8-9 Presentation of a Certificate of Commendation to Per Humle by George Holme, Chairperson, on behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General.
10 David Flaig, Combined Forest Holdings, re Request for Acceptance of Cash in Lieu of Park Land - Church & Valley Roads - Area F.
11 Phil Robertson, re DVP Application No. 0214 - Intracorp/Fairwinds - Arbutus Hills Development - Area E.
12-31 Minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 and the Special Board Meeting held on Tuesday, June 25, 2002.
32 Scott Tanner, re Community Bonds.
From the Board Meeting held June 11, 2002.
33-38 Development Variance Permit Application No. 0211 - Kosak - 3043 Jameson Road - Area D. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0211.
That Development Variance Permit Application No. 0211, submitted by Wanda Kosak for the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 12, Range 3, Mountain District, Plan 38230, to vary a lot line from 8.0 metres to 1.89 metres, be approved, subject to notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
Bylaw Adoption.
39-41 Bylaw No. 500.286 - Amendment to Home Based Business Operations - Electoral Areas A, C, D, E, G & H. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
42-44 Minutes of the regular Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held June 25, 2002. (for information)
DP Application No. 0235 � M. Salmon on Behalf of Wilcox � Strata Lot 59, Horne Lake Caves Road � Area H. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That Development Permit Application No. 0235 be approved subject to the conditions set out in Schedule Nos. 1 and 2 of the corresponding staff report and the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
DP Application No. 0236 � Roy � 3379 Blueback Drive � Area E. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That Development Permit Application No. 0236, submitted by Fern Road Consulting, Agent, on behalf of Louise Roy, to facilitate the construction of (1) an addition to a single dwelling unit within the Development Permit Area and (2) a stairwell to access the foreshore by varying the minimum permitted setback to the natural boundary of the ocean for the stairwell, within the Residential 1 (RS1) zone from 8.0 metres to 0.0 metres for the property legally described as Lot 29, District Lot 78, Nanoose District, Plan 15983, be approved, subject to conditions as outlined in Schedule No. 1 and subject to notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
Development Variance Permit Application No. 0210 � Littlewood � 2406 Nanoose Beach Road � Area E. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0210.
That Development Variance Permit Application No. 0210, submitted by Scott Littlewood for the property legally described as Parcel No. 1 (DD 24745N) of Lot A, of Lot 79, Nanoose District, Plan 1460, to vary the other lot line from 5.0 metres to 0.0 metres and the interior side lot line from 2.0 metres to 0.0 metres, be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 1 as amended to replace the words "within 30 days" with the words "within 60 days", and subject to the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
Development Variance Permit Application No. 0213 � Walker � 3652 Dolphin Drive � Area E. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0213.
That Development Variance Permit Application No. 0213, submitted by Helen Sims, Agent, on behalf of James Walker and Faye Walker, for the property legally described as Lot 26, District Lot 78, Nanoose District, Plan 20762 to vary the minimum other lot line setback requirements of the Residential 1 (RS1) zone from 5.0 metres to 0.0 metres to legalize the siting of a retaining wall, and to vary the other lot line setback from 5.0 metres to 0.1 metres to facilitate the construction of an accessory building, both as shown on Schedule No. 2 be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 1, and subject to the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
Development Variance Permit Application No. 0231 � Culverden Holdings Inc./Davey � 1888 Kay Road � Areas E & G. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0231.
That Development Permit Application No. 0231 to legalize the construction of a fire protection device within an Environmentally Sensitive Area and Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area on the property legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 171, Nanoose District, Plan VIP71158, be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 and 2.
Development Variance Permit Application No. 0214 � Intracorp/Fairwinds � Arbutus Hills Development � Area E. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0214.
That Development Variance Permit Application No. 0214 submitted by Helen Sims, Agent on behalf of 3536696 Canada Inc., to facilitate construction of single dwelling units and retaining walls for the properties legally described as Lots 2-20 and Lots 25 & 26, District Lot 78, Nanoose District, Plan VIP73214, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedules No. 1 and 2 and subject to the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
45-49 Minutes of the regular Committee of the Whole Committee meeting held June 25, 2002. (for information)
Don Sutherland, Ministry of Community, Aboriginal & Women�s Services, re Order in Council to Acquire Access to Regional Parks & Trails. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal & Women�s Services, with respect to the approval of an amendment to RDN Regulation, BC Reg. 194/91 to add a section regarding access to regional parks and trails, be received.
