby, that Development Variance Permit Application No. 90409,
submitted by Charles and Jill Ennals on behalf of Avis Mitchell, to legalize
the siting of the existing dwelling within the Resource Management 1 (RM1) zone
by varying the minimum setback requirement from 20.0 metres to 16.3 metres for
the property legally described as District Lot 132, Nanoose Land District be
approved as submitted subject to Schedules No. 1 and 2 and subject to the notification
procedures pursuant to the Local Government Act.
Development Variance Permit Application
No. 90410 Skollsberg 3584 Outrigger Road Area E.
MOVED Director Bibby, SECONDED Director
Bartram, that Development Variance Permit Application No. 90410, submitted by
the property owners Jan-Wilhelm Skollsberg and Anne-Christine Skollsberg for
the property legally described as Lot 7, District Lot 78, Nanoose District,
Plan 19688 to relax the maximum permitted height to allow for the architectural
style and construction of the proposed accessory building and to relax the
front lot line setback requirements of an existing accessory building in order
to legalize its siting be approved subject to the conditions outlined in
Schedules No. 1, 2 and 3 and subject to the notification requirements pursuant
to the Local Government Act.
Development Variance Application No.
90411 Walsh/Collins 1524 Haida Way Area E.
MOVED Director Bibby, SECONDED Director
Biggemann, that Development Variance Permit Application No. 90411 to vary the
minimum setback from the front lot line from 8.0 metres to 0.9 metres to permit
the construction of an addition, and to vary the minimum setback from the side
lot line from 2.0 metres to 1.7 metres to legalize the siting of an existing
dwelling unit, on the property legally described as Lot 30, District Lot 52,
Nanoose District, Plan 15921 be approved subject to the requirements outlined
in Schedule Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 and subject to notification requirements pursuant
to the Local Government Act.
Request for Relaxation of the Minimum 10%
Frontage Requirement Koers & Associates on behalf of Fairwinds
Development Bonnington Drive, Fairwinds (Phase 9B) Area E.
MOVED Director Bibby, SECONDED Director
Bartram, that the request from Koers & Associates, on behalf of 3170497
Canada Inc., commonly known as Fairwinds Development, to relax the minimum 10%
perimeter frontage requirement for Proposed Lots 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 as shown
on the Plan of Proposed Subdivision of Phase 9B be approved.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED
Director Biggemann, that this meeting terminate.