Director G. Holme Chairperson
Director L. Elliott Electoral Area A
Director B. Sperling Electoral Area B
Director E. Hamilton Electoral Area C
Director D. Haime Electoral Area D
Director J. McLean Electoral Area F
Director J. Stanhope Electoral Area G
Director R. Quittenton Electoral Area H
Director J. Macdonald City of Parksville
Director T. Westbroek Town of Qualicum Beach
Director L. Sherry City of Nanaimo
Director D. Rispin City of Nanaimo
Director G. Korpan City of Nanaimo
Director T. Krall City of Nanaimo
Director L. McNabb City of Nanaimo
Director B. Holdom City of Nanaimo
Also in Attendance:
K. Daniels Chief Administrative Officer
N. Connelly Gen. Mgr. of Community Services
J. Finnie Gen. Mgr. of Environmental Services
B. Lapham Gen. Mgr. of Development Services
C. Mason Gen. Mgr. of Corporate Services
N. Avery Manager of Financial Services
N. Tonn Recording Secretary
The Administrator called the meeting to order and confirmed receipt of notification from the City of Parksville and the Town of Qualicum Beach advising of their Council appointments to the Board for the year 2002 and noted that the Board had received notification last year of the City of Nanaimo�s Council appointments to the Board for 2001 and 2002.
The General Manager of Corporate Services conducted the inauguration proceedings.
The Administrator called for nominations for the position of Chairperson for the year 2002.
Director Stanhope nominated Director Holme.
There being no further nominations, the Administrator declared Director Holme Chairperson for 2002.
The Administrator called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chairperson for the year 2002.
Director Krall nominated Director McNabb.
There being no further nominations, the Administrator declared Director McNabb Deputy Chairperson for the year 2002.
The Chairperson presented UBCM�s "Best Local Government Web Site for a Medium Sized Community" award to Carol Mason, General Manager of Corporate Services and commended Ms. Mason and Maureen Pearse for their great work.
Art Cowie, re ALR Exclusion � Wosk � 365 Meadow View Place � Area G.
Mr. Cowie provided the Board with written and verbal information pertaining to his client�s application for exclusion from the ALR and urged the Board to approve the application.
Ian MacDonald, re Twinning of District 69 Arena.
Mr. MacDonald was not in attendance.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Krall, that the following late delegations be permitted to address the Board.
Brock Williamson, re Request to Modify Restrictive Covenant � Janet Limin � Akenhead Road & Huckleberry Way � Area A.
Mr. Williamson noted that his client is in agreement with the staff recommendation and made himself available for any questions from the Board.
Cornelia Poama and Gunter Yost, re Development Permit Application No. 0121 � Yost/Carman Fine Cars � 7193 Lantzville Road � Area D.
The delegation was not in attendance.
Richard Irwin, re Temporary Commercial Use Permit No. 0108 � Tower Fence Products � 1882 Fielding Road � Area A.
Mr. Irwin made himself available for any questions from the Board.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, November 13, 2001, be adopted.
Tim Galavan, re Horne Lake Park Management Committee � Request for Membership.
MOVED Director Macdonald, SECONDED Director Rispin, that the correspondence from Tim Galavan requesting appointment to the Horne Lake Park Management Committee, be received.
AVICC, re Resolutions for 2002 Annual General Meeting.
MOVED Director Macdonald, SECONDED Director Rispin, that the correspondence from AVICC with respect to submission requirements for the 2002 Annual General meeting, be received.
LGMA, re Community Charter Process.
MOVED Director Macdonald, SECONDED Director Rispin, that the correspondence from LGMA with respect to LGMA representation at the Charter Council level, be received.
Teunis Westbroek, Town of Qualicum Beach, re Area F Draft Zoning Bylaw.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Krall, that the correspondence from the Town of Qualicum Beach with respect to the Area F Draft Zoning Bylaw, be received.
Bill Beamish, CAO, District of Houston, re FCM Resolutions.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the correspondence from District of Houston with respect to resolutions to FCM, be received.
