
Director G. Holme Chairperson

Director F. Garnish Electoral Area A

Director R. Loomis Electoral Area B

Director E. Hamilton Electoral Area C

Director I. Savage Electoral Area D

Director J. McLean Electoral Area F

Director J. Stanhope Electoral Area G

Director J. Duncan Electoral Area H

Director J. Bradshaw City of Parksville

Director B. Luchtmeijer Town of Qualicum Beach

Director L. Sherry City of Nanaimo

Director L. McNabb City of Nanaimo

Director D. Rispin City of Nanaimo

Director G. Korpan City of Nanaimo

Director J. Little City of Nanaimo

Director B. McGuffie City of Nanaimo

Also in Attendance:

K. Daniels Chief Administrative Officer

N. Connelly Gen. Mgr. of Community Services

D. Trudeau Manager of Liquid Waste

B. Lapham Gen. Mgr. of Development Services

C. Mason Gen. Mgr. of Corporate Services

M. Pearse Mgr. of Administrative Services

The Chair recognized Mr. John Finnie in the audience who will be assuming the position of General Manager of Environmental Services on November 30, 1998.


Peter Rothermel, re Proposal for a Regional Park in the Mt. Arrowsmith Area.

Mr. Rothermel, representing the Public Access Resolution Committee, presented their proposal for the development of a regional park in the Mt. Arrowsmith area and requested that the Board begin the process of acquiring the Crown Lands in this area for park purposes.

MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director McLean, that this delegation be received.


Helen Sims, re Building Strata Conversion � 3125 Van Horne Road � Area F.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that Ms. Sims be permitted to address the Board.


Ms. Sims requested that the Board hold their decision on this building strata conversion until the concerns with respect to the septic system are discussed in further detail.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that this delegation be received.



MOVED Director McGuffie, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, October 13, 1998 be adopted.


MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the minutes of the Special Board meeting held on Tuesday, October 27, 1998 be adopted.



For Adoption.

Bylaw No. 1118.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Nanoose Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1118, 1998" be adopted.


Bylaw No. 500.209.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.209, 1998" be adopted.



MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held October 20, 1998, as amended, be received for information.



(From the October 13, 1998 Board Meeting)

Section 700 Filing � Dirnberger

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that a notice be filed pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act, against Lot 68, District Lot 78, Nanoose Land District, Plan 15983, 3482 Grilse Road, Area E, owned by L. and K. Dirnberger and that the owner be given three months to complete the outstanding work.


Application No. 9802 � Penney � 1560 Shaldor Place � Area A.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that Development Variance Permit Application No. 9802 which would vary the minimum setback requirements of the Rural 4 (RU4) zone from 8.0 metres to 2.0 metres to legalize the house and attached deck and from 2.0 metres to 0.46 metres to legalize the north east corner of a shed on the property legally described as Lot 6, Section 8, Range 7, Cranberry Land District, Plan 29703, be approved subject to a legal survey and approval by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways.



Section 700 Filings.

The Chairperson noted that the following should be deleted:

That part of Section 17, Range 3, Mountain Land District, Shown outlined in red and marked Parcel A on Plan 1231 OS, 3505 Jingle Pot Road, Electoral Area �D�, owned by A. Holland;

Lot A, Plan 31768, District Lot 78, Nanoose Land District, 3521 Dolphin Drive, Electoral Area �E�, owned by Schooner Cove Holdings Ltd.

The Chairperson listed each filing and asked that any property owner in the audience wishing to address the Board, to come forward when their name was called.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that a notice be filed pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act, against the title of the following properties and if the infractions are not rectified within ninety (90) days, legal action will be pursued:

