13 Ray Farmer, re Proposed Zoning - 817 Allsbrook Road - Area F.
14-31 Minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, February 12, 2002.
32 Kevin Langlands, Ministry of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, re Treaty Negotiations.
33-34 Geoff Plant, Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations, re RDN Participation in Snuneymuxw Treaty Negotiations.
35-37 Corinne Lonsdale, Mayor, District of Squamish, re Proposed Squamish Nation "Wild Spirit Places".
38 Gregory Slocombe, Chair, BC Transit Board of Directors, re BC Transit Budget & Service Plan 2002-2005.
39 Leslie Gail Marx, DVP Application No. 0204 - Karasiuk - 3741 Mallard Place - Area E.
40 Frank Pronk, re DVP Application No. 0204 - Karasiuk - 3741 Mallard Place - Area E.
41 Daphne Davis, re DVP Application No. 0207 - Bailey - Redden Road - Area E.
From the Board Meeting held February 12, 2002.
42-44 Unsightly Premises Regulatory Bylaw No. 1073, 1996 - E. Stenberg, H. O''Connor, A. Wallace - 1010 Descanso Valley Drive - Area B. (Report attached for information - verbal update to be provided)
Bylaws For Adoption.
Bylaw No. 805.03 - Electoral Area ''G'' Community Parks Local Service Requisition Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)
Bylaw No. 804.02 - Electoral Area ''F'' Community Parks Local Service Requisition Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)
45-48 Minutes of the regular Electoral Area Planning Committee meeting held February 26, 2002. (for information)
Oceanside Development & Construction Association, re Proposed Amendment Bylaw No. 500.268. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from the Oceanside Development & Construction Association with respect to proposed Amendment Bylaw No. 500.268, be received for information.
DP Application No. 0126 � Parksville Funeral Chapel Ltd./Stanhope � 1000 Allsbrook Road � Area F. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That Development Permit Application No. 0126, to allow the enlargement of an existing irrigation pond in the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area on the property legally described as Remainder Lot 3, District Lot 43, Nanoose District, Plan 2761, Except the Southerly 20 Chains thereof and Plans VIP52723 and VIP65740 be approved subject to conditions outlined in Schedule Nos. 1 and 2.
DP Application No. 0205 � Rennie � Admiral Tryon Boulevard � Area G. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That Development Permit Application No. 0205 to vary the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area setback from the natural boundary pursuant to the French Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1115, 1998 from 30.0 metres to 8.01 metres to permit the construction of a retaining wall, and to vary the DPA setback from 30.0 metres to 15.2 metres to permit the siting of a dwelling unit for the property legally described as Lot 16, District Lot 28, Nanoose District, Plan VIP62528 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule �1�.
DP Application No. 0206 � Nanoose Hill Station/Fern Road Consulting � 1660/1666 East Island Highway & 1642 East Island Highway � Area E. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That Development Permit No. 0206 for the changes to the site plan of the gasoline service station/fast food outlet and for the placement of retention pond system and septic disposal system on the properties legally described as Lot 1, Plan 9428 Except Parcel A (DD80609-N) Thereof; and Except Part in Plan 19267 & Lot 2, Plan VIP65823, Both of Amended Lot 167 (DD66169-N), Nanoose District, be approved subject to the conditions and variances outlined in Schedule �1� of the staff report and the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
DVP Application No. 0204� Karasiuk � 3741 Mallard Place � Area E. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0204.
That Development Variance Permit No. 0204, submitted by Ken Karasiuk and Janice Karasiuk, to facilitate the construction of an addition to an existing single dwelling unit by relaxing the maximum dwelling unit height from 8.0 metres to approximately 12.7 metres as per the submitted plans, and by varying the minimum setback requirement for an interior side lot line from 2.0 metres to 0.0 metres to legalize the existing deck and dwelling unit and for a front lot line from 8.0 metres to 0.7 metres to legalize the existing carport, and to discharge the Section 215 Covenant held by the Regional District of Nanaimo for the property legally described as Lot 6, District Lots 8 and 78, Nanoose District, Plan 28595 be approved as submitted subject to the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
DVP Application No. 0205 � Sjostrom Industries & Donner Lake Contracting � Nanaimo River Road � Area C. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0205.