Sandra Keddy, Town of Qualicum Beach, re Appointment to District 69 Recreation Commission.
Director Westbroek noted that Councillor Scott Tanner has been appointed as a voting member on the District 69 Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Krall, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the correspondence from the Town of Qualicum Beach with respect to appointment to the District 69 Recreation Commission be received as amended.
Shirley Hine, City of Parksville, re Appointment to District 69 Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Krall, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the correspondence from the City of Parksville with respect to appointment to the District 69 Recreation Commission be received.
Shirley Hine, City of Parksville, re Appointment to Arrowsmith Water Service Management Committee.
Director Macdonald noted that Councillor Demmon will be the City of Parksville�s voting representative to the Arrowsmith Water Service Management Committee for the year 2002.
MOVED Director Krall, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the correspondence from the City of Parksville with respect to appointment to the Arrowsmith Water Service Management Committee be received as amended.
The Chairperson noted that Mr. Ian MacDonald had arrived and asked if he would like to speak to the Board at this time.
Ian MacDonald, re Twinning of District 69 Arena.
Mr. MacDonald spoke in favour of the proposed twinning of the existing District 69 Arena and urged the Board to allow this proposal to go to referendum.
From the Board Meeting held November 13, 2001.
Development Permit Application No. 0121 � Yost/Carman Fine Cars � 7193 Lantzville Road � Proposed Placement of Sign � Area D.
MOVED Director Haime, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the proposed freestanding sign, as part of Development Permit No. 0121, submitted by Gunter Yost, on behalf of Carman Fine Cars (formerly Lantzville Auto Services), be approved, subject to Schedules No. 1 and 2 of the corresponding staff report.
MOVED Director Haime, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the motion be amended to allow the proposed freestanding sign a 1.5 metre lot line setback to Lantzville Road.
The question was called on the main motion as amended.
The motion CARRIED.
Minister�s Request for Board Support of Area F Incorporation Study.
Motion to Reconsider.
From the Board Meeting held November 13, 2001.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the Board reconsider the motion of November 13, 2001 regarding the Minister�s request for Board support of Area F Incorporation Study.
For Adoption.
Bylaw No. 799.06.
MOVED Director Sperling, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that "Electoral Area �B� Community Parks Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 799.06, 2001" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1258.
MOVED Director Sperling, SECONDED Director Sherry, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area B Parkland Acquisition Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1258, 2001" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1218.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Krall, that "Horne Lake Service Area Sewage Disposal Regulation Bylaw No. 1218, 2001" be adopted.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held November 20, 2001, be received for information.
Charlotte Caswell, re Horne Lake Park Management Plan.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the correspondence received from Charlotte Caswell with respect to Paradise Bay and Scout Camp Area of Lot 40 on Horne Lake, be received for information:
Tim Galavan, re Scout Camp � Block 40, Horne Lake.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the correspondence received from Tim Galavan with respect to the existing leasing policy in the area known as Scout Camp, be received for information.
Section 700 Filings.
The Chairperson listed each filing and asked that any property owner in the audience wishing to address the Board, to come forward when their name was called.
The Chairperson noted that the following filings have been resolved:
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Elliott, that a notice be filed against the titles of the properties listed, pursuant to Section 700 of the Local Government Act and that if the infractions are not rectified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:
(a) Lot 2, Section 13, Range 1, Plan 11269, Cedar Land District, 11960 Cedar Road, Electoral Area �A�, owned by Druid Holdings Ltd.;
(b) Lot 4, Section 8, Range 3, Plan 30579, Cedar Land District, 2477 Enefer Road, Electoral Area �A�, owned by J. Vickers and P. Grandison;
Application No. 0106 & Development Permit No. 0125 � Maibach Indsutries/Brown � 2093 South Wellington Road � Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Elliott, that Development Permit Application No. 0125 submitted by Keith Brown, acting as agent for Maibach Industries, to allow for the authorized operation of outdoor display of heavy equipment and vary the signage requirements on the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 12, Range 7, Cranberry District, Plan 18166, be approved subject to notification procedures pursuant to the Local Government Act and subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 1.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Elliott, that Amendment Application No. 0106 to create a new Comprehensive Development (CD 11) zone by amending the text for a Commercial 4 (CM4) zone by removing "Outdoor Sales" as a permitted use and replacing it with "Heavy Equipment Display" for the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 12, Range 7, Cranberry District, Plan 18166 be given 1st and 2nd reading subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 1.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Elliott, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.279, 2001" proceed to Public Hearing.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Elliott, that the Public Hearing on "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.279, 2001" be delegated to Director Elliott or his alternate.
