10 Brian LePas, CSS ParaTransit, re Contracting with BC Transit.
11 Mary Jane Puckrin, re Home Based Business Provisions.
12 Dianna Elliott, re Home Based Business Provisions.
13 Fred Taylor, re Solid Waste Management Regulation Amendment Bylaw.
14 Dale Smith, re update from the Coastal Community Network.
15 Joe Pullen/Sharon Siebring, re Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. - Spruston Road - Area C.
16 John Walker, re Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. - Spruston Road - Area C.
16 Gary Cuyer, re Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. - Spruston Road - Area C.
16 Jerry Krall, re Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. - Spruston Road - Area C.
17 Elverna M. Baker, re Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. - Spruston Road - Area C.
18 Debbi Bigham, re Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. - Spruston Road - Area C.
Frank Garnish, re North Cedar Elementary School - Area A.
Shelagh Gourlay, re North Cedar Elementary School - Area A.
19-37 Minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, March 14, 2000.
Correspondence received re Spruston Enterprises - Cassidy Speedway. (Package included as a separate enclosure)
38-39 Jane Lindstrom/Johann Kirschne, re proposed Jameson Road Quarry.
40 Alixe Knighton, Director, Municipal Advice and Approvals, re reappointment of John F. Little to the Board of Variance for a three year term.
41-45 Minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held March 21, 2000. (for information)
Home Based Business Provisions. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That the draft home based business provisions as contained in Schedule 1 of the staff report be received; and
That the "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw No. 500, 1987" amendment process for home based business uses be referred to public consultation with a further report to be submitted to the Committee for consideration.
Application No. 0001 - Carvalho/Van Vliet � 1759 Admiral Tryon Blvd. � Area G. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That Development Permit No. 0001 submitted by Mr. Van Vliet on behalf of Mr. C. Carvalho for the property legally described as Lots 24 and 25, District Lot 28, Nanoose District, Plan VIP62528, be approved with variances to Section 6.4.65 Minimum Setback Requirements to relax other lot line setbacks from 2.0 m to 0.1 m, 0.2 m and 0.6 m from the lot lines, subject to notification of neighbouring property owners.
Application No. 0002 � Fiddick � 1431 Ivor Road � Area A. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That Development Variance Permit No. 0002 submitted by J. and M. Fiddick for the property legally described as Lot A, Section 18, Range 4, Cedar District, Plan 31983, be approved subject to Schedule 1 of the staff report and the notification requirements pursuant to the Municipal Act.
Terry Molony on behalf of Lucille Bullen & Fredric Bullen � Island Highway � Area H. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That the request from Terry Molony, on behalf of Lucille Bullen and Fredric Bullen, to relax the minimum 10% perimeter frontage requirement for proposed Lot 2, as shown on the Plan of Proposed Subdivision of Part of Lot 4, District Lot 85, Newcastle District, Plan 2018, be approved.
Brian Pirart on behalf of Lance Martin & John Morgan � Quail Grove Place � Area A. (All Directors except EA ''B'' - One Vote)
That the request from Brian Pirart, on behalf of Lance Martin and John Morgan, to relax the minimum 10% perimeter frontage requirement for proposed Section 946 parcel, as shown on the Plan of Proposed Subdivision of Lot H, Section 15, Range 1, Cedar District, Plan VIP66841, be approved.
Little Qualicum River Park Dedication � Block 359, Newcastle District � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the report on the process resulting in the dedication of park land from the subdivision of Block 359, Newcastle District, be received for information.
Proposal for the Madrona Point Marine Park � Area E. (All Directors - One Vote)
That staff be directed to apply for a foreshore and water lot lease for that portion of the bed of the Strait of Georgia fronting onto District Lot 68 at the tip of Madrona Point in Nanoose Bay.
46-49 Minutes of the regular Environmental Services Committee meeting held March 28, 2000. (for information)
UBCM, re Beverage Containers � New Charges. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the correspondence from UBCM regarding new charges for beverage containers be received for information.
That staff be instructed to write Premier Ujjal Dosanjh and the Honourable Joan Sawicki, Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks and the District�s local MLA indicating:
Southern Community Sewer Development Cost Charges. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the development cost charges for the Nanaimo District Senior Citizens Housing Development Society�s 30 unit not-for-profit senior�s housing development be reduced by 50%.
That RDN staff review the development cost charges with the City of Nanaimo for the Southern Community Sewer Local Service Area and report back to the Board after completion of the City of Nanaimo development cost charge review.
Pump and Haul Amendment Bylaw No. 975.17 � 3007 Park Place and 1352 Marina Way � Area E. (All Directors - One Vote)
That "Regional District of Nanaimo Pump and Haul Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 975.17, 2000" be read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
Fairwinds Water Local Service Area � Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 1176. (All Directors - One Vote 2/3)
2. That "Fairwinds Water Local Service Area Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw No. 1176, 2000" having received three readings, be adopted.
Pacific Shores Local Service Area � 1560 Terrien Road � Area G. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the application for inclusion in the Pacific Shores Sewer Local Service Area be denied.
Streetlighting � Northwest Bay Road Intersections � Area E. (All Directors - One Vote)
That "Regional District of Nanaimo Northwest Bay Road Intersections Streetlighting Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1211, 2000" be introduced and given first three readings, forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval, and proceed through counter petition to obtain elector consent.
Illegal Dumping Prevention Program Workplan. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the 2000 Illegal Dumping Prevention Program Workplan be approved.
