Director G. Holme Chairperson
Director L. Elliott Electoral Area A
Director B. Sperling Electoral Area B
Director E. Hamilton Electoral Area C
Director D. Haime Electoral Area D
Director J. McLean Electoral Area F
Director J. Stanhope Electoral Area G
Director R. Quittenton Electoral Area H
Director J. Macdonald City of Parksville
Director A. Kruyt Town of Qualicum Beach
Director D. Rispin City of Nanaimo
Director G. Korpan City of Nanaimo
Director S. Lance City of Nanaimo
Director L. McNabb City of Nanaimo
Director L. Sherry City of Nanaimo
Director B. Holdom City of Nanaimo
Also in Attendance:
B. Lapham Gen. Mgr. of Development Services
N. Connelly Gen. Mgr. of Community Services
J. Finnie Gen. Mgr. of Environmental Services
C. Mason Gen. Mgr. of Corporate Services
M. Pearse Manager of Administrative Services
The Board observed a moment of silence in recognition of the Queen Mother.
Director Quittenton commended Planning staff on their handling of the Horne Lake issue.
Ron Tomlin, Port Theatre, re Referendum Vote, November 2002.
Mr. Tomlin requested the Board�s advice on financing options available for the Port Theatre.
Ted Jeffs, re Inclusion of Property in the City of Nanaimo.
Mr. Duncan Watt, speaking on behalf of Mr. Jeffs, advised of their desire to work with the Regional District in determining options available with the Jeffs� property.
Jim Rutter, Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team, re Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems and their Associated Species at Risk in Canada.
Mr. Rutter asked for the Board�s endorsation of the Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems and their Associated Species at Risk in Canada.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the following delegations be permitted to address the Board.
Ian MacDonald, Oceanside Minor Hockey, re District 69 Arena RFP.
Mr. MacDonald spoke in support of the proposal to twin the existing arena as opposed to having an additional ice surface at Wembley Mall.
Trevor & Eileen Wicks, re Arrowsmith Watershed Stewardship Team.
Ms. Dorothy Sly requested that the Board have staff prepare a report on drinking water protection in the Arrowsmith Watershed Area.
Ron & Maureen Groves, re DP Application No. 0209 � 5457 West Island Highway � Area H.
Mr. Groves spoke in response to two letters of concern the Board received from neighbouring properties and urged the Board to approve his application.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the regular Board meeting and the Special Board meeting held on Tuesday, March 12, 2002 and Tuesday, March 26, 2002 be adopted.
Jim Rutter, Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team, re Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems and their Associated Species at Risk in Canada.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence from the Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team with respect to a request to the Board to endorse the Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems and their Associated Species at Risk in Canada, 2001 � 2006, be received.
Mary Jane Puckrin, re DP Application No. 0209 - Groves - 5457 West Island Highway - Area H.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence from Mary Jane Puckrin with respect to DP Application No. 0209 be received.
John & Shirley Flint, re DP Application No. 0209 - Groves - 5457 West Island Highway - Area H.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence from John & Shirley Flint with respect to DP Application No. 0209 be received.
Bylaw No. 889.20.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Rispin, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 889.20, 2002". be adopted.
Bylaw No. 930.02.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Arbutus Park Estates Water Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 930.02, 2002" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1288.
MOVED Director Kruyt, SECONDED Director Sherry, that "Fairwinds Water Service Area Conversion and Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 1288, 2002" be adopted.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Haime, that the minutes of the regular Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held March 26, 2002, be received for information.
Zoning Amendment Application � Chouinard � 7184 Lantzville Road � Area D.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Haime, that the minutes of the Public Information Meeting held March 14, 2002 for Amendment Application No. 0201, submitted by Winnifred Chouinard, to amend the Commercial 2 (CM2) zone by removing site area requirements for Residential Use, and specifically for the subject property legally described as Lot 6, District Lot 27G (Formerly Known as District Lot 27), Wellington District, Plan 6757, be received for information.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Haime, that Amendment Application No. 0201, submitted by Winnifred Chouinard, to amend the Commercial 2 (CM2) zone by removing site area requirements for Residential Use, and specifically for the subject property legally described as Lot 6, District Lot 27G (Formerly Known as District Lot 27), Wellington District, Plan 6757, be given 1st and 2nd reading.
MOVED Director Haime, SECONDED Director McLean, that the resolution be amended to read: "that Amendment Application No. 0201, submitted by Winnifred Chouinard, to amend the Commercial 2 (CM2) zone by removing site area requirements for Residential Use accessory to commercial use be approved and that the bylaw be given 1st and 2nd reading".
The question was called on the main motion, as amended.
