
Director E. Hamilton Chairperson
Director P. Grand Electoral Area A
Director B. Sperling Electoral Area B
Director B. Jepson Electoral Area D
Director G. Holme Electoral Area E
Director J. McLean Electoral Area F
Director J. Stanhope Electoral Area G
Director R. Quittenton Electoral Area H
Director J. Macdonald City of Parksville
Director A. Kruyt Town of Qualicum Beach
Director L. Sherry City of Nanaimo
Director L. McNabb City of Nanaimo
Director D. Rispin City of Nanaimo
Director G. Korpan City of Nanaimo
Director T. Krall City of Nanaimo
Director B. Holdom City of Nanaimo

Also in Attendance:
K. Daniels Chief Administrative Officer
B. Lapham General Manager, Development Services
N. Tonn Recording Secretary


Gary Peters, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 257, re Landscaping.

Mr. Peters was not in attendance.

R. St. Louis, re Planning Services Agreement.

Mr. St. Louis spoke in opposition to the Planning Services Agreement policy of municipal participation and urged the Board to approve electoral area Board representation only in any rural land decisions.

Julian Fell, Area F Restructure Study Committee, re Planning Services Agreement.

Mr. Fell spoke in opposition to renewal of the Planning Services Agreements and presented a short history of the area and the planning service agreements� effect on past events.

Bruce Aldrige, re Planning Services Agreement.

Mr. Aldrich expressed his concern with respect to the Planning Services Agreements. He noted that health, safety and water issues should be approved by all Directors, however land uses should be approved by the rural Directors only.

W. Williams, Ercohill Residents Association, re Planning Services Agreement.

Mr. Williams was not in attendance.

Reg Nosworthy, Arrowsmith-Coombs Country Business Association, re Planning Services Agreement.

Mr. Nosworthy was not in attendance.

Dee Miller, re Planning Services Agreement.

Ms. Miller spoke in opposition to the Planning Services Agreement noting that each community is unique and must be recognized as such.

Ellen Lyons, re Planning Services Agreement.

Ms. Lyons expressed her concerns and those of her neighbours with respect to the consideration of rural land issues by municipal representatives. The Board was urged to approve Alternative No. 4 of the staff report.

Gary Purpur, re Home Based Business.

Mr. Purpur was not in attendance.

Mary Jane Puckrin, re Home Based Business.

Ms. Puckrin commended staff for their success in producing an excellent home base business open house format and their diligence in listening to feedback and acting upon it in a most progressive and forward thinking manner. Ms. Puckrin also expressed concern with restrictions of suggested hours of operation for home based business, but reflected that these can be addressed during the upcoming process. An overview of Ms. Puckrin�s presentation was distributed to Committee members.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held on July 18, 2000, be adopted.


Deanna Miller, re Voting on Land Use Issues.

MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Krall, that the correspondence received from Deanna Miller with respect to the voting authority on land use issues and home based business, be received for information.


Kathleen Lewis, Spider Lake Community Association, re Voting on Land Use Issues.

MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Krall, that the correspondence received from Kathleen Lewis with respect to voting authority on land use issues, be received for information.


Jack Pipes, re Voting on Land Use Issues.

MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Krall, that the correspondence received from Jack Pipes with respect to voting authority on land use issues, be received for information.


Mary Jane Puckrin & Barry Hedley, re Voting on Land Use Issues.

MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Krall, that the correspondence received from Mary Jane Puckrin and Barry Hedley with respect to voting authority on land use issues, be received for information.



Planning Service Agreements.

MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Jepson, that the year 2001 and 2002 Management of Development Agreements between the Regional District and the City of Nanaimo, the City of Parksville and the Town of Qualicum Beach, not be approved.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion was DEFEATED with Director McLean voting in the affirmative and Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Kruyt, Sherry, Jepson, Sperling, Macdonald, Holdom, McNabb, Grand, Krall, Korpan, Rispin and Stanhope voting in the negative.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the year 2001 and 2002 Management of Development Agreements between the Regional District and the City of Nanaimo be approved at $1.50 per capita (1999) in the 1st year and $1.00 per capita (1999) in the 2nd year with the voting authorities that represent partial participation as outlined in Schedule 1.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Kruyt, Sherry, Jepson, Sperling, Macdonald, Holdom, McNabb, Grand, Krall, Korpan, Rispin and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative.

MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Krall, that the year 2001 and 2002 Management of Development Agreements between the Regional District and the City of Parksville be approved at $1.50 per capita (1999) in the 1st year and $1.00 per capita (1999) in the 2nd year with the voting authorities that represent partial participation as outlined in Schedule No. 1.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Kruyt, Sherry, Jepson, Sperling, Macdonald, Holdom, McNabb, Grand, Krall, Korpan, Rispin and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Krall, that the year 2001 and 2002 Management of Development Agreements between the Regional District and the Town of Qualicum Beach be approved at $1.50 per capita (1999) in the 1st year and $1.00 per capita (1999) in the 2nd year with the voting authorities that represent partial participation as outlined in Schedule No. 1.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Hamilton, Quittenton, Kruyt, Sherry, Jepson, Sperling, Macdonald, Holdom, McNabb, Grand, Krall, Korpan, Rispin and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative.


