13-20 Joyce Currie, re Forest Renewal Program.
21 Brian LePas, CSS ParaTransit, re Contracting with BC Transit.
22-27 Mr. T. Moore, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
28 Wilfrid Worland, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
29 Steve Chomolok , re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
29 John Mansell, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
29 Donna Carpenter, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
30 Julian Fell, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
31 Jennifer Dyson, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
31 Scott Crawford, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
32 Reg Nosworthy, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
33 Louis Lapi, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
34 Kate Khan, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
35 Ruth Matson, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
36 Allan Watson, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
37 Richard Johnson, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
38 Heather Tompkins, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
39 Susan Banasky, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
39 Gerry Krull, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
39 Gary Cayer, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
39 Rocky Horne, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
39 John McNabb, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
39 Jim Pelk, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
40-52 Minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, February 8, 2000.
53 D. Carpenter, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
54 Petition re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
55 John Murphy, re ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F.
56-57 Richard Varela, Island Pacific Adventures Ltd., re Clearcut Harvesting in Block 40 Horne Lake Area Area H.
58-59 Lloyd & Judy Wilson, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
60-61 Pvan Kerkoerle, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
62 Ralph RV Bennett, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
63 Anneke Van Kerkoerle, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
64-65 Gerry Zvekich, re Application No. ZA 9906 Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C.
Public Hearing.
66-89 Minutes of the Public Hearing held March 6, 2000 with respect to Bylaws No. 500.256, 814.05, 974.01, 1007.02, 1055.01, 1115.01, 1116.01, 1118.02, 1148.01 and 1152.01. (All Directors except EA B One Vote)
For Adoption.
Bylaw No. 874.03 French Creek Water LSA Amendment Bylaw Bennett Road Area G. (All Directors One Vote)
Bylaw No. 975.16 Pump & Haul Amendment Bylaw Broom Road Area F. (All Directors One Vote)
Bylaw No. 794.05 French Creek Fire Protection LSA Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors One Vote)
Bylaw No. 1022.02 Coombs-Hilliers Fire Protection LSA Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors One Vote)
Bylaw No. 1170.01 San Pareil Water LSA Amendment Bylaw Area G. (All Directors One Vote)
Bylaw No. 1170.02 - San Pareil Water LSA Amendment Bylaw Area G. (All Directors One Vote)
90-95 Minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held February 15, 2000. (for information)
Dan Whiting, School District 69, re School Site Acquisition Charge Regulation. (All Directors One Vote)
That the correspondence from Dan Whiting, regarding school site acquisition charge regulation, be received for information.
Petition re Spruston Enterprises Ltd. (Cassidy Speedway) Rezoning Proposal. (All Directors One Vote)
That the petition from area residents distributed to Committee members regarding Spruston Enterprises Limiteds rezoning proposal, be received for information.
From the January 18, 2000 DSC Meeting:
ALR Exclusion Application No. 9916 Munro 2701 Alberni Highway Area F. (All Directors One Vote)
That the Regional District of Nanaimo Board support the application for exclusion from the ALR of Lot 2, District Lot 143, Nanoose District, Plan VIP65354 on condition of removal of signs (third party signs located along the frontage of the property).
ALR Resolution.
WHEREAS there is now compelling evidence that agriculture is no longer economically viable on Vancouver Island;
AND WHEREAS land held in an uneconomic state may be impeding the economic development of Vancouver Island;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Regional District of Nanaimo solicit the Minister of Agriculture to review the pertinence of the ALR Act to Vancouver Island.
Section 700 Filings. (All Directors One Vote)
That a notice be filed against the titles of the properties listed, pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act and that if the deficiencies are not rectified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:
Application No. ZA 9906, - Spruston Enterprises Ltd. and MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Spruston Road Area C. (All Directors except EA B One Vote)
3. Operations are limited to 16 weekends per season with an allowance that three of these events be permitted to operate as 3 day events (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
19. No construction of a return road at the drag strip will be permitted, subject to further discussion.
That amended numbers 18 and 19 of Schedule 3 remain as originally presented, as follows:
19. No construction of a return road at the drag strip will be permitted.
Application No. 0001 Whittall/Island Straits 3840 Amberwood Lane Area E. (All Directors except EA B One Vote)
That Development Variance Permit Application No. 0001, to vary the minimum setback requirements of the Residential 1 (RS1) zone from 2.0 metres to 0.0 metres for the side lot line and from 5.0 metres to 0.0 metres for the other lot line to facilitate the construction of a 2.6 metre high entrance gate on the property legally described as Lot 9, District Lot 78, Nanoose District, Plan 47638, be approved subject to conditions in Schedule 1.
