TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1998, AT 7:32 PM IN THE
Director G. Holme Chairperson
Director F. Garnish Electoral Area A
Director R. Loomis Electoral Area B
Director E. Hamilton Electoral Area C
Director I. Savage Electoral Area D
Director J. McLean Electoral Area F
Director J. Stanhope Electoral Area G
Director J. Duncan Electoral Area H
Director J. Banks City of Parksville
Director B. Luchtmeijer Town of Qualicum Beach
Director L. Sherry City of Nanaimo
Director L. McNabb City of Nanaimo
Director D. Rispin City of Nanaimo
Director G. Korpan City of Nanaimo
Director J. Little City of Nanaimo
Director B. McGuffie City of Nanaimo
Also in Attendance:
K. Daniels Chief Administrative Officer
N. Connelly Gen. Mgr. of Community Services
B. Colclough Gen. Mgr. of Environmental Services
B. Lapham Gen. Mgr. of Development Services
C. Mason Gen. Mgr. of Corporate Services
M. Pearse Mgr. of Administrative Services
S. Herle, Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce, re Business Licensing.
Ms. Herle requested that the Board consider giving the funds or a portion of the funds collected for business licensing to the local Chambers of Commerce so that those monies can be put back into the business community and facilitate economic development.
D. Burnett, Citizens Association of Area A, re Communications with Landowners and Community Associations.
Ms. Burnett voiced her concerns about the lack of communication between the citizens of Area A and the District. She suggested a number of ways that this communication could be improved.
D. Kettner, re Errington Volunteer Fire Department Fire Truck Purchase.
Mr. Kettner provided further details on their proposal to purchase a multipurpose fire truck and asked for the Board�s support on this purchase.
MOVED Director McNabb, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, April 14, 1998 be adopted.
Director Bradshaw pointed out that he had concerns with respect to the motions contained on pages 10 and 13 of the April 14, 1998 Board minutes with respect to the RFEI for the Ice Facility in Parksville as he felt the two resolutions were in conflict with each other and asked that the resolution on page 13 be reconsidered. The Chairperson brought forward the following resolution for reconsideration:
That staff advise the other ice facility proponent that the Board will consider proposals for any area in District 69.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion was DEFEATED with Directors Duncan and McLean voting in the affirmative and Directors Holme, Luchtmeijer, Bradshaw and Stanhope voting in the negative.
Director McLean requested that the motion on page 10 be reconsidered. The Chairperson brought forward the following resolution for reconsideration:
That staff be directed to proceed with the finalization and publication of the RFEI as agreed to on March 13, 1998.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Luchtmeijer, Bradshaw and Stanhope voting in the affirmative and Directors Duncan and McLean voting in the negative.
Director Hamilton left the meeting citing a possible conflict with the next item.
Minutes of the Public Hearing held April 8, 1998 with respect to Bylaws No. 737.07 and 500.227 - Boers.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Sherry, that the minutes of the Public Hearing held April 8, 1998 as a result of public notification of "Regional District of Nanaimo Cranberry, Bright Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 737.07, 1997" and "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.227, 1997" be received.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Cranberry, Bright Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 737.07, 1997" and "Regional District of Nanaimo Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 500.227, 1997" be given third reading, be referred to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for approval and that the Regional District enter into a covenant securing development specifications.
Director Hamilton returned to the meeting.
Minutes of the Public Hearing held May 6, 1998 with respect to Bylaw No. 1116 - Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the minutes of the Public Hearing held on May 6, 1998 as a result of public notification of "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1116, 1998" be received.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1116, 1998" be referred back to first reading and that staff be directed to proceed with further public consultation as outlined in Schedule �A� and that the section dealing with the Watercourse Development Permit Area be removed and reconsidered in the proposed 1999 review of the Official Community Plan.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Korpan, that the minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held April 21, 1998 be received for information.
UBCM, re 1998 Resolution Process.
