TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1998, AT 7:30 PM IN THE
Director G. Holme Chairperson
Director F. Garnish Electoral Area A
Director R. Loomis Electoral Area B
Director E. Hamilton Electoral Area C
Director I. Savage Electoral Area D
Director J. McLean Electoral Area F
Director J. Stanhope Electoral Area G
Director J. Duncan Electoral Area H
Director C. Bradshaw City of Parksville
Director B. Luchtmeijer Town of Qualicum Beach
Director L. Sherry City of Nanaimo
Director D. Rispin City of Nanaimo
Director L. McNabb City of Nanaimo
Director G. Korpan City of Nanaimo
Director J. Little City of Nanaimo
Director B. McGuffie City of Nanaimo
Also in Attendance:
C. Mason Gen. Mgr. of Corporate Services
B. Lapham Gen. Mgr. of Development Services
M. Donnelly Manager of Transportation Services
C. McIver Manager of Solid Waste
N. Tonn Recording Secretary
P. Bekar-Ellis, North Cedar Improvement District, re Community Water Issues.
Ms. Bekar-Ellis stressed the need for open communication between the North Cedar Improvement District and the RDN on community water issues as they apply to the Improvement District specifically, and Electoral Area �A� generally. The NCID asked that the Board consult with them with respect to the implementation of the proposed OCP and that an interagency committee be re-established between the NCID and the Regional District.
D. Hutchison, re Electoral Area �F� Steering Committee.
Mr. Hutchison requested that the Board appoint Mr. Allan Messner to the Electoral Area �F� Planning Project Community Steering Committee as recommended at a June 22, 1998 meeting of this same committee.
D. Burnett, re Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan.
Ms. Burnett raised her concerns with the proposed amendments to the Electoral Area �A� OCP and stressed the need for further communication between the RDN and the residents of Electoral Area �A� as well as residential input. It was also suggested that the Nanaimo Airport hold a public information forum regarding their application for OCP amendments.
L. Beck, re Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan.
Ms. P. Grand spoke in Ms. Beck�s absence and read from a presentation written by Ms. Leora Linwood. Ms. Linwood has great concerns with regard to the potential implications of the riparian leave strip as it affects all properties bordering on a waterway. Concerns were also raised with the proposed changes to the sewer and water systems within Electoral Area �A�.
M. Farkas, re Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan.
Mr. Farkas stressed the importance of protecting the aquifer lands in the Cedar area and requested that the residents of the area be consulted on all aspects of the proposed amendments to the Electoral Area �A� OCP prior to any of the amendments progressing further.
S. Gerrand, re Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan.
Ms. Gerrand raised her concerns with the long term impact on the area of a new sewer system in the Cedar node core and the ramifications of allowing such a system to exist and possibly expand in the future.
P. Grand, re Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan.
Ms. Grand, a resident of the Boat Harbour area, stressed the need to regulate development permit areas and requested that a comparison be made with other development permit areas within the province. A request was made to the Board to stop the amendment process until at least 1999 to allow residents to obtain all information as it pertains to these amendments.
C. Lychak, re Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan.
Ms. Lychak raised her concerns with the proposed amendments to the Electoral Area �A� OCP and requested that the Board table the amendments until such time as all pertinent information has been obtained.
C. Grad, Nanaimo Airport, re Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan.
Mr. Grad stressed the need for the Airport amendment component within the Electoral Area �A� OCP to proceed as quickly as possible. Mr. Grad also welcomed the opportunity to hold a public information meeting for interested residents regarding changes to the Nanaimo Airport.
The Chairperson called a two minute recess before proceeding with the meeting.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, June 9, 1998 be adopted.
J. Kwan, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, re Planning Institute of BC�s Award of Excellence.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the correspondence from Ms. Kwan with respect to the RDN�s receipt of the 1998 Planning Institute of BC�s Award of Excellence in recognition of the Growth Management Plan, be received for information.
G. Carriere, Ministry of Energy & Mines, re Proposed Sand and Gravel Operations - Illusion Lake Road, Illusion Lake.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the correspondence from Mr. Carriere, Ministry of Energy and Mines with respect to the proposed sand and gravel operation application for Illusion Lake Road, Illusion Lake, be received for information.