The motion CARRIED.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Haime, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.282, 2002" be advanced to a public hearing.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Haime, that the Public Hearing on "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.282, 2002" be delegated to Director Haime or her alternate.
Development Permit Application No. 0207 � Smith � Cave Road � Area H.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that Development Permit Application No. 0207, to facilitate the relocation of a recreational residence and decks to be located a minimum of 10.5 metres and an accessory building to be located a minimum of 8.0 metres and the stairs to be located a minimum of 1.2 metres from the natural boundary of Horne Lake located within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Development Permit Area on the property legally described as Strata Lot 52, District Lot 251, Alberni District, Plan VIS5160 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 2.
Development Permit Application No. 0208 � A & W Food Services of Canada/Nanoose Hill Station Ltd. � 1666 East Island Highway � Area E.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McLean, that Development Permit No. 0208 for the changes to the signage to the A & W Restaurant Building on the property legally described as Lot 1, of Amended Lot 167 (DD 66169-N), Nanoose District, Plan 9428 Except Parcel A (DD 80609-N) Thereof; and Except Part in Plan 19267 be approved subject to the conditions as outlined in Schedule �1� of the staff report.
Development Permit Application No. 0209 � Groves � 5457 West Island Highway � Area H.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that this item be deferred for one month.
Development Permit Application No. 0212 � Stull � Cave Road � Area H.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Quittenton, that Development Permit Application No. 0212 to facilitate the construction of a recreational residence and decks to be located a minimum of 8.0 metres from the natural boundary of Horne Lake and located within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Lands Development Permit Area on the property legally described as Strata Lot 119, District Lot 251, Alberni District, Plan VIS5160 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 2.
Development Permit Application No. 0214 � Kristjanson � Higginson Road � Area E.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Development Permit Application No. 0214 to permit the construction of a shoreline protection device, consisting of granite rock, in place of the damaged retaining wall, on the property legally described as Lot 10, District Lot 102, Nanoose District, Plan 21022 be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 1 of this report.
Development Variance Permit Application No. 0209� Lyon � Chartwell Road � Area G.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Development Variance Permit No. 0209, submitted by Lynda Middlemass, Agent, acting on behalf of Nancy Joan Lyon, to facilitate the development of a single dwelling unit and vary the minimum setback requirement for a building or structure within a Residential 1 zone from 5.0 metres to 3.2 metres for the other lot line located along Miraloma Drive for the property legally described as Lot 33, District Lot 88, Nanoose Land District, Plan VIP57488, be approved as submitted subject to the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held March 26, 2002, be received for information.
Richard Taylor, UBCM, re 2002 Resolution Process.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence received from UBCM with respect to the 2002 resolution process, be received.
Town of Ladysmith, re Transit System.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence received from the Town of Ladysmith with respect to regional transit linkages between the RDN and CVRD transit systems, be received.
Jim Bowden, City of Nanaimo, re Regional Transit Authority Feasibility Study Request.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence received from the City of Nanaimo with respect to the City�s request for a feasibility study of various options and costs of providing a high frequency transit link between Malaspina University College and the downtown core, be received.
Agnes & Albert Meers, re Request to Survey Park Boundaries � Crows Nest Park � Area E.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence received from Agnes and Albert Meers with respect to the RDN�s park policy on trimming of trees in parks, be received.
George Legg, re Performance Review Committee
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence received from George Legg with respect to comments made at the February 27, 2002 Performance Review Committee meeting, be received.
Felicity Adams, re Performance Review Committee Minutes.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence received from Felicity Adams with respect to the minutes of the Performance Review Committee meeting held February 27, 2002, be received.
Gayle Jackson, City of Parksville, re Electoral Area �F� OCP Bylaw No. 1152.02.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence received from the City of Parksville with respect to a potential reduction in minimum lot size for designated resource lands which are within the ALR from 4.0 ha to 2.0 ha in Electoral Area �F�, be received.
Section 700 Filings.
The Chairperson advised that the filing on the following property has been resolved:
Re-amended Lot A (DD 27360N), District Lot 8, Plan 1949, except Parts in Plans 14093, 17057 and VIP58478, Newcastle Land District, 250 Hilliers Road, Electoral Area �G�, owned by Qualicum Farms Ltd.
Request for Acceptance of Cash-in-Lieu of Park Land and Relaxation of the Minimum 10% Perimeter Requirement � Glencar Consultants on behalf of Chris Ball � Barnes & Leask Road � Area A.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the requests, submitted by Glencar Consultants Inc., on behalf of Chris Ball, for cash-in-lieu of park land dedication be accepted and to relax the minimum 10% frontage requirement for proposed Lot 4, as shown on the plan of subdivision of Lot 1, Section 18, Range 4, Cedar District, Plan 7206 Except Parcel A (DD 94411N) Thereof and Except Part in Plan 36841, be approved subject to the applicant registering a section 219 covenant on proposed Lot 4 restricting further subdivision unless the minimum 10% requirement pursuant to section 944 of the Local Government Act can be met.