That Development Variance Permit No. 0205, submitted by Dale Hodgins, Agent, acting on behalf of Sjostrom Industries and Donner Lake Contracting to facilitate the development of a single dwelling unit, barn and shop, and vary the minimum setback requirements for a building or structure within a Resource Management 4 zone from 20.0 metres (65.6 feet) to 0.0 metres (0.0 feet) for the south lot line for construction of a single dwelling unit, from 30.0 metres (98.4 feet) to 3.0 metres (9.8 feet) for the north lot line for construction of a barn, from 30.0 metres (98.4 feet) to 17.0 metres (55.8 feet) for the south lot line for construction of a barn, from 20.0 metres (65.6 feet) to 6.0 metres (19.7 feet) for the south lot line for construction of a shop, and from 20.0 metres (65.6 feet) to 14.0 metres (45.9 feet for the north lot line for construction of a shop for the property legally described as That Part of Block 645, Douglas District, Included Within the Area Coloured Red on Plan 403 RW, be approved as submitted subject to the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
DVP Application No. 0206 � Dickens/Sims � 3605 Collingwood Drive � Area E. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0206.
That Development Variance Permit Application No. 0206, submitted by Helen Sims, Agent on behalf of Harold Dickens and Nora Dickens, to legalize existing retaining walls constructed to facilitate access to the single dwelling unit by varying the minimum setback from an interior side lot line from 2.0 metres to 0.0 metres and the front lot line setback from 8.0 metres to 0.0 metres within the Residential 1 (RS1) zone for the property legally described as Lot 10, District Lot 9, Nanoose District, Plan 51142, be approved as submitted subject to notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
DVP Application No. 0207 � Bailey � Redden Road � Area E. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0207.
That Development Variance Permit No. 0207, submitted by Sandra Bailey and Warren Bailey, to facilitate the construction of additions to an existing dwelling unit by varying the maximum permitted height of a dwelling unit within the Residential 1 (RS1) zone from 8.0 metres to 12.5 metres for the property legally described as Lot 13, District Lot 78, Nanoose District, Plan VIP53134, be approved as submitted subject to notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
DVP Application No. 0208 � Zavislak/Sims � 6297 West Island Highway � Area H. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
Delegations wishing to speak to Application No. 0208.
That Development Variance Permit Application No. 0208 to vary the minimum setback requirement from 18.0 metres horizontal distance from the stream centerline of the back channel of Nash Creek to a minimum of 7.0 metres for a building envelope to locate a retaining device and dwelling unit; to vary the minimum setback distance from 18.0 metres horizontal distance from the stream centerline of the back channel of Nash Creek to 0 metres for the building envelope to locate a bridge crossing the back channel of Nash Creek; and to vary the minimum setback from 18.0 metres horizontal distance from the stream centerline of the main channel of Nash Creek to 0 metres for the building envelope to locate a bridge crossing the main channel of Nash Creek pursuant to the RDN�s Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw No. 500, 1987 for the property legally described as Lot 10, District Lot 21, Newcastle District, Plan 11567 be approved subject to the requirements outlined in Schedule Nos. 1, 2 and 3 and subject to the applicant agreeing to enter into a restrictive covenant to not obstruct the main and back channel of Nash Creek or to divert the flow of the main and back channel of Nash Creek.
Proposed Amendment Bylaw 500.268. (Electoral Area Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.268, 2000" be abandoned.
49-57 Minutes of the regular Committee of the Whole Committee meeting held February 26, 2002. (for information)
Oceanside Development & Construction Association, re Growth Management Plan Consultant. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from Oceanside Development & Construction Association with respect to the Growth Management Plan review project consultant selection, be received for information.
Hans Cunningham, UBCM, re Protocol on Consultation and Cooperation. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from UBCM with respect to a proposed agreement with the British Columbia Environmental Network, be received for information.
Sgt. Randy Churchill, Oceanside Detachment, RCMP, re Arrowsmith Search & Rescue Request for Support of Building Addition. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from the Oceanside Detachment, RCMP with respect to Arrowsmith Search & Rescue�s request for an addition to the Coombs-Hilliers Fire Department Hall, be received for information.
B.A. Hawkshaw, City of North Vancouver, re Cancellation of the Subsidy for Seniors� Transit Passes on Translink. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from the City of North Vancouver with respect to the Provincial Government�s cancellation of the subsidy for seniors� transit passes on TransLink, be received for information.
B.A. Hawkshaw, City of North Vancouver, re Audio Book Services. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from the City of North Vancouver with respect to the Provincial Government�s cancellation of funding for the audio book program, be received for information.
John Van Beek, re E & N Right-of-Way. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from John Van Beek with respect to preservation of the E & N Right of Way as a corridor for use by cyclists and hikers, be received for information.
Ken Vance, UBCM, re Amendments to Contaminated Site Regulations. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from UBCM with respect to provincial amendments to the contaminated site regulations, be received for information.