Appointments to the Aggregate Public Advisory and Performance Review Committees.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that Robert Davey, Carla Dumont, Kari Nelson, Robert Jepson, Rod Milner, Colin Springford and Catherine Thomas be appointed to the Aggregate Public Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that Charles Gahr and Lawrence Hill be appointed to the Performance Review Committee.
For Adoption.
Bylaw No. 1021.01.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Pacific Shores Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 1021.01, 1998" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 889.06.
MOVED Director Luchtmeijer, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 889.06, 1998" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1124.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Surfside Sewer Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1124, 1998" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1101.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1101, 1998" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1127.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Sherry, that "Regional District of Nanaimo French Creek Bulk Water Local Service Area Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1127, 1998" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1128.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Bulk Water Local Service Area Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1128, 1998" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1129.
MOVED Director Bradshaw, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that "Regional District of Nanaimo (City of Parksville) Security Issuing Bylaw No. 1129, 1998" be adopted.
Bylaw No. 1125.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Morningstar Creek Water Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1125, 1998" be adopted.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held June 16, 1998 be received for information.
Alternatives for Gravel Operations.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Savage, that the verbal report regarding Gravel operation alternatives, be received for information.
Section 700 Filings.
The Chairperson advised that the following filing is deleted:
Lot 8, Section 12, Range 12, Cedar Land District, Plan VIP65584, 2350 Brad�s Lane, Area �A�, owned by S. Raines;
The Chairperson listed each filing and asked that any property owner in the audience wishing to address the Board, to come forward when their name was called.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that a notice be filed pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act, against the titles of the properties listed as follows:
Application No. 9805 - Phillips - Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the application for Development Permit 9805 to complete the construction of a building to be used for dismantling and selling used auto parts on the property legally described as Lot 6, Plan 27070, Section 12, Range 7, Cranberry District, be approved subject to the conditions outlined on Schedule �1�.
Director Sherry requested that civic addresses be included, in addition to legal descriptions, with future applications.
Application No. 9806 - Avorado Resort - Area H.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Duncan,:
That Development Permit 9806, to allow expansion of Avorado Resort, including an additional 50 camping spaces, a clubhouse with a siting varied to 1.3 metres from the attached deck to the natural boundary of the sea, a washroom building and an office/lounge building within the area zoned CM5 on Lot A, Plan 55017, District Lot 20, Newcastle District, be approved subject to conditions outlined on Schedule �1�.
That Schedule �1� be amended to include a restrictive covenant which would restrict occupancy on any campsite to a maximum of six months per year.
Bradley & Feather/Hoyt - Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the request from TG Hoyt, BCLS, on behalf of Jennifer Bradley and Beverly Feather to relax the minimum 10% frontage requirement for proposed Lot A, to 8.5% as shown on the proposed plan of subdivision of the East 60 Acres, Section 9, Range 8, Cranberry District, prepared by TG Hoyt and certified correct on April 29, 1998, be approved.
Update on Electoral Area �F� Planning Project.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the April 21, 1998 and June 1, 1998 Newsletters on the Electoral Area �F� Planning Project be received for information.
Qualified Persons to Perform Environmental Assessment Work.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that staff be directed to collaborate with the Ministry of Environment, Vancouver Island Region, to establish qualifying criteria and a subsequent list of consultants who are considered capable of conducting environmental reviews and to use this list, once established, to judge the suitability of a consultant or firm to conduct environmental reviews according to the type of work proposed.
RDN Floodplain Management Amendment Bylaw No. 843.01.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Floodplain Management Amendment Bylaw No. 843.01, 1998" be introduced and given 3 readings, proceed to public notification pursuant to Section 910 of the Municipal Act, and be referred to the Minister of Environment for approval pursuant to Section 839(1) of the Municipal Act.
Strata Building Conversion - 890 Wembley Road - Area G.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the request from Sims Associates for the building strata conversion as shown on the Sketch Plan of Lot A, Plan 43709, District Lot 29, Nanoose District as prepared by Sims Associates, BCLS, be approved subject to the conditions set out in the corresponding engineer�s report and in consideration of the applicant�s concurrence to meet the bylaw requirements as set out in Attachment No. �4� of the corresponding staff report to the satisfaction of the Regional District.
Municipal Ticketing Bylaw No. 1015.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the staff report outlining recommended amendments to the "Regional District of Nanaimo Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 1015, 1998" be received.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 1015, 1998" be re-introduced as amended and given first three (3) readings and forwarded to the Chief Judge of the Provincial Court for approval.