Application No. 0107 � Bruce & Cindy Senini � Dickinson Road � Area D.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Haime, that Amendment Application No. 0107, submitted by Bruce Senini and Cindy Senini, to rezone the subject property legally described as Lot 2, District Lot 37, Wellington District, Plan VIP64358, from Residential 2 (RS2), Subdivision District �D� to Residential 1 (RS1), Subdivision District �F� be given 1st and 2nd reading.
MOVED Director Haime, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that this item be referred back to staff.
Temporary Use Permit 0103 & Development Permit No. 0117 � Nanoose Harbour Holdings � 3500 Fairwinds Drive � Area E.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that Temporary Commercial Use Permit No. 0103 and Development Permit No. 0117 submitted by Nanoose Harbour Holdings Ltd. for the property legally described as Part of District Lot 78, Nanoose District to allow a temporary real estate office use, proceed to a public information meeting prior to the Board�s consideration of these permits, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule No. 1 and the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
Applications No. 0014 � Inkahute � 2655 & 2665 East Island Highway � Area E.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Development Variance Permit Application No. 0014, submitted by Fern Road Consulting Ltd. on behalf of Inkahute Development Corporate, for the property legally described as Lot 2, Plan 14576, and the Remainder of Block B, Plan 1610, both of District Lot 79, Nanoose Land District, to vary the minimum setback requirements, maximum dwelling unit height, and minimum parcel size requirement as shown on Schedule No. 2, be approved, subject to notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
ALR Exclusion � Wosk � 365 Meadow View Place � Area G.
MOVED Director Macdonald, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the application for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve for the property legally described as Lot G, District Lot 12, Nanoose District, Plan 30913 be referred back to the Regional Growth Management Plan review process and that the Land Reserve Commission be advised of the referral.
ALR Exclusion � Law & Devereaux � Godfrey Road � Area C.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Krall, that the application for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve for the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 10, Range 3 and of Section 11, Ranges 2 and 3, Cranberry District, Plan VIP60641 be denied.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Krall, that an application for a transfer of lands in the Agricultural Land Reserve for the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 10, Range 3 and of Section 11, Ranges 2 and 3, Cranberry District, Plan VIP60641 be referred to the Growth Management Review Process as an amendment consideration; therefore the referral of a resolution by the Board to the Land Reserve Commission as input for the LRC�s decision will be withheld pending the results of the Growth Management Review Process.
Noise Control Establishing and Regulatory Bylaws � Areas �D� and �H�.
MOVED Director Haime, SECONDED Director Quittenton,:
That a Public Information Meeting be held on "Electoral Area �D� Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1264, 2001" and "Electoral Area �D� Noise Control Regulatory Bylaw No. 1265, 2001", to be chaired by Director Haime or her alternate, prior to the consideration of the bylaws by the Board.
That a Public Information Meeting be held on "Electoral Area �H� Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1266, 2001" and "Electoral Area �H� Noise Control Regulatory Bylaw No. 1267, 2001", to be chaired by Director Quittenton or his alternate, prior to the consideration of the bylaws by the Board.
Temporary Commercial Use Permit No. 0108 � Tower Fence Products � 1882 Fielding Road � Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Elliott, that Temporary Industrial Use Permit Application No. 0108, submitted by Tower Fence Products for the parcel legally described as Lot A, Section 14, Range 6, Cranberry District, Plan 7057 be approved as outlined on Schedules No. 1 and 2 and subject to the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act.