Building Strata Conversion Application � Philip Sopow � 2525 Myles Lake Road � Area C.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the request from Philip Sopow, to amend the Board resolution with respect to approval of the building strata conversion as shown on the Sketch Plan of Lot A, Cranberry District, Section 8, Range 3, Plan VIP53510, be approved subject to the conditions being met as set out in Schedule No. �1� of the staff report.
Update on Implementation of Community Sewers for the Cedar Village and Surrounding Suburban Residential Lands � Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Elliott,:
1. That staff prepare an information pamphlet providing an update on the expansion of community sewers into the Cedar Urban Containment Boundary for direct mail to property owners within the proposed servicing area.
2. That staff prepare Terms of Reference for the preparation of a comprehensive study of soils, hydrology and a survey of on-site septic systems as part of the application process for the Cedar Sewer Infrastructure Implementation Grant and report back to the Board.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that this item be deferred to the next Committee meeting.
Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.281 & Horne Lake Service Area Sewage Disposal Regulation Bylaw No. 1218.01 � Area H.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.281, 2002" be introduced and given 1st and 2nd reading.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the requirements for the public hearing for "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.281, 2002" be waived pursuant to Section 890 (4) of the Local Government Act.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Kruyt, that notification for "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.281, 2002" be undertaken pursuant to Section 893 of the Local Government Act.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the "Horne Lake Service Area Sewage Disposal Regulation Bylaw No. 1218.01, 2002" be introduced and given 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading and referred to the Provincial Health Officer for approval.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.274, 2001" be repealed.
Electoral Area �F� OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.02.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Haime, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.02, 2002" has been considered in conjunction with the Regional District of Nanaimo 2002-2007 Capital Expenditure Program Bylaw.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Rispin, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.02, 2002" has been considered in conjunction with the RDN waste management plans.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Rispin, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.02, 2002" has been considered in conjunction with the RDN growth management plan.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Rispin, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.02, 2002" has been considered in conjunction with the provincial policy guidelines and comments from the Land Reserve Commission.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Haime, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.02, 2002" be given 2nd reading and be referred to a public hearing.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion was DEFEATED with Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Haime, Elliott, McLean and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Directors Kruyt, Sherry, Macdonald, Holdom, McNabb, Lance, Korpan and Rispin voting in the negative.
MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the staff report be received and that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1152.02, 2002" be abandoned.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Haime, that this issue be referred back to the Committee.
The question was called on the main motion.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Kruyt, Sherry, Macdonald, Holdom, McNabb, Lance, Korpan and Rispin voting in the affirmative and Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Haime, Elliott, McLean and Stanhope voting in the negative.
MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Rispin, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285, 2002" be reintroduced and given 1st and 2nd reading as amended to increase the minimum lot size for the A-1 to 4 ha and referred to Public Hearing.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that this issue be referred back to the Committee.
The question was called on the main motion.
The motion CARRIED.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Rispin that the motion delegating the public hearing with respect to "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285, 2002" to Director McLean or Director Stanhope as his alternate, be rescinded and that the holding of the public hearing with respect to "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �F� Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285, 2002" be delegated to Director McLean or his alternate.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Rispin, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Impact Assessment Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1165.02, 2002" be introduced and given 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Quittenton, that the Regional District of Nanaimo be dissolved and broken into two separate areas.
Director Elliott left the meeting.
Growth Management Plan Monitoring Program � Scope & Approach.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the Regional District fulfill its obligation to monitor Growth Management Plan implementation and progress towards Plan objectives and action by pursuing a comprehensive monitoring program, including staff�s preparation of terms of reference for a new committee, as described in Alternative 4.
2001 Audited Financial Statements.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the report on the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2001 be received.
2001 Public Bodies Information Report.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the 2001 Public Bodies Financial Information Report on supplier payments and employee remuneration be received for information.
2001 Audited Financial Statements.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Kruyt, that the report on the 2001 audited financial statements of the Nanaimo Regional Hospital District be received.
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Options Review � Qualicum Bay/Dunsmuir, Bowser (Area H) and Extension (Area C).
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Kruyt, that the wastewater treatment and disposal option and servicing studies for Qualicum Bay/Dunsmuir and Bowser and Extension be received.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Sherry, that staff be directed to consult with the stakeholders to determine the preferred servicing option and to take that option to pre-design to determine costs of final construction.