Director Korpan requested that monthly Bylaw Enforcement Reports include information on tickets issues.
Referral - Alberni Clayoquot Regional District - Mt. Arrowsmith Park.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Hamilton,:
That the Regional District of Nanaimo Board receive the referral of proposed Bylaw No. R1003 and R1004 from the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District, and provide the comments as outlined in the staff report for the ACRD�s consideration.
That the Regional District of Nanaimo Board request that the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District host a public information meeting on the proposed regional park and the expansion of the ski hill in Electoral Area �F� of the Regional District of Nanaimo prior to consideration of adoption of these bylaws to ensure that residents are kept informed of proposed developments in their area.
Use of Round-Up on V.I. Railway Lines.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that pending application by CNN to the Ministry of Environment for the use of round-up for weed control along railway lines, correspondence be sent on behalf of the Board to the Ministry of Environment, appealing approval of their application.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the Environmental Services Committee meeting held June 23, 1998 be received for information.
Duke Point Pollution Control Center Transfer Agreement.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Rispin, that the Chairperson and Secretary be authorized to sign the contract between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the City of Nanaimo transferring ownership of the Duke Point sewer collection system from the City to the District.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Loomis, that this item be referred back to the Environmental Services Committee.
Proposed Municipal Sewage Regulation.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Little, that the comments presented in the report, plus any additional comments raised by the Board, be endorsed and forwarded to the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
Chase River Forcemain Twinning - Award of Contract.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that the Regional District of Nanaimo award Contract 122.46.7, Twinning of the Chase River Sanitary Forcemain, to Hub Excavating Limited for the tendered amount of $416,276.56, using ductile iron pipe as the pipe material.
Voices of the Englishman River Referral.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the June 12, 1998 Arrowsmith Water Supply report be received for information.
Odour Control - French Creek Pollution Control Centre.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that staff at FCPCC be instructed not to use the belt filter press on weekends until such time as the biofilter is operating.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the regular Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting held July 7, 1998 be received for information.
W. Gray, City of Kelowna, re Sexual Exploitation of Youth.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the correspondence from the City of Kelowna regarding sexual exploitation of youth, be received for information.
S. Klee, re Special Occasion License.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the Board approve the Special Occasion License amended dates of August 22 and 23 for the Sand Bar Pub Demons Mens Fastball beer garden.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that grants be awarded to the following organizations:
Cedar Community Association $ 1,500
Nanaimo Search & Rescue Society 1,500
$ 3,000
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that grants be awarded to the following organizations:
Arrowsmith Search & Rescue Society $ 1,000
District 69 Arts Council 500
District 69 Stroke Recovery Club 500
Nanoose Bay Activities & Recreation Society 1,000
Parksville Qualicum 4-H Oddstock 1,000
Parksville-Qualicum Beach & District SPCA 832
SOS - Police Based Victim Service Program 800
Springboard Family Centre 400
$ 6,032
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Savage, that the Grant awarded to the Arrowsmith Search & Rescue Society be raised to $2,000.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion was DEFEATED with Directors Luchtmeijer, Bradshaw, Loomis, Duncan, Savage, Stanhope, McLean and Garnish voting in the affirmative and Directors Holme, Little, Sherry, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Korpan and Hamilton voting in the negative.
The question was called on the main motion.
The motion CARRIED.
Public Bodies Information Report.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that the 1997 Public Bodies Financial Information Report be received for information.
RDN Southern Community Sewer LSA Excess Capital Funds Expenditure (Chase River Pump Station) Bylaw No. 1133.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Southern Community Sewer Local Service Area Excess Capital Funds Expenditure (Chase River Pump Station) Bylaw No. 1133, 1998" be introduced for first three readings.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Southern Community Sewer Local Service Area Excess Capital Funds Expenditure (Chase River Pump Station) Bylaw No. 1133, 1998" having received first three readings, be adopted.
Administration Computer Equipment Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1134.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Administration Computer Equipment Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1134, 1998" be introduced for first three readings.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that "Administration Computer Equipment Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 1134, 1998" having received three readings, be adopted.
Whiskey Creek Park Site License of Occupation Application.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that the Regional Board make a representation to the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks requesting that the Crown Land Described as Lot 14, Plan 1891, District Lot 9, Cameron Land District be included with the Malcolm property as a package in the Whiskey Creek Community Park license application.
