Director G. Holme Chairperson
Director L. Elliott Electoral Area A
Director B. Sperling Electoral Area B
Director E. Hamilton Electoral Area C
Director D. Haime Electoral Area D
Director J. McLean Electoral Area F
Director M. Klee Electoral Area G
Director R. Quittenton Electoral Area H
Director F. Demmon City of Parksville
Director T. Westbroek Town of Qualicum Beach
Director D. Rispin City of Nanaimo
Director R. Cantelon City of Nanaimo
Director T. Krall City of Nanaimo
Director L. McNabb City of Nanaimo
Director L. Sherry City of Nanaimo
Director B. Holdom City of Nanaimo
Also in Attendance:
K. Daniels Chief Administrative Officer
B. Lapham Gen. Mgr. of Development Services
N. Connelly Gen. Mgr. of Community Services
J. Finnie Gen. Mgr. of Environmental Services
C. Mason Gen. Mgr. of Corporate Services
N. Avery Manger of Financial Services
M. Pearse Manager of Administrative Services
Gunter Yost, re Development Permit No. 0121 � Carman Fine Cars � 7193 Lantzville Road � Area D.
Mr. Yost was not in attendance.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, October 9, 2001 and the minutes of the special Board meeting held on October 30, 2001 be adopted.
Michael Begg, and RDN response re Proposed Snuneymuxw Interim Measure � Beach Protection.
MOVED Director Holdom, SECONDED Director Sherry, that this item be referred to the In Camera meeting.
Brock Williamson, Board of Variance, re Appointment of Douglas Lees.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the correspondence from Brock Williamson with respect to the re-appointment of Douglas Lees to the Board of Variance for a term expiring October 31, 2004, be received.
Harriet Permut, UBCM, re Agreement on Internal Trade and Local Procurement.
MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Elliott, that the correspondence from UBCM with respect to implementation concerns with the Internal Trade and Local Procurement Agreement be received.
From the Development Services Committee Meeting held October 16, 2001.
Section 700 Filings.
The Chairperson listed each filing and asked that any property owner in the audience wishing to address the Committee come forward when their name was called.
Darlene Dorman re Section 700 Filing.
Ms. Dorman reviewed other options available to her including the purchase of property from the Ministry of Transportation and requested an extension to this filing.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the filing on Lot 1, Section 10, Range 2, Plan 26245, Cedar Land District, 2220 Cedar Road, Electoral Area �A�, owned by D. Dorman be postponed for 60 days.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Sherry, that a notice be filed against the titles of the properties listed, pursuant to Section 700 of the Local Government Act and that if the infractions are not receified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:
Bylaw No. 500.270.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.270, 2001" (amendments to home-based business regulations) be adopted.
Bylaw No. 500.272.
MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Elliott, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.272, 2001" (amendments to accessory building size) be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1255.
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director Klee, that "Driftwood Water Supply Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1255, 2001" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1256.
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director Klee, that
"Driftwood Water Supply Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1256, 2001" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1217.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that "Horne Lake Pump and Haul Service Establishment bylaw No. 1217, 2001" be adopted.
Public Hearing.
Minutes of the Public Hearing held November 7, 2001 with respect to Bylaw No. 500.278 � Valentim � 2651 Trans Canada Highway � Area A.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the Summary of Proceedings of the Public Hearing held November 7, 2001 as a result of public notification of "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.278, 2001" be received.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director Krall, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.278, 2001" be given 3rd reading.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director Sherry, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.278, 2001" be referred to the Ministry of Transportation for confirmation of access prior to 4th reading.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director Sherry, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.278, 2001" be referred to the Land Reserve Commission for confirmation of use prior to 4th reading.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held October 16, 2001, be received for information.