  1. Lot 14, District Lot 51, Newcastle Land District, Plan 12041, 1345 Private Road, Electoral Area �G�, owned by J. Boultbee;
  2. Lot 32, Section 20, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo Land District, Plan 22723, 580 North Road, Electoral Area �B�, owned by Adele Ventures Inc.;
  3. Lot 2, Section 1, Range 5, Cedar District, Plan VIP58912, 3180 Quennell Road, Electoral Area �A�, owned by C. Constable;
  4. Lot A, Sections 9 and 10, Range 5, Cedar District, Plan 23108, 3069 Ingram Road, Electoral Area �A�, owned by T. Clark;
  5. Lot 2, Section 12, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo Land District, Plan 23365, Stephens Road, Electoral Area �B�, owned by P. Militerno.
  6. Lot 1 Section 5, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo Land District, Plan 32349, 3199 Coast Road, Electoral Area �B�, owned by J. Mitchell and B. Tucker;
  7. Lot 5, Section 12, Range 2, Cedar Land District, Plan VIP65584, 2340 Brad�s Lane, Electoral Area �B�, owned by T. Lefeudo;
  8. Lot 84, Section 31, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo Land District, Plan 17658, 1781 Whalebone Drive, Electoral Area �B�, owned by K. Haslam;
  9. Lot 2, Section 21, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo Land District, Plan 15394, 215 Malaspina Drive, Electoral Area �B�, owned by D. and P. Harle;
  10. Lot B (DD E1134613), Section 13, Range 2, Cranberry Land District, Plan 5255, 540 Virostko Road, Electoral Area �C�, owned by C. Balicki;
  11. Lot 2, Plan VIP65823, District Lot 167, Nanoose Land District, (DD66169N) Amended DL 167, 1642 East Island Highway, Electoral Area �E�, owned by Oceanside Amusements;
  12. Lot 167, District Lot 66, Nanoose Land District, Plan 26680, 1536 Beaver Creek Wharf Road, Electoral Area �E�, owned by N. Evans;
  13. Lot 7, District Lot 22, Nanoose Land District, Plan 10012, 1528 Terrien Way, Electoral Area �E�, owned by L. Koughan.



Renewal of Animal Control Contracts.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the Chairperson and Secretary be authorized to sign the Animal Control Contract on behalf of the Regional District of Nanaimo to engage the services of Parksville-Qualicum SPCA and Nanaimo Animal Shelter Ltd. to provide animal control services for the term from March 1, 1999 to February 28, 2001.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Luchtmeijer, Little, Bradshaw, Sherry, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Savage, Stanhope, Korpan, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Directors Loomis, Duncan and McLean voting in the negative.



Application No. AA 9628 � Larsen/Hole � 1085 Ravensbourne Lane � Area G.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that Application AA9628 to amend the "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw No. 500, 1987" to permit subdivision of Lot 2, District Lot 88, Nanoose District, Plan 37640 at a 1.0 ha parcel size, be denied.


Application No. ZA 9803 � MacMillan Bloedel � adjacent to Kaye Road � Area G and Application No. ZA 9622 � Culverden � 1888 Kaye Road � Area E.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the request submitted by David Spearing, Architect on behalf of MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. and Culverden Holdings Ltd. to amend the conditions of ZA9622 and ZA9803 as shown on Schedule �A� of the staff report be approved.

MOVED Director Bradshaw, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the motion be amended to add a condition which ensures that the integrity of the buffer is maintained.


The question was called on the main motion, as amended.

The motion CARRIED.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Amendment Bylaw No. 500.216 (Application No. ZA9622) be abandoned.


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Amendment Bylaw No. 500.242 be reintroduced, as amended to include Applications Nos. ZA9622 and ZA9803 at 1st and 2nd reading and proceed to Public Hearing to be chaired by the Director for Electoral Area �E� or his alternate.


Application No. ZA9806 � Burak � 2130/2140 Schoolhouse Road � Area A.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that Amendment Application No. ZA9806, submitted by Terry and Irene Burak, to rezone the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 11, Range 7, Cranberry District, Plan 33429 from Residential 2 (RS2) to Industrial 1 (IN1) be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule �1�.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Little, that the motion be amended to add the condition "that a landscaping plan must be approved by the District".


The question was called on the main motion, as amended.

The motion CARRIED.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.244, 1998", which rezones the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 11, Range 7, Cranberry District, Plan 33429, from Residential 2 (RS2) to Industrial 1 (IN1) be given 1st and 2nd reading and proceed to public hearing to be chaired by the Director of Electoral Area �A� or his alternate.



Application No. 9805 � Forsberg � 1514 White Road � Area A.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that Development Variance Permit 9805, to vary the setback for a building from 8.0 metres to 3.0 and 3.6 metres from the interior lot lines on Lot 2, VIP 60942, Section 17, Range 2, Cedar District, be approved as outlined in Schedule �A�.