Forest Land Reserve Exclusion Application No. 9902 Qualicum Farms Rupert Road Area G. (All Directors One Vote)
That the application for exclusion of the property legally described as the Remainder of Plan 310-R of District Lot 78, Newcastle Land District from the FLR be denied; however, the Regional District recommends that the Forest Land Commission consider a proposal to subdivide the subject property into three parcels in the form as presented in Schedule 1.
96-98 Minutes of the Environmental Services Committee meeting held February 22, 2000. (for information)
Plan Monitoring Committee Terms of Reference. (All Directors One Vote)
That a Liquid Waste Management Plan Monitoring Committee be established in accordance with the provisions of the LWMP with the membership as set out in Schedule 1, as amended.
Construction/Demolition/Landclearing Waste Recycling Facility Progress Report. (All Directors One Vote)
That the progress report regarding the development of a facility for the recycling of construction, demolition and landclearing wastes, be received.
French Creek Sewer LSA Regulations and Rates Amendment Bylaw No. 422.07. (All Directors Weighted Vote)
(All Directors One Vote 2/3)
99-104 Minutes of the regular Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting held March 7, 2000. (for information)
Rod Brown, re Trans Canada Trail. (All Directors One Vote)
That staff prepare a report for the committees consideration regarding the Trans Canada Trail Programs request for bridging across the Nanaimo River and Haslam Creek for the April Corporate and Community Services Committee meeting.
Lorne Hildebrand, re Botanical Garden Proposal. (All Directors One Vote)
That staff investigate the acquisition of property in the Biggs Road area as a site for a botanical garden and, upon possible acquisition, leasing the property to the Central Vancouver Island Botanical Garden Society.
Marlys Diamond, Town of Qualicum Beach, re Victim Services Program Funding. (All Directors One Vote)
That the correspondence received from Marlys Diamond regarding the Town of Qualicum Beach Councils support of the RDN providing financial support for the Victim Services Program, be received for information.
San Pareil Water Local Service Area Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 1203. (All Directors One Vote 2/3)
2. That "San Pareil Water Local Service Area Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 1203, 2000" having received three readings, be adopted.
Report on the 1999 Audited Financial Statements. (All Directors One Vote)
That the report on the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1999 be received for information.
Annual Report of Directors and Committee Members Remuneration and Expenses. (All Directors One Vote)
That the 1999 report on remuneration and expenses for Board and Committee members be received.
Errington Fire Services Agreement. (All Directors One Vote)
(All Directors Weighted Vote)
2. That the Chair and General Manager, Corporate Services be authorized to execute a service agreement with the Errington and District Volunteer Fire Department for the five year period ending December 31, 2004.
Award of Fire Truck Tender for Extension Fire Department. (All Directors Weighted Vote)
Arena Project. (Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs E, F, G & H Weighted Vote)
That the City of Parksville and the Regional District of Nanaimo reject the proposal from the Parksville Arena Company as being non-compliant with the financial subsidy and other terms and conditions of the Request for Proposals.
That further discussions take place with R.G. Properties Ltd. to determine if a feasible package can be developed further to the existing Request for Proposals process.
That the City of Parksville and the Regional District of Nanaimo continue to investigate the option for the Regional District to construct a facility on its own using a low risk design-build process attached to the existing arena in the Community Park.
Benson Creek Falls Regional Park Application for Additional Land.
(All Directors One Vote)
That the Regional District apply to the BC Assets and Land Corporation for the lease of two Crown land parcels immediately adjacent to Benson Creek Falls Regional Park.
Mt. Arrowsmith Regional Park Proposal. (All Directors One Vote)
That the Arrowsmith Massif regional park and trail acquisition strategy and draft management plan be approved.