City of Nanaimo Regional Context Statement.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the Regional District receive the referral for comment of the City of Nanaimo OCP Amendment Bylaw 1998 No. 6000.017, and advise the City that it supports the Regional Context Statement as presented.
Transportation and Mobility Study.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie,:
That the Preliminary Terms of Reference for the Transportation and Mobility Study be approved, in principle.
That the Regional District request a planning grant in the amount of $22,500 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for a Transportation and Mobility Study.
Vancouver Island Highway Agreement.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer,:
That the Vancouver Island Highway Agreement be approved with amendments as follows:
That the words "the concerns of residents who are adversely affected by Highway noise" be added as an additional item under Section 4.0.
That the words "and Highway noise" be inserted between the words "access" and "implications" in item Number 2 under Objective 4.1.1.
That the words "and achieve minimal Highway noise impact on affected residents" be inserted after the word "architecture" within Objective 4.3.2.
That the words "and sound attenuation measures" be inserted between the words "trees" and "along" in item Number 1 with respect to Objectives 4.3.2, 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 (the Province�s obligations).
That the words "and sound attenuation" be inserted between the words "landscaping" and "proposals" in item Number 1 with respect to Objective 4.3.6 (the Province�s obligations).
That the words "elected representatives and" be inserted between the words "to" and "staff" in Section 5.1.
Special Event Permit Applications
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director McGuffie,:
Gabriola Island Community Hall Association (Salmon Barbecue) - August 8, 1998. (Area B)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to Gabriola Island Community Hall Association for their Annual Salmon Barbecue, to be held August 8, 1998 at 2200 South Road, Gabriola Island, BC, subject to RCMP, Ministry of Health and local fire department approval.
Gabriola Island Golf Club (Lions Club Celebrity Pro-Am) - August 13 & 14, 1998. (Area B)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Gabriola Golf Club for the Lions Club Celebrity Pro Am, to be held August 13 and 14, 1998 at the Gabriola Golf Club, South Road, Gabriola Island.
Nanaimo Motocross Association (Canadian National Motocross Championships) - July 18 & 19, 1998. (Area C)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Nanaimo Motocross Association for the Canadian National Motocross Championship, to be held July 18 and 19, 1998 at Weigles Road (the Wastelands), subject to Ministry of Health approval.
Arrowsmith Agriculture Association (Coombs Fall Fair) - August 8 & 9, 1998. (Area F)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Arrowsmith Agriculture Association for the Coombs Fall Fair, to be held August 8 and 9, 1998 at 1014 Ford Road, Coombs, subject to Ministry of Health and fire department approval.
VI Association for Injured Motorcyclists (Annual Pig �n Fin) - August 21, 22 & 23, 1998. (Area F)
That a Special Event Permit be issued to the V.I. Association for Injured Motorcyclists for the 11th Annual Pig �n Fin, to be held August 21, 22 and 23, 1998 at the Coombs Rodeo Grounds.
Special Occasion License Applications
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean:
Gabriola Island Community Hall Association (Salmon Barbecue) - August 8, 1998. (Area B)
That the Board approve the Gabriola Island Community Hall Association�s request for the issuance of a one (1) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at their Annual Salmon Barbecue on August 8, 1998.
Gabriola Island Golf Club (Lions Club Celebrity Pro-Am) - August 13 & 14, 1998. (Area B)
That the Board approve the Gabriola Golf Club�s request for the issuance of a two (2) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at the Lions Club Celebrity Pro-Am on August 13 and 14, 1998.
Gabriola Lions (Gabriola Days) - September 12, 1998. (Area B)
That the Board approve the Gabriola Lions� request for the issuance of a one (1) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at Gabriola Days on September 12, 1998.
Nanaimo Motocross Association (Canadian National Motocross Championships) - July 18 & 19, 1998. (Area C)
That the Board approve the Nanaimo Motocross Association�s request for the issuance of a two (2) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at the Canadian National Motocross Championship on July 18 and 19, 1998.
Lantzville Volunteer Fire Department (Minetown Day) - July 18, 1998. (Area D)
That the Board approve the Lantzville Volunteer Fire Department Social Club�s request for the issuance of a one (1) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at the Annual Mine Town Day on July 18, 1998.
Errington War Memorial Hall Association (Hi Neighbour Day) - August 15, 1998. (Area F)
That the Board approve the Errington War Memorial Hall Association�s request for the issuance of a one (1) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at Hi Neighbour Day on August 15, 1998.