Application No. 9806 � Oceanside Amusements Ltd. � 1666 East Island Highway � Area E.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Savage, that Development Variance Permit No. 9806, submitted by Bruce Hale, on behalf of Oceanside Amusements Ltd., requesting that the height and size requirements pursuant to Bylaw No. 993, be relaxed in order to accommodate the re-siting of a gnome figure, be approved subject to the applicant obtaining all necessary permits, removing other existing signs directed toward the highway which are not recognized as legal non-conforming and that the application be subject to the notification procedure pursuant to the Municipal Act.



Application No. 9709 � Coast Tractor Equipment Ltd. � 1930 Schoolhouse Road � Area A.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that Development Permit No. 9709 to legalize an existing heavy equipment display and sales business on the property legally described as Lot 1, Sections 14 and 15, Range 6, Cranberry District, Plan 32984 be approved subject to the applicant first obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Environment under the Contaminated Sites Regulations and subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule "5" of the staff report.


Application No. 9713 � B & W Land Corporation � Roberton Boulevard � Area G.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Development Permit 9713 for the Final Phases of a multiple dwelling unit development (41 dwelling units) on the property legally described as Lot C, District Lots 29 and 126, Nanoose District, Plan 49145, Except Part in Plan VIP56481 and Strata Plan VIS2920 (Phases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule �1� of the staff report.


Application No. 9811 � Armtec � 1848 Schoolhouse Road � Area A.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that Development Permit 9811 to legalize an existing office building on the property legally described as Lot C, Plan 26748, Section 14, Range 6, Cranberry District be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule 3 of the staff report.


Application No. 9814 � Hills of Columbia/B & W Land Corporation � Roberton Boulevard � Area G.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Development Permit 9814 be approved on Lot �D�, District Lot 126, Nanoose District, Plan 49145, subject to conditions in Schedule �A�.


Application No. 9815 � Budget Steel � 2073 Main Road � Area A.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Little, that Development Permit 9815 to establish a transfer facility for the collection, crushing and hauling away of scrap metals for recycling on the property legally described as Lot 5, Block 7, Section 12 and 13, Range 7, Cranberry District, Plan 1643 be approved subject to the conditions outlined on Schedule �3� of the staff report.



Forest Land Reserve Land Use and Subdivision Regulation.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McLean,:

That staff be directed to invite the owners of FLR land to meet with the Regional District to discuss the proposed changes to the land use and subdivision regulations which are applicable to the FLR at a series of meetings to be chaired by the Chair of the Development Services Committee and attended by staff and other interested members of the Board.

That subject to input from the consultation meeting, staff be directed to bring forward proposed amendments to RDN Bylaw 500 to implement the existing OCP policies which advocate larger minimum parcel sizes within the FLR and further, restrict the number of dwelling units permitted on FLR parcels to one dwelling per parcel.

That subject to input from the consultation meeting, staff be directed to bring forward proposed amendments to the Arrowsmith Benson zoning bylaw which would permit no further subdivision within the FLR, other than boundary adjustments permitted through parcel averaging to 80% of the existing size of parcels, and provision for only one dwelling unit per parcel.

That subject to input from the consultation meeting, staff be directed to include proposed policies in the preparation of new OCPs which would permit no further subdivision within the FLR, other than boundary adjustments permitted through parcel averaging to 80% of the existing size of parcels, and provision for only one dwelling unit per parcel.



Gravel Pit Permit under the Mines Act � Englishman Aggregates � Area F.

MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the Ministry of Energy and Mines through the Vancouver Island Mine Development Review Committee be advised that the Regional District of Nanaimo continues to oppose the application by Englishman Aggregates Ltd. and requests that the application process be amended to consider local government zoning, official community plans and other regulatory bylaws.


Sewer Advisory Committee � Area A.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that a Cedar Village Sewer Advisory Committee be established in accordance with the provisions of the Liquid Waste Management Plan with the membership as set out in Schedule No. 1 of the staff report.


Amendment to Building Height Regulations � Bylaw 500.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the maximum building height on Rural properties (properties zoned Rural 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Resource Management 1, 2, 3) be amended to 9.0 metres.