Self-Haul Tipping Fees.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the fee structure for self-haul loads be changed from a flat rate based on vehicle type to a flat rate based on weight.
That the fee structure be amended to $2.00 for small loads less than 50 kg and $3.00 for small loads from 51 kg to 100 kg effective May 1, 2000.
(All Directors - Weighted Vote)
That the "Regional District of Nanaimo Solid Waste Management Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 894.12, 2000" be introduced and read three times; and
(All Directors - One Vote 2/3)
That the "Regional District of Nanaimo Solid Waste Management Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 894.12, 2000" having received three readings, be adopted.
Association for Injured Motorcyclists (AIM Spring Fever Dance, April 1, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Board approve the Association for Injured Motorcyclists� request for the issuance of a one (1) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at the A.I.M. Spring Fever Dance on April 1, 2000.
50-53 Minutes of the regular Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting held April 4, 2000. (for information)
Board Strategic Plan. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Regional District of Nanaimo Strategic Plan be approved.
That "by 2000" be deleted from the "desired outcomes" subsection of Strategic Priority 1.
Trans-Canada Trail Program. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the update report on the Trans-Canada Trail be received and that staff be directed to work with the Trail partners and report back to the Board on the specific areas of Regional District involvement.
Lantzville Parks and Open Space Implementation Plan. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Lantzville Parks and Open Space Implementation Plan be approved as a guiding document for parks system management and development in the community of Lantzville.
Special Event Permit Applications.
Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization (Annual Bull-a-Rama/BCBRA Barrel Racing, June 3 & 4, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization for the Annual Bull-a-Rama/BCBRA Barrel Racing, to be held June 3 and 4, 2000 at the Coombs Rodeo Grounds.
Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization (Annual Coombs Rodeo, July 21, 22 & 23, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization for the 24th Annual Coombs Rodeo, to be held July 21, 22 and 23, 2000 at the Coombs Rodeo Grounds.
Arrowsmith Agriculture Association (Coombs Fair, August 12 & 13, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Arrowsmith Agriculture Association for the Coombs Fair, to be held August 12 and 13, 2000 at 1014 Ford Road, Coombs, BC.
Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization (4th Annual Coombs Country Arts and Crafts Fair, July 14, 15 & 16, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization for the 4th Annual Coombs Country Arts and Crafts Fair, to be held July 14, 15 and 16, 2000 at the Coombs Rodeo Grounds.
Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization (22nd Annual Coombs Bluegrass Festival, August 4, 5 & 6, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization for the 22nd Annual Coombs Bluegrass Festival, to be held August 4, 5 and 6, 2000 at the Coombs Rodeo Grounds.
Arrowsmith Mountain Bike Club (Hammerfest 2000, May 5, 6 & 7, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Arrowsmith Mountain Bike Club for Hammerfest 2000, to be held May 5, 6 and 7, 2000 at the Englishman River Falls Provincial Park, subject to Ministry of Health and local fire department approval.
Special Occasion License Applications.
Gabriola Lions Club (Concert on the Green, August 10 & 11, 2000) � Area B. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Board approve the Gabriola Lions Club�s request for the issuance of a two (2) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at the Concert on the Green on August 10 and 11, 2000.
Gabriola Lions Club (Gabriola Days, September 9, 2000) � Area B. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Board approve the Gabriola Lions Club�s request for the issuance of a one (1) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at Gabriola Days on September 9, 2000.
Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization (Annual Bull-a-Rama/BCBRA Barrel Racing, June 3 & 4, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Board approve the Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization�s request for the issuance of a two (2) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at the Annual Bull-a-Rama/BCBRA Barrel Racing on June 3 and 4, 2000.
Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization (24th Annual Coombs Rodeo, July 21, 22 & 23, 2000) � Area F. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the Board approve the Coombs Hilliers Recreation Community Organization�s request for the issuance of a three (3) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at the 24th Annual Coombs Rodeo on July 21, 22 and 23, 2000.
2000/2001 Annual Operating Agreement � BC Transit/Regional District of Nanaimo. (All Directors - Weighted Vote)
That the 2000/2001 Annual Operating Agreement between BC Transit and the Regional District of Nanaimo for the provision of Conventional and Custom Transit services be approved.
District 69 Recreation Commission. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held March 17, 2000, be received for information.
Area A Parks, Recreation and Greenspace Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Area �A� Parks, Recreation and Greenspace Committee meeting held February 17, 2000 be received for information.
54-58 Illegal Structure - Bring Up to Standard Bylaw No. 1213 - 2530 Greenway Road - Medforth - Area A. (All Directors - One Vote - 2/3)
59-63 Illegal Structure Removal Bylaw No. 1214 - 2008 Walsh Road - Johnson - Area A. (All Directors - One Vote - 2/3)
64-68 Illegal Structure Removal Bylaw No. 1212 - 561 Spruce Avenue - Douhaibi - Area B. (All Directors - One Vote - 2/3)
69-72 Special Event Permit - Spruston Enterprises Ltd. - Area C. (All Directors - One Vote)
73-76 Tax Certificate for the Donation of Ecologically Sensitive Lands - Gainsburg Road, Deep Bay - Area H. (All Directors - One Vote)
77-93 North Cedar Elementary School - Area A. (All Directors - One Vote)
12. BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)
That pursuant to Section 242.2(1)(e) of the Municipal Act the Board proceed to an In Camera meeting to consider a land issue.