Horne Lake Management Plan � Area H.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the Draft Terms of Reference for the appointment of a Parks Advisory Committee be received for information by the Board.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the Board direct staff to proceed with the selection criteria for the appointment of a Park Advisory Committee to assist in the completion of the Horne Lake Park Management Plan.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that staff be directed to proceed with the completion of a draft Horne Lake Management Plan, to be presented to the public at a public information meeting prior to consideration by the Board.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Korpan, that the minutes of the regular Environmental Services Committee meeting held November 27, 2001, be received for information.
Solid Waste Management Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 894.14.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Korpan, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Solid Waste Management Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 894.14, 2001" be introduced and read three times.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Korpan, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Solid Waste Management Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 894.14, 2001" be adopted.
Backyard Composter Distribution � Program Termination.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Holdom,:
That the back yard composter distribution program termination report be received for information.
That the back yard composter distribution program be terminated.
Zero Waste Workplan and Budget.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Holdom, that the Board receive the 2002 Zero Waste Workplan and Budget for information.
Illegal Dumping Prevention Program Workplan and Budget.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Krall,:
That the Board receive the 2002 Illegal Dumping Prevention Program workplan and budget for information.
That staff bring forward a report to the next Environmental Services Committee meeting with a detailed breakdown of the illegal dumping files generated by Malaspina University/College and RDN Bylaw Enforcement Officers and how these details may be best publicized as a deterrent component of the illegal dumping prevention program.
That a letter be sent to AVICC recommending a minimum fine of $2,000 for illegal dumping under the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection regulations.
Waste Export Contract Renewal.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the Board request a five-year renewal to the contract with the Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage District to collect, transship and dispose of approximately 17,000 tonnes of RDN municipal solid waste annually.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Krall, that the Board request a five-year extension to the authorization from the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection for interim export of RDN waste.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the minutes of the regular Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting held on December 4, 2001, be received for information.
Shirley Hine, City of Parksville, re Twinning of the District 69 Arena.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Holdom, that the correspondence received from the City of Parksville with respect to the twinning of the District 69 Arena, be received.
AVICC, re Offshore Oil & Gas Moratorium.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Holdom, that the correspondence received from AVICC with respect to a common initiative involving Coastal Communities in advancing the lifting of the Hecate Strait Oil and Gas Moratorium, be received.
AVICC, re the Island Medical Program.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Holdom, that the correspondence received from AVICC with respect to the Island Medical Program, be received.
AVICC, re Resolutions for 2002 Annual General Meeting.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Quittenton, that the correspondence received from AVICC with respect to submission of resolutions for the 2002 Annual General Meeting, be received.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the following resolution be forwarded to AVICC:
Sewage Treatment.
WHEREAS sewage treatment is a major factor in economic growth;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AVICC do a survey on low cost sewage treatment and report.
Board Procedure Bylaw No. 1268.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that notice be provided to the public that, effective January 2002, the Committee of the Whole meetings will be held at 7:30 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the "Regional District of Nanaimo Board Procedure Bylaw No. 1268, 2001" be introduced and read three times.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Krall, that the "Regional District of Nanaimo Board Procedure Bylaw No. 1268, 2001" be adopted.
Electoral Area Planning Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Haime, that notice be provided to the public that, effective January 2002, the Electoral Area Planning Committee meetings will be held at 6:00 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Results of the Parkland Acquisition Referendum.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sperling, that the official results of the Electoral Area �B� Parkland Acquisition Referendum be received for information.
Fire Services Agreement � Dashwood Volunteer Fire Department.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the Chairperson and General Manager, Corporate Services, be authorized to execute a service agreement with the Dashwood Volunteer Fire Department for a five year period ending December 31st, 2006.
District 69 Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Quittenton, that the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held November 15, 2001, be received for information.