Home Based Business Review.

MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Sherry,:

1. That the Draft Home Based Business Strategy as contained in Schedule 1 be received.

2. That the "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw No. 500, 1987" amendment process for home based business be endorsed.



Section 700 Filings.

The Chairperson listed each filing and asked that any property owner in the audience wishing to address the Committee come forward when their name was called.

It was noted that the following Section 700 filing has been resolved:
Lot 2, District Lot 80, Newcastle Land District, Plan VIS4503, 310 Kendon Drive, Electoral Area �G�, owned by L. and D. Vienneau.

It was also noted that item 2 under Electoral Area �A� listed in the Agenda should be under Area �G�.

MOVED Director Krall, SECONDED Director Rispin, that a notice be filed against the title of the properties listed, pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act and that if the deficiencies are not rectified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:

  1. Lot 50, Section 14, Range 1, Cedar Land District, Plan 27083, 2184 Hummingbird Drive, Electoral Area �A�, owned by R. Watson and D. Varney;
  2. Lot A, District Lot 28, Nanoose Land District, Plan VIP60624, 1395 West Island Highway, Electoral Area �G�, owned by Revelstoke Home Centres Ltd.;
  3. Lot 23, District Lot 28, Nanoose Land District, Plan VIP62528, 1761 Admiral Tryon Boulevard, Electoral Area �G�, owned by L. and K. Shelton;
  4. Lot 3, District Lot 56, Nanoose Land District, Plan 11289, 1465 East Island Highway, Electoral Area �G�, owned by D. Curran, G. Armstrong and R. Askew;




Application No. ZA 0007 � Greaves/Burgess � 1880 Claudet Road � Area E.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Stanhope,:

  1. That Amendment Application ZA 0007 to amend the "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw No. 500, 1987" to rezone the property legally described as Lot 5, District Lot 84, Nanoose District, Plan 47545 from Resource Management 3 (RM3) Subdivision District �B�, to Rural 5 (RU5) Subdivision District �D�, be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule 1.
  2. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.265, 2000" which rezones the property legally described as Lot 5, District Lot 84, Nanoose District, Plan 47545 from Resource Management 3 (RM3) Subdivision District �B�, to Rural 5 (RU5) Subdivision District �D�, be given 1st and 2nd reading and proceed to public hearing to be chaired by the Director for Electoral Area �E� subject to the requirements outlined in Schedule �2�.



Application No. 9808, - Royal Canadian Legion � 7227 Lantzville Road � Area D.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Sherry, that Gary Peters be permitted to address the Committee with regard to Application 9808.


Mr. Peters a short overview of the Legion�s development permit application.

MOVED Director Jepson, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the request from Royal Canadian Legion, Seaview Centennial (Pacific No. 257) for revisions as outlined in Schedules �4� and �5� to Development Permit No. 9808 issued April 21, 1999 on the property legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 27G, Wellington District, Plan 48393 be approved as outlined in Alternative 1.


Application No. 0009 � Pritchard � 5205 Gainsberg Road � Area H.

MOVED Director Quittenton, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that Development Variance Permit No. 0009, submitted by Wayne and Betty Pritchard, requesting that the setback from the sea requirement be relaxed from 8.0 metres horizontal distance to 4.9 metres horizontal distance as shown on the Sketch Plan of Lot A, Plan VIP64866, DL 27, Newcastle District in order to accommodate the existing deck and the original portion of the single dwelling unit, be approved subject to notification procedure pursuant to the Local Government Act.



Electoral Area A Issues.

MOVED Director Grand, SECONDED Director Macdonald, that the staff report outlining a response to issues concerning Electoral Area �A� be received and the response be forwarded to Mrs. Burnett.


Proposed Boundary Expansion � Town of Qualicum Beach.

MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Holme, that the referral from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be received, and that the Ministry be advised that the Regional District of Nanaimo does not support the boundary expansion proposal by the Town of Qualicum Beach.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Hamilton, Sherry, Jepson, Sperling, McNabb, McLean, Rispin and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Directors Quittenton, Kruyt, Macdonald, Holdom, Grand, Krall and Korpan voting in the negative.


Notification for Zoning Amendments.

MOVED Director Grand, SECONDED Director McLean, that the bylaw be amended to increase the notification distance for zoning amendment applications from 1002 meters to 2002 meters for rural parcels.



MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Sherry, that pursuant to Section 242.2(1)(e) of the Local Government Act the Committee proceed to an In Camera Meeting to consider a land issue.



MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Sherry, that this meeting terminate.

TIME: 9:21 PM