Section 700 Filings. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a notice be filed against the title of the property listed, pursuant to Section 700 of the Local Government Act and that if the infractions are not rectified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:
ALR Exclusion Application No. 0206 � Dorman � Pirart Road � Area D. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That application for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve for a portion of Lot D, Sections 16 and 17, Range 5, Mountain District, Plan 2964, except those parts thereof included within the boundaries of Plans 17458 and 20359, be refused, and that the Land Reserve Commission be advised that this application is not proceeding.
Request for Acceptance of Cash in Lieu of Park Land � Kenyon & Wilson on behalf of Arturo Mendenhall � Smithers & Bellevue Roads � Area F. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That the request, submitted by Kenyon & Wilson, BCLS, on behalf of Arturo Mendenhall, pursuant to Section 941 of the Local Government Act, offering to pay cash in-lieu-of park land dedication in conjunction with the proposed subdivision of Lot 1, District Lot 99, Nanoose District, Plan 2626, Except Part in Plans 37533 and VIP53117, be referred back to the Subdivision Approving Officer, recommending that the subdivision be denied in the public interest as it is inconsistent with the Area �F� Official Community Plan and proposed zoning Bylaw 1285, and due to concerns regarding possible contamination of the area�s water source, septic disposal and drainage issues.
Request for Acceptance of Cash in lieu of Park Land � JE Anderson on behalf of Combined Forest Products Ltd. � Church & Valley Roads � Area F. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That the request, submitted by JE Anderson & Associates, BCLS, on behalf of Combined Forest Holdings Ltd., pursuant to Section 941 of the Local Government Act, offering to pay cash in-lieu-of park land dedication in conjunction with the proposed subdivision of Lot 11, District Lot 156, Nanoose District, Plan 1964, be referred back to the Subdivision Approving Officer, recommending that the subdivision be denied as it is inconsistent with the Area �F� Official Community Plan zoning which proposes a minimum parcel size of 1.0 ha.
Regional Growth Management Plan Review � Present Status Lands Designation � Bylaw No. 1309. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the report on the issue of the Present Status Lands (Sub-Urban Area) designation, prepared as a part of the Growth Management Plan Review and consideration of Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw 1309, be received for information.
That given the Lantzville Restructure Committee has applied to the Minister of Community, Aboriginal and Women�s Services to request holding a referendum in September with regard to local government structure, no final decision regarding the RGMP review be made until after the referendum to allow the community to decide on their local government structure.
Regional Growth Management Plan Review � Watersheds � Bylaw No. 1309. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the report on the issue of watersheds, prepared as a part of the Growth Management Plan Review and consideration of Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw 1309, be received for information.
Transit Service and Feasibility Reviews � Cedar & Gabriola Island. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Transit Service and Feasibility reports for Cedar and Gabriola be received for information and be brought forward as part of the 2003 Transit Business Plan review.
Regional Transit/handyDART � 2001 BC Transit Performance Summary. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Regional Transit/HandyDART 2001 Performance Summary report be received for information.
BC Transit � Funding & Service Strategy Review. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Regional District respond to BC Transit�s Phase 1 Consultation program concerning reduced funding for 2003 with a position that BC Transit consider a reduction to their annual administration fee to assist with the Regional District�s 2003 budget review process for Transit this Fall.
Contract for Bird Control at Regional Landfill. (All Directors - Weighted Vote)
That the Board award the contract for bird control services at the Regional Landfill to Pacific Northwest Raptors for a period of three years commencing September 1, 2002 at a total cost of $249,000.
Rural Streetlighting LSA Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 791.04 � Area G. (All Directors - One Vote)
That "Rural Streetlighting Local Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw 791.04, 2002" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
Driftwood Water Supply Service Area Bylaw No. 1255.01 � Area E. (All Directors - One Vote)
That "Driftwood Water Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw 1255.01, 2002" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
Lantzville Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Lantzville Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held May 6, 2002, be received for information.
Area A Parks, Recreation and Greenspaces Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Area A Parks, Recreation and Greenspaces Advisory Committee meeting held May 16, 2002, be received for information.
District 69 Recreation Commission. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held June 11, 2002, be received for information.
Nanoose Bay Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Nanoose Bay Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held June 10, 2002, be received for information.
Canadian Community Monitoring Network. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Board support the Canadian Nature Federation and the Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network Coordinating Office of Environment Canada�s Canadian Community Monitoring Network initiative.
Intergovernmental Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
50-59 Minutes from the meetings of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee held June 6, June 14, June 19, and June 27, 2002. (for information)
60-65 Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 1309. (Bylaw included as separate enclosure) (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
66-67 Arrowsmith Community Justice Society (Director Westbroek - Verbal Report)
12. BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)