Twinned Arena Project.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the twinned arena design proposal that includes the addition of a second ice sheet and a leisure ice sheet to the existing arena be approved and advanced to referendum in District 69 on April 27, 2002 and that the Board meet with the District 69 Recreation Commission and Arena Committee in January to consider ways of reducing the project cost prior to the February 12, 2002 approval of the referendum question. Further, that the City of Parksville be requested to confirm their steps to provide for their consideration of site approvals and a 30 year lease arrangement in tandem with the Regional District�s referendum.
MOVED Director McLean, that the twinned arena design proposal be amended to include an option for an arena twinning in another location.
The motion failed for lack of a seconder.
The question was called on the main motion.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Quittenton, Westbroek, Macdonald and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the Regional District strongly recommend that the City of Parksville make reductions as outlined in the report for development cost charges and identified off-site service upgrades, such as water, sewer and roads related to the District 69 arena twinning project.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the Regional District confirm with the City of Parksville, the City�s intent to undertake a separate City referendum in tandem with the District�s arena twinning project referendum to address a community park trust condition that provides for a five year limitation on a lease of the property, subject to a majority vote of the owners � electors of the City.
Performance Review Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the minutes of the Performance Review Committee meeting held November 19, 2001, be received for information.
Lantzville Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Haime, that the minutes of the Lantzville Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee meetings held August 27, September 24 and October 29, 2001, be received for information.
Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the minutes of the Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Advisory Committee meeting held October 1, 2001, be received for information.
Electoral Area �G� Parks, Recreation and Greenspace Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the minutes of the Electoral Area �G� Parks, Recreation and Greenspace Advisory Committee meeting held November 7, 2001, be received for information.
MacMillan Park in Cathedral Grove.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that this item be tabled for one month to allow staff to obtain further information from the parties involved.
Island Medical Program.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Holdom, that a letter of support be sent to the District�s MLA and copies to AVICC with respect to the Island Medical Program to ensure that funding commitments remain to ensure the success of the program.
Board Appointments.
Electoral Area �A� Parks, Recreation & Greenspace Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Elliott, that Lynette Aldcroft, Judy Burgess, Frank Garnish, Kerri-Lynne Wilson and David G. Williamson be appointed to the Electoral Area �A� Parks, Recreation & Greenspace Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2003.
Grants-in-Aid Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that Deborah Bromley-Anvelt, J.P. Hugh Sproule and Frank Van Eynde be appointed to the Grants-in-Aid Committee for a term ending December 31, 2002.
Performance Review Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that Arthur Lightburn be appointed to the Performance Review Committee for a term ending July 2002.
Intergovernmental Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Rispin, that the minutes of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee meeting held November 19, 2001, be received for information.
License of Use � Nanaimo Wastewater Treatment Plant Greenhouses.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Krall, that the General Manager, Environmental Services be authorized to enter into a two year agreement ending December 31st, 2002 with the Nanaimo Foodshare Network for the use of the greenhouses at Hammond Bay Rd.
Growth Management Plan Review � Phase I & II Input.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the report �Growth Management Plan Review � Phase I and II Input� be received, and that staff be directed to develop policy alternatives, additions and options to respond to the topic areas identified in Schedule 1 of the report.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Holdom, that the Regional District of Nanaimo:
(a) Recommence our participation in the treaty process subject to the satisfactory clarification of the decision making role of local government in issues relative to our jurisdiction.
(b) Support the Minister�s offer of hiring a facilitator/mediator to assist in achieving this end.
(c) Recommence our involvement with the Treaty Related Measures.
(d) Write Minister Plant and Minister Nault formally requesting funding for local government administrative costs related to treaty involvement.
Electoral Area A Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1240.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1240, 2001" be adopted.