MOVED Director Stanhope, SECONDED Director Hamilton, that the correspondence from UBCM regarding the 1998 resolution process, be received for information.
Section 700 Filings.
The Chairperson listed each filing and asked that any property owner in the audience wishing to address the Board, to come forward when their name was called.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that a notice be filed pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act, against the title of the property listed as follows and that staff be instructed to defer forwarding the filing notice to Victoria until May 31, 1998:
Lot 46, Section 7, Wellington Land District, Plan 27223, manufactured Home Registration No. 5387, 7711 Clark Drive, owned by W.F. and L.M. Smith.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that a notice be filed pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act, against the titles of the properties listed as follows:
a) Lot 31, Section 14, Range 2, Cedar Land District, Plan VIP59885, 2350 Hemer Road, owned by J. Mihalj;
b) Lot 32, Section 3, Nanaimo Land District, Plan 23540, 1872 Garland Drive, owned by D. and D. Wootton;
c) Lot 79, Section 12, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo Land District, Plan 23365, 460 Dunshire, owned by J.F. Drmla.
Business Licensing.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish,:
That staff prepare a submission to Municipal Affairs requesting authority to establish business licensing in the RDN for the purpose of improving bylaw enforcement measures and be directed to evaluate the cost implications of establishing business licensing and report back to the Board with a proposal to implement the service coincident with the completion of the review and modernization of Bylaw 500 definitions.
That staff proceed with preparing the necessary terms of reference for a process and public consultation approaches needed to initiate the review and modernization of Bylaw No. 500 definitions including the classification of other businesses as part of the 1999 work program.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Luchtmeijer, Little, Bradshaw, Sherry, Loomis, Duncan, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Savage, Stanhope, Korpan, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative.
MOVED Director Bradshaw, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that staff be directed to consult with local Chambers of Commerce on the feasibility of creating a fee for service contract, and that a report be prepared for the Development Services Committee.
Application No. 9803 - Friede/Cola Diner - Area H.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director McNabb,:
That Development Permit 9803 to establish hotel units on the property legally described as Lot 1, Plan 6994, District Lot 20, Newcastle District be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule �1� as amended to replace "$20,000" with "$10,000" in item number 6.
That Schedule �1� be amended to insert the words "biologically diverse" between the words "comprised of" and "native vegetation" in item number 4.
Application No. 9804 - Burns - Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the application for Development Permit No. 9804 to complete the construction of a repair shop and storage garage on the property legally described as Lot 1, Block 6, Section 12, Range 7, Cranberry District, Plan 1643, be approved subject to the conditions outlined on Schedule �1�.
A. & J. Ostrand - Area A.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the request from Alfred Ostrand and Janet Ostrand to relax the minimum 10% frontage requirement for proposed Lots 1 and 2, as shown on the proposed plan of subdivision of Lot 1, Plan 46811, Sections 13 and 14, Range 4, Except Plan VIP57402, Cedar District, be approved in consideration of the applicants� concurrence to enter into a Section 219 covenant as outlined in the staff report with all costs associated with the registration of the covenant to be at the applicants� expense.
French Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1115.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the revisions to the final draft of the French Creek Official Community Plan be received.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Regional District of Nanaimo French Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1115, 1998" receive 1st and 2nd reading.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Regional District of Nanaimo French Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1115, 1998" be examined in conjunction with the Regional District�s Capital Expenditure Plan and Liquid Waste Management Plan to ensure consistency between them.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Regional District of Nanaimo French Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1115, 1998" be referred to the City of Parksville, the Town of Qualicum Beach, and the BC Agricultural Land Commission for comment.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Regional District of Nanaimo French Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1115, 1998" proceed to a public hearing to be chaired by the Director for Electoral Area �G�, or his alternate, after all mandatory referral requirements have been met.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the Environmental Services Committee meeting held April 28, 1998 be received for information.