Robert Hobson, UBCM Environment Committee, re Drinking Water Review Panel. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from the UBCM Environment Committee with respect to the twenty-six recommendations brought forward by the independent provincially appointed drinking water review panel, be received for information.
Barry O�Neill, President, CUPE BC Division, re Drinking Water Protection. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence received from the CUPE BC Division with respect to protection of British Columbia�s drinking water, be received for information.
Section 700 Filings. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a notice be filed against the titles of the properties listed, pursuant to Section 700 of the Local Government Act and that if the infractions are not rectified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:
Liquor License Increased Occupancy Capacity Application � Wheat Sheaf Hotel � 1866 Cedar Road � Area A. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the application for an increase in occupancy capacity, as submitted by the Wheat Sheaf Inn, legally described as Lot A, Section 14, Range 1, Cedar District, Plan VIP67433, be supported, subject to the applicants meeting all zoning, building inspection and official community plan bylaw requirements.
Request for Relaxation of the Park Land Provision Requirement � WR Hutchinson on Behalf of A. Long � Myles Lake Road � Area C. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the request to provide an easement for the purposes of providing public access to Myles Lake instead of providing park land or cash in conjunction for the proposed subdivision of The East 20 Chains of Section 9, Range 2, Cranberry District be refused and that the applicant be required to pay 5% cash in-lieu-of- park land pursuant to Section 941 of the Local Government Act.
E & N Railway Closure and OCP/Zoning Bylaw Impacts. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That the Electoral Area �A�, Electoral Area �C�, Electoral Area �D� Lantzville, Electoral Area �E�, Electoral Area �G� Englishman River, Electoral Area �G� French Creek, and Electoral Area �H� Official Community Plans be amended to designate the E & N rail line as Transportation Corridor.
That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw No. 500, 1987" and "Electoral Area �F� Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285" be amended to zone the E & N rail line as Institutional to allow for the railway use only.
That the Ministry of Transportation be requested to approach the owners of the E & N railway to discuss alternatives and possible partnerships for the acquisition of the entire railway corridor to provide future opportunities to use the land as a transportation corridor.
Green Landing Wharf. (All Directors - One Vote)
1. That the Regional District of Nanaimo request from Public Works and Government Services Canada an extension of the temporary lease of the Green Landing Wharf from March 31, 2002 to September 30, 2002.
2. That the Regional District request a written updated position from Public Works & Government Services Canada on the status of the Green Landing Wharf.
Park System Plan Amendment. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Official Regional Park Plan Designation Amendment Bylaw No. 921.02, 2002 be given three readings and forwarded to the Minister of Water, Air and Land Protection for approval.
Revised Terms of Reference � Area G Parks, Recreation and Greenspaces Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the revised Terms-of-Reference for the Electoral Area �G� Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee be approved, that the current Board appointments to the Committee be dissolved, and that a call for members to the new Area �G� Committee be made with the Board appointments having staggered terms set for the first year.
Trail Study for Electoral Area �A�. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Terms of Reference for an Electoral Area �A� Community Trail Study and Project Committee be approved.
Park Inspection Policy. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Park Inspection Policy be approved.
Gabriola Island Regional and Community Park Acquisition. (All Directors - Weighted Vote)
That the Regional District approve the Agreement, under the terms outlined, with the Coastal Community Credit Union for the acquisition of their campground and land holding on Gabriola Island for community and regional park purposes.
BC Transit � Service Hours Reduction. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the report on conventional Transit service reductions as required by BC Transit be received for information.
Proposed Transit Fleet Changes for 2002. (Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas ''A, ''C'', ''E'', ''G'', ''H'' - Weighted Vote)
That four new replacement Dennis Dart Buses be approved for delivery from BC Transit in 2002.
Islands Trust � Election Services Agreement. (All Directors - Weighted Vote)
That the Chairperson and General Manager, Corporate Services be authorized to sign the 2002 Election Services Agreement between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the Islands Trust for the purpose of conducting the November 2002 Gabriola Island local trustee election on behalf of the Islands Trust.
General Local Election Bylaw No. 1292.
(All Directors - One Vote)
1. That "Regional District of Nanaimo General Local Election Bylaw No. 1292, 2002" be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors - 2/3)
2. That "Regional District of Nanaimo General Local Election Bylaw No. 1292, 2002" be adopted.
Annual Report of Directors� and Committee Members� Remuneration and Expenses. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the 2001 report on remuneration and expenses for Board and committee members be received.
Arrowsmith Search & Rescue � Addition to Coombs-Hilliers Fire Department Hall. (All Directors - One Vote)
1. That the Regional Board support in principle the request from the Arrowsmith Search & Rescue organization to construct an office, equipment storage and training facility as an addition to the Coombs-Hilliers Firehall #2.