Temporary Use Permit No. 0301 and Development Permit No. 0117 � Nanoose Harbour Holdings � 3500 Fairwinds Drive � Area E.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the minutes for a Public Information Meeting held November 29, 2001 for Temporary Use Permit No. 0103 submitted by Frank Fairley, acting as agent for Nanoose Harbour Holdings, to locate a commercial realty office on the subject property legally described as Part of District Lot 78, Nanoose District, be received for information.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that Temporary Use Permit No. 0103, submitted by Frank Fairley, acting as agent for Nanoose Harbour Holdings, to locate a commercial realty office on the subject property legally described as Part of District Lot 78, Nanoose District be approved.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Development Permit No. 0117, submitted by Frank Fairley, acting as agent for Nanoose Harbour Holdings, to locate a commercial realty office on the subject property legally described as Part of District Lot 78, Nanoose District be approved.
Request to Modify a Restrictive Covenant � Williamson & Associates, BCLS on behalf of Janet Limin � Akenhead Road & Huckleberry Way � Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the request from Williamson and Associates, BCLS, on behalf of Janet Limin, to modify Covenant Document No. ES87302, to amend the minimum second dwelling size from 112 m2 to 158 m2 for Lot 2, Section 14, Range 8, Plan VIP72809, Cranberry District, be approved subject to all costs associated with the registration of the modified covenant to be paid by the applicant and to the satisfaction of the Regional District.
Land Use and Subdivision Amendment Bylaw No. 500.278 � Valentim � 2651 Trans Canada Highway � Area A.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.278, 2001" be adopted.
Request for Relaxation � Fern Road Consulting Ltd. on behalf of Avorado Resort � 6050 East Island Highway � Area H.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the request submitted by Fern Road Consulting Ltd. on behalf of Avorado Resort Ltd. to relax the minimum 10% frontage requirement for proposed Lot 2, as shown on the plan of subdivision of Lot A, District Lot 20, Newcastle District and the Bed of Strait of Georgia, Nanaimo District, Plan VIP55017, be approved subject to the proposed access being secured by easement.
Development Services Provisional Budget.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the 2002 Development Services Provisional Budget be approved as presented.
Environmental Services Provisional Budget.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Westbroek,:
That $100,000 be identified on the development cost charge reserve list for pump station upgrades and that a report be forwarded by staff identifying projects which would benefit or qualify for funds from the development cost charge reserve; and
That $100,000 be used from the French Creek Pollution Control Centre Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund to reduce the 2002 tax requisition.
That the 2002 Environmental Services Provisional Budget be approved as amended.
Community Services Provisional Budget.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Westbroek,:
That the District 69 Recreation Coordinating Provisional Budget tax requisition be increased by $50,000 to raise the portion allocated to Grants-in-Aid.
That the Board approve a 8% user fee increase effective September 2002 in addition to the 8% fee increase provided for on January 1, 2002 for the District 69 Arena.
That the 2002 Community Services Provisional Budget be approved as amended.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the District 69 Recreation Coordinating Provisional Budget tax requisition be increased by $25,000 to raise the portion allocated to Grants-in-Aid.
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director Krall, that the Board approve a 11% user fee increase effective September 2002 in addition to a 5% fee increase provided for on January 1, 2002 for the District 69 Arena.
MOVED Director Macdonald, SECONDED Director Rispin, that the Board approve a 5% user fee increase effective September 2002 in addition to a 5% fee increase provided for on January 1, 2002 for the District 69 Arena.
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the Board approve a 8% user fee increase effective September 2002 in addition to a 5% fee increase provided for on January 1, 2002 for the District 69 Arena.
The question was called on the main motion as amended.
The motion CARRIED.
Corporate Services Provisional Budget.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the 2002 Corporate Services Provisional Budget be approved as amended.
Provisional Budget Bylaw No. 1269.
MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Holdom, that "Regional District of Nanaimo 2002 Provisional Budget Bylaw No. 1269, 2001" be introduced and read three times.
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director Holdom, that "Regional District of Nanaimo 2002 Provisional Budget Bylaw No. 1269, 2001" be adopted.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McLean, that pursuant to Section 242.2 (I)(a) of the Local Government Act the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to consider a personnel issue.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that this meeting terminate.
TIME: 8:58 PM.
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