H. Larsen, re Associated Engineering Report.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the correspondence received from H. Larsen regarding comments with respect to the Associated Engineering Report to the Lantzville Sewer Advisory Committee, be received for information.
Septage Dumping Fees Amendment Bylaw No. 988.01.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Garnish,:
That the charges at the French Creek Pollution Control Centre for septage not be increased and that staff be instructed to investigate gradual increasing of septage fees.
That staff investigate and prepare a report on those properties identified by Director Stanhope that are paying a parcel tax toward the FCPCC yet do not have the ability to hook up to the system.
Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre - Stage III Progress Report.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the progress report on the Greater Nanaimo Pollution Control Centre Stage III Expansion and Upgrading be received.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that staff, in conjunction with the new consultants for wastewater treatment and disposal, conduct a detailed evaluation of design/building alternatives for future Board consideration.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that a Board appointed Select Committee be formed to oversee the evaluation and expansion process.
Free Day Policy.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McLean, that the Free Day policy at the RDN Solid Waste Management Facilities be expanded to allow for a Free Day once a month.
MOVED Director Hamilton, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that this item be considered later in the agenda.
Mid Island Wood Waste Disposal - Contract Expiry.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the staff report on the expiration of Mid-Island Woodwaste Systems Ltd.�s contract to operate a site to receive and burn clean wood waste, be received for information.
Surfside Sewer Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1124 and Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 889.07.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the RDN establish a new Sewer Local Service Area within the Surfside area and that it include Lot 1, District Lot 9, Plan 37995, Newcastle District.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Surfside Sewer Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1124, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 889.07, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
French Creek Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 813.21 and Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 889.08.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the following application for inclusion into the French Creek Sewer Local Service Area be approved:
Lot A, Plan 17074, except plan DD67388W, District Lot 88, Nanoose Land District.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 889.08, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "French Creek Sewerage Facilities Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 813.21, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
Cedar Sewer Local Service Area - School District 68 Sewer.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Garnish,:
That staff proceed with the option of servicing the Cedar Town Centre area, which includes four properties within the town centre, and the school on MacMillan Road.
That the City of Nanaimo be requested to approve a sewer connection as required in the agreement currently being negotiated between the City and the RDN.
That any cost sharing associated with the installation of the lift station and associated works near York Creek be cost shared by the school district at the time of expansion/construction of the facilities in the future.
That if we are unable to proceed with the servicing of the Cedar Town Centre area and the five properties that we proceed with the servicing of the new Senior High School on MacMillan Road on its own.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Garnish, that "Cedar Village Sewer Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1126, 1998" be introduced, read three times, and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval once all the petitions are signed and returned.
Electoral Area �G� Proposed Water Local Service Area.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that the application to include the properties proposed into a water local service area be approved.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Stanhope, that "Morningstar Creek Water Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1125, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the minutes of the regular Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting held May 5, 1998 be received for information.
1998 Local Government Elections.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Korpan, that the 1998 official election results regarding the Electoral Areas �D� and �G� Community Parks Referendums be received for information.
Annual Report of Directors and Committee Members Remuneration and Expenses.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that the 1997 report on remuneration and expenses for Board and Committee members be received for information.
Director Savage left the meeting citing a possible conflict of interest with the next item.
Fire Truck Purchase for Errington Fire Department.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that the Errington Fire Department be permitted to proceed with a selective request for price quotations from one lower mainland and one Vancouver Island Freightliner dealer for a fire truck chassis and that the lowest price bidder be awarded the contract for supply.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Luchtmeijer, Little, Bradshaw, Sherry, Loomis, Duncan, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Stanhope, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative. Director Korpan was absent from the room.
Director Savage returned to the meeting.
Regional Parks Work Program for 1998.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the 1998 Regional Parks Program be approved as presented.
Application for Licence of Occupation for Crown Land - Wildwood Park - Area H.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Duncan, that the Regional District apply to the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks for a Licence of Occupation for community park purposes for the site known as Wildwood Park in Electoral Area �H�.
