Director E. Hamilton Chairperson
Director F. Garnish Electoral Area A
Director G. Holme Electoral Area E
Director J. McLean Electoral Area F
Director J. Stanhope Electoral Area G
Director J. Duncan Electoral Area H
Director A. Duggan City of Parksville
Director L. Sherry City of Nanaimo
Director L. McNabb City of Nanaimo
Director D. Rispin City of Nanaimo
Director J. Little City of Nanaimo
Director B. McGuffie City of Nanaimo

Also in Attendance:
S. Schopp Manager, Inspection/Enforcement
P. Shaw Senior Planner
N. Tonn Recording Secretary


Janet Limin/Brock Williamson, re Request for 10% Frontage Relaxation.

Mr. Williamson stressed the need for frontage relaxation on his client�s property due to natural site constraints.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the delegation be received.



MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Little, that the minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held on July 20, 1999, be adopted.


Section 700 Filings.

The Chairperson listed each filing and asked that any property owner in the audience wishing to address the Committee come forward when their name was called.

It was noted that the following Section 700 filings have been withdrawn at this time:

Lot 58, Section 13, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District, Plan 21531, 515 Wildwood Crescent, Electoral Area �B�, owned by S. & K. Jordan.

Parcel A (DD EB14759) of Lot 1, Block 419, Nanoose District, Plan 36697, 535 Fourneau Way, Electoral Area �G�, owned by S. Ross.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Garnish, that a notice be filed against the titles of the properties listed, pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act and that if the deficiencies are not rectified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:

  1. East 40 acres of Section 16, Range 2, Cedar District, except Part in Plan 29623, 1617 Rugg Road, Electoral Area �A�, owned by E. and S. Martin;
  2. Lot 13, Section 3, Range 6, Cedar District, Plan 28215, 3380 Butler Boulevard, Electoral Area �A�, owned by V. and T. Warnock;
  3. Lot 1, Section 17, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District, Plan 49495, 1285 Seawind Drive, Electoral Area �B�, owned by K. Humphries and C. Barstead;
  4. Lot 3, Section 22, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo District, Plan 33019, 561 Spruce Avenue, Electoral Area �B�, owned by M. Douhaibi;
  5. Strata Lot 44, District Lot 78, Nanoose District, Strata Plan 745, together with an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the strata lot as shown on form 1, 505 � 355 Outrigger Road, Electoral Area �E�, owned by W. Cotter.



Animal Control Amendment Bylaws.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Garnish, that staff be directed to prepare the necessary establishing bylaw amendments to increase the maximum tax requisition in Bylaws 940.02 and 1065 to include an additional $7,000 per bylaw for expense of legal enforcement and amend the proposed budgets accordingly.

MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Duncan, that the motion be amended to delete Bylaw No. 940.02.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion was DEFEATED with Directors Duncan and McLean voting in the affirmative and Directors Holme, Little, Duggan, Sherry, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Stanhope, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the negative.

The question was called on the main motion.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Little, Duggan, Sherry, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Stanhope, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Directors Duncan and McLean voting in the negative.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Animal Control Extended Service Amendment Bylaw No. 940.03, 1999" be introduced, read three times and referred to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Little, Duggan, Sherry, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Stanhope, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Directors Duncan and McLean voting in the negative.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Animal Control Extended Service Amendment Bylaw No. 1065.01, 1999" be introduced, read three times and referred to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Little, Duggan, Sherry, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Stanhope, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Directors Duncan and McLean voting in the negative.

Noise Control Establishment Bylaws.

MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director McGuffie,:

  1. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �G� Noise Control Extended Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1168, 1999" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
  2. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �G� Noise Control Regulatory Bylaw No. 1169, 1999" be introduced, read three times and advertised in accordance with Section 839 of the Municipal Act.




Application No. 9908 - Shyshka � 2670 Ritten Road � Area A.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that Development Variance Permit application No. 9908, to vary the minimum side lot setback requirements of the Rural 4 (RU4) zone, from 8.0 metres to 3.0 metres and 4.3 metres to permit the development of a proposed garage and accessory building on the property legally described as Lot A, Plan VIP52317, Section 5, Range 4, Cedar District, be approved subject to the registration of a covenant for shared driveway access between the two property owners.


Application No. 9909 � Schooner Cove Marina Fuel Tanks � 3521 Dolphin Drive � Area E.

MOVED Director Holme, SECONDED Director Sherry,:

  1. That Development Variance Permit Application No. 9909, to vary the maximum quantity of fuel storage permitted on a property from 1,000 gallons to 4,000 gallons under the General Regulations 6.3 (3) of Bylaw 500, for Lot A, District Lot 78, Plan 31768, Nanoose District, be approved.

2. That the request to vary the minimum setback requirements from 5.0 metres to 2.48 metres to recognize the siting of the existing non conforming waste disposal compound on Lot A, District Lot 78, Plan 31768, Nanoose District, be approved.



Janet Limin/Williamson & Associates � Akenhead & Wilkinson Roads � Area A.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Holme, that the request from Williamson and Associates, BCLS, on behalf of Janet Limin, to relax the minimum 10% perimeter frontage requirement for proposed Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5, as shown on the proposed plan of subdivision, be approved in consideration of the applicant�s concurrence to enter into Section 219 covenants as outlined in the staff report, with all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the covenants to be at the applicant�s expense.



MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that this meeting terminate.

TIME: 7:45 PM