VI Association for Injured Motorcyclists (Annual Pig �n Fin) - August 21 & 22, 1998. (Area F)
That the Board approve the V.I. Association for Injured Motorcyclists� request for the issuance of a two (2) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at the 11th Annual Pig �n Fin on August 21 and 22, 1998.
Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Loomis, that the minutes of the Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held May 25, 1998, be received for information.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Loomis,:
That grants be awarded to the following organizations:
Gabriola Moving Theatre $ 798
Gabriola Musical Theatre Society 1,047
Gabriola Teen Theatre Group 1,200
Festival Gabriola 900
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Loomis,:
That the Toastmasters be granted free rent of the GIPR office for one year.
That the minutes of the Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held June 1, 1998, be received for information.
That the minutes of the Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held June 15, 1998, be received for information.
Rollo McClay Park
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Little, that the 1995 Agreement between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the Gabriola Softball Association be terminated by mutual agreement to be effective October 1, 1998. Further that the Regional District of Nanaimo assume responsibility for the operation of the facility to be effective October 1, 1998 to include the development of a letter of agreement with the Softball Association for a reduced level of commitment to the facility to include some maintenance of the ball fields and operation and maintenance of the fieldhouse located in the park.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Loomis, that a grant-in-aid for $600 be approved to be used for softball equipment for the Gabriola Island Softball Association.
District 69 Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held June 29, 1998, be received for information.
Youth Centre Agreement
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the Youth Centre Agreement be approved for the provision of youth services by the Alexandra Clancy Youth Centre Society as presented.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Korpan,:
Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre Stage III Select Committee.
That the minutes of the Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre Stage III Select Committee meeting held June 16, 1998 be received for information.
Solid Waste Select Committee.
That the minutes of the Solid Waste Select Committee meeting held June 23, 1998, be received for information.
Aggregate Study Select Committee.
That the minutes of the Aggregate Study Select Committee meeting held June 17, 1998, be received for information.
Transit Business Plan Select Committee.
That the minutes of the Transit Business Plan Select Committee meeting held July 7, 1998 be received for information.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Korpan:
That the public open house meetings summary information on the Transit Business Plan be received for information.
That the Transit Business Plan, as amended, be approved as a guide for transit service planning and delivery.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that staff proceed with the implementation of service enhancements for the Nanaimo Regional Conventional Transit System for August 1998.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Savage, that staff proceed with the implementation of performance improvement measures for the Nanaimo Regional Custom Transit System in 1998.
MOVED Director Bradshaw, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that staff proceed with more detailed planning work on service enhancements for the Parksville/Qualicum Beach Transit System for implementation in 1999 as part of the annual budgeting process.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that the fare structure changes outlined in Tables 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 of the Transit Business Plan be adopted for September 1, 1998.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that adjustments to schedules and/or routes be permitted more than once a year when advantageous.
Intergovernmental Advisory Select Committee.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Savage, that the minutes of the Intergovernmental Advisory Select Committee meeting held June 25, 1998 be received for information.
RGMP Performance Review Select Committee.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Savage, that the minutes of the RGMP Performance Review Select Committee meeting held June 24, 1998 be received for information.
Board Selection Committee
Electoral Area �A� Parks, Recreation & Greenspaces Advisory Committee Appointment.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that Lynn Green, Donald Morrison and Sharon Speevak be appointed to the Electoral Area �A� Parks, Recreation & Greenspaces Advisory Committee.
Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission Appointment.
MOVED Director Loomis, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that Bob Meyer be appointed to the Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission.
Electoral Area �F� Community Steering Committee.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Garnish, that, following the RDN�s policy for appointments to RDN Advisory Committees and Commissions, the vacancy on the Electoral Area �F� Community Steering Committee will be advertised.
Director McNabb advised of the following Notice of Motion:
That any future vacancies to the Electoral Area �F� Community Steering Committee not be filled.
Director Korpan noted that Page 2 of the "Implications of the Delgamuukw Decision for Local Government" report was omitted. Staff will fax this page to all Directors.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that a letter be forwarded to the Ministry of Health with regard to the inconsistencies in their response to the Board�s 1997 UBCM Resolution on the "Process for Awarding Hospital Construction Tenders".
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Garnish, that this meeting terminate.
TIME: 9:25 PM