Special Event Permit Applications.
Island Region Rovers, Scouts Canada. (May 15 - 18 - Area D)
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that a Special Event Permit be issued to the Island Region Rovers, Scouts Canada for Camp Skeeter �98, to be held May 15, 16, 17 and 18, 1998 at Camp Caillet.
Intergovernmental Advisory Committee.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, that the minutes of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee meeting held April 16, 1998, be received for information.
Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Loomis, that the minutes of the Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held April 6, 1998, be received for information.
District 69 Recreation Commission.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director Duncan, that the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held April 27, 1998, be received for information.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that Grants-in-Aid be provided as follows:
Nanoose Bay Recreation & Activities Society $ 1,250
Errington War Memorial Hall & Rec. Assoc. 625
Area �G� Recreation Grants Committee 1,250
Lighthouse Recreation Commission 1,250
Boultbee Park Parents Committee 500
From the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting of April 27:
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McNabb, the following resolution from the Commission be received for information only:
That the Commission�s recommendation to establish an Aquatic Centre Reserve Fund using the 1997 Operating Surplus from the Aquatic Centre function be reconsidered by the Regional Board, with the funds to be used for pool specific projects only.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the minutes of the Solid Waste Select Committee meeting held April 28, 1998 be received for information.
Appointment of Airport Commission Representative.
MOVED Director Garnish, SECONDED Director McLean, that Mr. Doug Slowski be appointed as the Board�s representative to the Nanaimo Airport Commission for a term ending April, 1999.
MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that the Minutes of the Boardroom Addition Planning Committee meeting held May 6, 1998 be received for information.
MOVED Director McLean, SECONDED Director Garnish,:
That the report on the Administration Building Addition Board Room and Office Space be forwarded to the Board.
That staff be directed to proceed with a design build project working to an approved budget of $1,007,500.
That staff be directed to request that Ian Niamath provide specifications for building standards.
MOVED Director Rispin, SECONDED Director Luchtmeijer, that this item be tabled.
MOVED Director Korpan, SECONDED Director Little, that the Chairperson and senior staff be authorized to participate in a special upcoming meeting with provincial and local government representatives to discuss a multi-jurisdictional facility.
Free Day Policy.
MOVED Director McGuffie, SECONDED Director Savage, that staff prepare an amendment to Bylaw No. 894 "A Bylaw to Provide for the Regulation of Solid Waste Management Facilities" reducing the rates for residential self-haul garbage customers to a flat rate of $2.00 per car or van and $4.00 per truck.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Holme, Luchtmeijer, Little, Bradshaw, Sherry, Loomis, Duncan, Rispin, McGuffie, McNabb, Savage, Stanhope, Korpan, Garnish and Hamilton voting in the affirmative and Director McLean voting in the negative.
MOVED Director McGuffie, SECONDED Director Garnish, that the Free Day Policy be discontinued.
A recorded vote was requested.
The motion CARRIED with Directors Luchtmeijer, Little, Bradshaw, Sherry, McGuffie, McNabb, Savage, Korpan and Garnish voting in the affirmative and Directors Holme, Loomis, Duncan, Rispin, Stanhope, McLean and Hamilton voting in the negative.
MOVED Director Luchtmeijer, SECONDED Director Rispin, that staff investigate the possibility of implementing and collecting a Hotel Room Tax similar to that collected by municipalities to tie in with the Chambers of Commerce.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that this meeting adjourn to allow for an in camera meeting.
TIME: 9:10 PM
The meeting reconvened at 9:40 PM
Engineering Consultant Proposals.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that Associated Engineering Limited be awarded the contract for wastewater treatment and disposal services.
MOVED Director Sherry, SECONDED Director McGuffie, that this meeting adjourn to allow for an in camera meeting.
TIME: 9:41 PM