2. That correspondence be sent to the Province seeking permission to amend the use of the site to accommodate premises for the Arrowsmith Search & Rescue organization.
3. That should permission be granted, the construction plans be reviewed and construction progress be inspected by the Regional District Building Inspection department.
Annual Report � Liquid Waste Management Plan. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the 2000 Annual Report on the Liquid Waste Management Plan be received.
Northern Community Sewer LSA Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 889.20. (All Directors - One Vote)
That "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 889.20, 2002" be introduced for first three readings and be forwarded to the participants for consent.
Sewer Use Regulatory Bylaw No. 1225.
(All Directors - One Vote)
1. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Sewer Use Regulatory Bylaw No. 1225, 2002" be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors - 2/3)
2. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Sewer Use Regulatory Bylaw No. 1225, 2002" having received three readings be adopted.
Fairwinds Water LSA Conversion Bylaw No. 1288 � Area E. (All Directors - One Vote)
That "Fairwinds Water Service Area Conversion and Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 1288, 2002" be granted first three readings and be forwarded to the Inspector for approval.
Arbutus Park Estates Water LSA Amendment Bylaw No. 930.02 � Area E. (All Directors - One Vote)
That "Arbutus Park Estates Water Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 930.02, 2002" be granted first three readings and be forwarded to the Inspector for approval.
Area A Parks, Recreation & Greenspaces Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Area A Parks, Recreation & Greenspaces Advisory Committee meetings held November 15, 2001 and January 17, 2002 be received for information.
Area G Parks, Recreation & Greenspaces Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Area G Parks, Recreation & Greenspaces Advisory Committee meeting held February 7, 2002 be received for information.
Nanoose Bay Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Nanoose Bay Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held February 11, 2002 be received for information.
That the Committee receive the report and that the RDN Tree Management Policy (C.1.1) not be amended.
District 69 Recreation Commission.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes as amended, of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held February 14, 2002 be received for information.
(Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas ''E'', ''F'', ''G'', ''H'' - Weighted Vote)
That the Electoral Area Grants be combined with Community Grants, and Youth Agreements be combined with Youth Grants, and that the two grant programs be administered tri-annually, with the funding of $82,500 equally split between the two programs.
(Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas ''E'', ''F'', ''G'', ''H'' - Weighted Vote)
That the revised administrative guidelines for the Community Grants and Youth Grants programs be approved as presented in Attachment 1 with one amendment which is the deletion of item number 6 under Funding Criteria.
That the District 69 Recreation Fees and Charges policy not be amended to provide for prime and non prime time arena rental fees and that the District 69 Arena rental rates be reviewed as part of the 2003 Provisional Budget process.
Provincial Government Downsizing. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Board support the City of Nanaimo�s resolution with respect to the deep cuts to public services by the Province and resolve as follows:
Be it resolved that the Regional District of Nanaimo request the Provincial Government to ensure full community consultation on program reviews and funding reductions.
Be it further resolved that the Provincial Government not offload current Provincial Program responsibilities onto communities and families without ensuring program integrity and adequate funding.
And be it finally resolved that this resolution be submitted to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), the Association of Vancouver Island Coastal Communities (AVICC) and to the area MLA�s.
Intergovernmental Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
58-61 Minutes from the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee meeting held Wednesday, February 6, 2002. (for information)
Performance Review Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
62-65 Minutes from the Performance Review Committee meeting held Wednesday, February 27, 2002. (for information)
66-93 Noise Control Establishing and Regulatory Bylaws No. 1264 & 1265 - Area ''D'' and Bylaws No. 1266 & 1267 - Area ''H''. (All Directors - One Vote)
94-95 Emergency Planning - Nanaimo Search & Rescue Society - JEPP Funding. (All Directors - Weighted Vote)
96-99 Contravention of RDN Building Regulation and Fees Bylaw No. 1250 - Dyck/Robertson - 1716 Cedar Road - Area A. (All Directors - One Vote)
100-101 Appointment of Animal Control Officers. (All Directors - One Vote)
102-106 OCP/Zoning Bylaw Amendment for E & N Railway Corridor.
107-111 Recreation Facilities & Sportsfield Usage Survey. (All Directors - One Vote)
112-123 Annual Budget Bylaw No. 1295. (All Directors - Weighted Vote)
124-128 Five Year Capital Expenditure Plan Bylaw No. 1296. (All Directors - Weighted Vote)
12. BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)
That pursuant to Section 242.2 1(h) of the Local Government Act the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to consider a matter of potential litigation.