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Savage, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.246, 1998" which amends the maximum building height from 8.0 metres to 9.0 metres within the �Rural 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Resource Management 1, 2, 3 zones� be given 1st and 2nd reading and that the public hearing be waived in lieu of public notification pursuant to Section 893 of the Municipal Act.


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that staff be directed to proceed with consultation on a proposed change to the definition of building height as outlined in Schedule "1" and report back to the Development Services Committee.


Building Strata Conversion � Sims Associates � 3125 Van Horne Road � Area F.

MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the request from Sims Associates, BCLS, for the building strata conversion as shown on the Sketch Plan of Lot 6, District Lot 7, Cameron District, Plan 22313, be referred back to the Development Services Committee.


Islands Trust Referral � Gabriola Island OCP Bylaw No. 166 � Area B.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Loomis, that the referral of Islands Trust Bylaw No. 170, which amends the Gabriola Island Official Community Plan be received and the Island Trust be advised that the Regional District of Nanaimo supports the proposed amendments.



MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Little, that the minutes of the Environmental Services Committee meeting held October 27, 1998 be received for information.



Septage Handling.

MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that staff be instructed to call for Requests for Proposals to provide for septage handling by a private firm and that once this process has been completed, septage acceptance be prohibited at RDN facilities.

MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Savage, that the motion be amended to delete the words "and that once this process has been completed, septage acceptance be prohibited at RDN facilities".


The question was called on the main motion.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Luchtmeijer, Little, Bradshaw, Sherry, Loomis, Duncan, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Savage, Stanhope, Korpan, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative.


MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Little, that the minutes of the regular Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting held November 3, 1998 be received for information.



Mulligan�s Indoor Golf Ltd. � Request for a Class �B� Liquor License.

MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the Board support Mulligan�s Indoor Golf Ltd.�s application for a Class �B� Liquor License for their facility located at 1420 Alberni Highway in Electoral Area �F�.


Treaty Advisory Joint Meeting.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the District pay the travel and hotel accommodation expenses (not exceeding $700) for Director Loomis to attend a Joint TAC meeting on November 19 and 20, 1998 in Richmond.



Nanoose Bay Parks & Open Space Master Plan � Terms of Reference.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the terms of reference for the Nanoose Bay Parks and Open Space Master Plan be approved as presented.


Morden Colliery Trail Management Plan.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the Morden Colliery Trail Management Plan be approved as a guide for ongoing Trail planning and development.


Community Parks Development & Maintenance Initiatives during 1998.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that the report on the 1998 Community Parks program be received as information.



City of Parksville Regional Context Statement.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the City of Parksville Regional Context Statement (RCS) be received for information and that the City be requested to consider amendments to the RCS prior to granting the RCS bylaw second reading, as outlined in Schedule �1�.



RDN Grants-in-Aid Committee.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the minutes of the RDN Grants-in-Aid Committee meeting held October 16, 1998, be received for information.


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that grants be awarded in School District 68 as follows:

School District 68

Cedar School & Community Enhancement Society $ 1,420

Gabriola Emergency Social Services371

Nanaimo Search & Rescue Society1,065

People for a Health Community on Gabriola Society880


MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that grants be awarded in School District 69 as follows:

School District 69

Arrowsmith Search & Rescue Society $ 1,000

Central Vancouver Island Dragon Boat Society798

District 69 Restorative Justice2,000

District 69 Society of Allied Support Groups1,000

District 69 Society of Organized Services500

Mid Island Radio Association (MIRA)600

Mount Arrowsmith Elder Abuse Committee250

Parksville/Qualicum Crimestoppers500

Project Literacy Parksville/Qualicum1,000

Special Olympics � Parksville850


District 69 Recreation Commission.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meetings held October 8 and 26, 1998, be received for information.


Alexandra Clancy Youth Centre Society.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the Chairperson appoint a member of the Regional District Board as a designate member on the Alexandra Clancy Youth Centre Society Board as a voting member.


User Fees.