Rural Streetlighting LSA Amendment Bylaw No. 791.03.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that "Rural Streetlighting Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 791.03, 2002" be granted first three readings and be forwarded to the Inspector for approval.
District 69 Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held March 14, 2002 be received for information.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Quittenton, that the following Community Grant In Aid be approved:
Family Resource Association $ 500
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the following Youth Grant In Aids be approved:
Kidfest $ 1,500
Errington Therapeutic Riding Association 1,500
Erik Goetzinger BMX Society 3,200
Arrowsmith Mountain Bike Society 3,400
Deep Bay Yacht Club Junior Sailing Program 2,700
Gabriola Island Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Sperling, SECONDED Director Korpan, that the minutes of the Gabriola Island Recreation Commission meeting held March 11, 2002 be received for information.
MOVED Director Sperling, SECONDED Director Korpan, that the report be received and that the Regional District of Nanaimo enter into an agreement with the Gabriola Recreation Society for the provision of recreation services to the residents of Gabriola Island.
MOVED Director Sperling, SECONDED Director Haime, that staff prepare a report on the options available on the restructure of the Recreation Commission.
Board of Variance Appointment.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director McNabb, that Brock Williamson be appointed as the Board�s representative on the Board of Variance for a three year term ending April, 2005.
Tender Award � Davenham Road, Dolphin Drive & Sea Lion Crescent Watermain Replacement � Bylaw No. 1297 � Area E.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Water Local Service Area Excess Capital Funds Expenditure (Watermain Improvements) Bylaw No. 1297, 2002" be given three readings.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Water Local Service Area Excess Capital Funds Expenditure (Watermain Improvements) Bylaw No. 1297, 2002" be adopted.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Kruyt, that the Davenham/Dolphin Drive Watermain Replacement Contract be awarded to Fournier Excavating Ltd. for the tendered price of $144,901.11.
Annual Operating Agreement � BC Transit.
MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Holdom, that the 2002/2003 Annual Operating Agreement between BC Transit and the Regional District of Nanaimo for the provision of Conventional and Custom Transit services be approved.
District 69 Arena Project � Review of Request for Proposals.
MOVED Director Macdonald, SECONDED Director Stanhope,
That the Regional District proceed with further discussions with RG Properties Ltd. on their proposal for a twinned arena facility at Wembley Mall and with CAPE Developments Corporation on their proposal for a twinned arena facility at the existing arena site.
That staff prepare a report to allow for the Board�s consideration of a proposal and next steps, including a schedule for a referendum.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Quittenton, Kruyt, Macdonald and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative.
Response Regarding Treaty Positions.
MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Holdom, that the report with respect to the Provincial response to Treaty Positions be received.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that based on the information received, a new meeting date be arranged to meet with Trevor Proverbs.
Director Korpan requested that meetings be arranged on weekends when possible.
Director Sperling requested that he be replaced as Director Hamilton�s alternate on treaty issues.
Update on Treaty Related Measure.
MOVED Director Holdom, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the update on the Treaty Related Measures be received for information.
Southern Community Recreation LSA Amendment Bylaw No. 1059.02.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Kruyt, that "Southern Community Recreation Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 1059.02, 2002" be introduced for first three readings and be forwarded to the Inspector for approval.
Alternative Facility Use for the District 69 Arena.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Kruyt, that the Alternative Facility Use for the District 69 Arena report be received as information.
Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Korpan, that the Board endorse the Recovery Strategy for Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems and their Associated Species at Risk in Canada, 2001 � 2006 (Draft 20 February 2002).
Arrowsmith Watershed.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Holdom, that staff prepare a report on drinking water in the Arrowsmith watershed.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Holdom, that this issue be referred to Committee.
Port Theatre.
MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Rispin, that staff prepare a report in consultation with the Port Theatre staff on financing options for the Port Theatre for the affected areas.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Kruyt, Haime, Sperling, Macdonald, Holdom, McNabb, Lance, Korpan, Rispin and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Directors Sherry and McLean voting in the negative.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that pursuant to Section 242.2 1(e) of the Local Government Act the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to the acquisition of land.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Rispin, that this meeting be adjourned to allow for an In Camera meeting.
TIME: 9:30 PM
The meeting reconvened at 9:50 PM
Soil Conservation Permit No. 0104 � Champoux � 3230 Palmer Road � Area F.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the Board reconsider the terms of the Permit to allow for the off-site removal of any excess soil not required to construct the road.
Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre � Land Purchase.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the purchase and lease agreements for the Pipers Inn pub and adjacent Lagoon Grocery store properties (Lot 2, Plan 7504, District Lot 51, Wellington Land District and Lot 1, Plan 23005, District Lot 51, Wellington Land District) be approved.