Request for Acceptance of Cash-in-Lieu of Park Land and Relaxation of the Minimum 10% Perimeter Requirement � WR Hutchinson - Woobank, Morland & Storey Roads � Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the requests, submitted by WR Hutchinson, BCLS, on behalf of Dragonwyke Enterprises Ltd. And 426187 BC Ltd., for cash-in-lieu of park land dedication be accepted and to relax the minimum 10% frontage requirement for proposed Lots 7 and 8, as shown on the plan of subdivision of Lot 2, Section 12, Range 2, Cedar District, Plan VIP53334, Except Part in Plan VIP64754, be approved.
School Sites Acquisition Agreement Amendment � School District No. 69.
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director McLean, that the Regional District of Nanaimo accept the revised School District No. 69 Eligible School Sites Proposal as submitted.
Application No. 0121 � Carman Fine Cars/Yost � 7193 Lantzville Road � Area�D.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Haime, that Development Permit No. 0121, submitted by Gunter Yost, on behalf of Carman Fine Cars (formerly Lantzville Auto Services), be approved, subject to the notification requirements pursuant to the Local Government Act and conditions set out in Schedule No. 2 with the following amendments:
1. That a changeable copy sign not be permitted as a building fascia sign.
2. That a maximum of one freestanding sign shall be permitted with the maximum sign face area to be increased by one foot in additional height beyond the existing sign area to allow for fuel pricing.
3. That no sandwich board signage be permitted.
MOVED Director Haime, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the 3 amendments be handled seriatim.
MOVED Director Haime, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that no. 1 be changed from 3 signs to 1 sign.
MOVED Director Haime, SECONDED Director Elliott, that no. 2 and 3 be referred back to staff.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the regular Environmental Services Committee meeting held October 23, 2001 be received for information.
Engineering Services Contract Extension.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the Board renew its engineering services agreement with Associated Engineering in the area of wastewater engineering services for a two year term expiring May 2003.
Surfside Sewer Rates and Regulation Bylaw No. 1241.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that "Surfside Sewer Rates and Regulation Bylaw No. 1241, 2001" be introduced for first three readings.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that "Surfside Sewer Rates and Regulation Bylaw No. 1241, 2001" having received three readings be adopted.
Municipal Benefitting Area Amendment Bylaw No. 1216.01 � City of Nanaimo.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Krall, that "Municipal Benefitting Area Amendment Bylaw No. 1216.01, 2001" be introduced for first three readings and be forwarded to the City of Nanaimo for consent.
Residual Solid Waste Management Plan Update.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Krall, that the Board receive the update on the status of the Residual Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment Process.
Area A Parks, Recreation and Greenspaces Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Elliott, SECONDED Director Haime, that the minutes of the Area A Parks, Recreation and Greenspaces Advisory Committee meeting held September 20, 2001 be received for information.
Intergovernmental Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Krall, that the minutes of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee meeting held October 18, 2001 be received for information.
District 69 Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Klee, that the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held October 25, 2001 be received for information.
MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Klee, that the following grants be awarded:
Community Grants-in-Aid:
Beacon Christian School $ 180
Errington Coop Preschool 400
Lighthouse Community Centre Society 400
MOVED Director Klee, SECONDED Director Demmon, that the following grants be awarded:
Youth Grants-in-Aid:
BMX Club $ 1,500
Safe Schools Safe Communities 650
Beacon Christian School 687
Shorewood/San Pariel & Residents Association 1,500
Coombs Halloween Candy Walk 250
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director Klee,:
That the Commission recommend to the Board that a letter be sent to Centra Gas and the two municipalities which provide water service to the Ravensong Aquatic Centre and the District 69 Arena requesting a reduction in rates.
That the Commission recommend to the Board that staff be directed to prepare an amendment to the arena rental fees to be based on prime and non-prime time rates for implementation in 2002.
Grants-in-Aid Committee.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Haime, that the minutes from the Grants-in-Aid Committee meeting held October 30, 2001 be received for information.
School District 68.
MOVED Director Krall, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the following grants be awarded:
Cedar Community Association $ 1,321
First Lantzville Scouts 1,000
Director Hamilton left the meeting due to a possible conflict of interest with the next item.