MOVED Director Bradshaw, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the Recreation Commission fees and charges be amended to include a 5% increase to user fees at the District 69 Arena and Ravensong Aquatic Centre, a 55% recovery rate for the Aquatic Centre, a 43% recovery rate for the District 69 Arena, and maintain the same recovery rates for recreation programs to include a 15% administration fee for all programs, a 75-25% split with small program contractors, and recovery rates of 125% for adult, 100% for preschool, youth, community cooperative, and child, 75% for summer camps and family, and 50% for leadership development programs.



MOVED Director Bradshaw, SECONDED Director Little, that grants be allocated to the following organizations:

Coombs Hilliers Rec. & Community Organization $ 625

Ravensong Aquatic Club500

Navy League of Canada200

St. Mary�s Youth Group500

Woodwinds Alternate Program400

Philadelphia Flyers Alumni Hockey School400


Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Loomis, that the minutes of the Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission meetings held October 5 and 19, 1998, be received for information.



Performance Review Committee.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Savage, that the minutes of the Performance Review Committee meeting held October 21, 1998 be received for information.


Intergovernmental Advisory Committee.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Savage, that the minutes of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee meeting held October 22, 1998 be received for information.


Aggregates Study Public Advisory & Select Committee.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the Aggregates Study Public Advisory & Select Committee meeting held October 28, 1998 be received for information.


Solid Waste Select Committee.

MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that the minutes of the Solid Waste Select Committee meeting held October 27, 1998 be received for information.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that MSW composting be selected as the only viable residual waste processing option for further consideration in the solid waste management planning process at this time.

A recorded vote was requested.

The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Luchtmeijer, Little, Bradshaw, Sherry, Loomis, Duncan, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Stanhope, McLean, Korpan, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Director Savage voting in the negative.


Hotel Room Tax.

MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Loomis, that the RDN not proceed with investigation of a hotel room tax at this time and that the municipalities could pursue a hotel room tax without Electoral Area participation.


Area F Community Steering Committee.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the August 11, 1998 resolution of the Board stand, and that the Community Steering Committee be provided with a response indicating that the Board has previously addressed the issue of replacement representation on the CSC, reiterating the Board�s resolution of August 11, 1998.


Illegal Structure Bylaw (6862 Mart Road � Area D).

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Little, that Mr. Pedrosa be permitted to address the Board.


Mr. Pedrosa explained his difficulties in trying to resolve the problem with the illegal structure.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Sherry, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Illegal Structure Removal Bylaw No. 1140, 1998" be given three (3) readings.


MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Sherry, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Illegal Structure Removal Bylaw No. 1140, 1998" be adopted.


Town of Qualicum Beach Regional Context Statement.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the Town of Qualicum Beach Regional Context Statement (RCS) be received for information and that the Town be requested to consider amendments to the RCS prior to granting the RCS bylaw second reading, as outlined in Schedule �1�.


Pacific Shores Sewer LSA Amendment Bylaw No. 1021.02 and Northern Community Sewer LSA Amendment Bylaw No. 889.10.

MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the following application for inclusion into the Pacific Shores Sewer LSA be approved: Lot 7, DL 22, Nanoose Land District, Plan 10012.


MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that "Pacific Shores Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 1021.02, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.


MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 889.10, 1998""be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalaities for approval.



Proposed Mt. Arrowsmith Area Regional Park.

MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the Mt. Arrowsmith Park proposal presented by the delegation earlier in the meeting be referred to staff for a report that will be presented to a future Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting.


MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Korpan, that the information received from Mr. Rothermel in his presentation be forwarded to Crown Lands.



Director Loomis advised of the following Notice of Motion for the next Board meeting:

That a letter be written to the UBCM Executive stating our concern over the lack of consultation with the UBCM membership when proposing a Memorandum of Understanding with a specific group and that the general membership should have the opportunity to review a draft of any Memorandum of Understanding.

From the October 13, 1998 Board Meeting (Director I. Savage)

MOVED Director Savage, SECONDED Director McLean, that staff investigate the options for the Nanoose First Nations marine Pollution Control Centre sewer outfall to connect to either the Fairwinds Sewage Treatment Plant or the Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre.

MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the motion be amended to add the words "and that the options be in conformance with the Regional Growth Management Plan and the Liquid Waste Management Plan".


The question was called on the main motion, as amended.

The motion CARRIED.


MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Garnish, that this meeting terminate.


TIME: 9:08 PM