District 69 Recreation Commission.
That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meetings held January 27 and February 10, 2000, be received for information.
(Parksville, Qualicum Beach, EAs E, F, G & H Weighted Vote)
That the Year 2000 Youth Services Program which includes the Terms of Reference for a Youth Recreation Services Master Plan Program to be prepared through the employment of five secondary school graduates in place of the hiring of a consultant, a Grants-in-Aid and Community Agreements policy, and the employment of temporary, part time Recreation Program Assistants, be approved.
That a plan to install a salt-chlorine generator water treatment system in 2001 at the Ravensong Aquatic Centre, funded through a special user fee, operating surplus, unexpended construction funds and tax requisition amendments to the 2000 Aquatic Centre Annual Budget be approved.
Electoral Area A Parks, Recreation & Greenspace Advisory Committee. (All Directors One Vote)
That the minutes of the Electoral Area A Parks, Recreation and Greenspace Advisory meeting held January 20, 2000 be received for information.
Crime Prevention Involvement. (All Directors One Vote)
That the Board of the RDN direct staff to investigate the feasibility and cost of establishing a "Crime Prevention" function to commence in the year 2000, in order to provide an ongoing source of funding for crime prevention programs in District 69, such as Victims Assistance, Restorative Justice, Citizens on Patrol, Crimestoppers and Community Policing Office.
Electoral Area H Community Parks Function.
(All Directors One Vote)
That the Community Parks function budget for Electoral Area H be increased by $2,000.
Bylaw No. 806.03. (All Directors One Vote)
105 That "Electoral Area H Community Parks Local Service Amendment Bylaw No. 806.03, 2000" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
Electoral Area A Community Parks Function. (All Directors One Vote)
That the Electoral Area A Parks function budget be reduced by $38,000 and that the Grants-in-Aid function budget be increased by $38,000.
Year 200 Annual Budget. (All Directors Weighted Vote)
That the 2000 annual budget, as amended, with property taxes totalling $19,008,056 be recommended for adoption by bylaw at the next regular meeting of the Board.
Bylaw No. 1210. (All Directors Weighted Vote)
106-110 That "Regional District of Nanaimo 2000 Annual Budget Bylaw No. 1210, 2000" be introduced, read three times.
(All Directors One Vote 2/3)
That "Regional District of Nanaimo 2000 Annual Budget Bylaw No. 1210, 2000", having received three readings, be adopted.
Five Year Capital Plan. (All Directors Weighted Vote)
That the five year capital plan year 2000 to 2004 be approved and be adopted by bylaw at the next regular meeting of the Board.
Bylaw No. 1209. (All Directors Weighted Vote)
111-147 That "Regional District of Nanaimo 2000 to 2004 Capital Expenditure Program Bylaw No. 1209, 2000" be introduced and read three times.
(All Directors One Vote 2/3)
That "Regional District of Nanaimo 2000 to 2004 Capital Expenditure Program Bylaw No. 1209, 2000", having received three readings, be adopted.
Arrowsmith Water Service (AWS).
148-153 Minutes of the Arrowsmith Water Service meeting held February 1, 2000. (for information)
(E.A.s E & G One Vote)
That the Y2000 budget be adopted as amended.
Performance Review Committee.
154-157 Minutes of the Performance Review Committee meetings held February 9 & 23, 2000. (for information)
Intergovernmental Advisory Committee.
158-161 Minutes of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee meeting held February 3, 2000. (for information)
162-181 Parcel Tax Rate Bylaws. (All Directors One Vote)
182-184 Wellington Fire and Streetlighting Local Service Area Requisition Limit Amendment Bylaw No. 992.02. (All Directors One Vote)
185-190 Recreation Services on Gabriola Island. (All Directors One Vote)
191-195 Gabriola Island Recreation Commission Bylaw No. 1208. (All Directors One Vote)
196-199 Revision to Terms of Reference Electoral Area A OCP Review. (All Directors except EA B One Vote)
200-225 1999 Annual Report on RGMP. (All Directors One Vote)
226-234 Board Strategic Plan.
12. BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)