MOVED Director Krall, SECONDED Director Cantelon, that the following grant be awarded:
Nanaimo Bantam "A"s Fastball Team $ 300
Director Hamilton returned to the meeting.
School District 69.
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director Demmon, that the following grants be awarded:
Forward House Community Society $ 1,000
Janus Theatre Society of Parksville 375
Navy League of Canada - Parksville Branch 1,200
Oceanside Community Kitchens 1,000
Parksville-Qualicum Pony Club 400
RCMP Auxiliary Constables 1,000
Community Policing Funding.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Haime, that the report on alternative means of funding community initiatives be received.
Fire Services Agreement with the Nanoose Bay Fire Protection Society.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the Chairperson and General Manager, Corporate Services be authorized to execute a service agreement with the Nanoose Bay Fire Protection Society for a five year period ending February 28th, 2006.
2002 Arrowsmith Water Service Provisional Budget.
MOVED Director Klee, SECONDED Director Holme, that the AWS 2002 Provisional Budget, as approved by the AWS Management Committee on October 29, 2001, be approved by the Regional District of Nanaimo Board.
Crown Land Tenure Offer � Errington Community Park.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Klee, that the Regional District accept the offer from the province for a 30 year lease for community park purposes for the parcel referred to as the Errington Community Park, legally described as Lot 31, Block 46, District Lot 139 E & N, Nanoose District, Plan 1989.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that staff consult with the community and develop the appropriate agreements, if required, to address the terms for the use of the park property by existing user groups.
Minister�s Request for Board Support of Area F Incorporation Study.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Cantelon, that the Board of the Regional District of Nanaimo advise Director McLean that the Board does not oppose an incorporation study.
A recorded vote was requested.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the motion be amended to include the words "once the community planning and zoning process has been completed".
The motion was DEFEATED with Directors Hamilton, Westbroek, Sherry, Holdom and Krall voting in the affirmative and Directors Holme, Quittenton, Haime, Sperling, Demmon, McNabb, Elliott, McLean, Cantelon, Rispin and Klee voting in the negative.
The question was called on the main motion.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Westbroek, Haime, Sperling, Demmon, Holdom, McNabb, Elliott, Krall, McLean, Cantelon, Rispin and Klee voting in the affirmative and Director Sherry voting in the negative.
MOVED Director Westbroek, SECONDED Director McLean, that if a study proceeds, a comprehensive impartial boundary study be undertaken that would recognize the interests of all jurisdictions.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Haime, that the motion be amended to add the words "in Area F".
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion was DEFEATED with Directors Haime, Sperling and McLean voting in the affirmative and Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Westbroek, Sherry, Demmon, Holdom, McNabb, Elliott, Krall, Cantelon, Rispin and Klee voting in the negative.
The question was called on the main motion.
Third Quarter Operating Results for 2001.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Westbroek, that the third quarter summary report of financial results from operations to September 30th, 2001 be received for information.
Area F Restructure Study � Director McLean.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Cantelon, that the RDN Board support the Area F Restructure Study Committee application to the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women�s Services for a grant to complete the Restructure Study for Incorporation.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Westbroek, Haime, Sperling, Demmon, Holdom, McNabb, Elliott, Krall, McLean, Cantelon, Rispin and Klee voting in the affirmative and Director Sherry voting in the negative.
Policing Costs.
The Administrator advised Board members that the Province is reviewing the current funding formula for local police services in BC and that a committee of regional district representatives has been formed to establish a position on this matter and to request that the Province consult with local governments prior to making any decisions for changes to policing financing.
2002 Provisional Budget.
The Administrator and General Manager of Corporate Services provided a brief budget overview and noted that further details will be discussed at the upcoming budget meetings.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director McNabb, that pursuant to Section 242.2 1(e) of the Local Government Act the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to consider matters related to land acquisition.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Rispin, that this meeting terminate.
TIME: 8:35 PM