(immediately following Hospital Board Meeting)

(Nanaimo City Council Chambers)





A. Caillet, re Landfill Siting.

12T. Miller, re Landfill Siting.

13R. Watson, re Landfill Siting.

14S. Vollmers, re Landfill Siting.

15B. Jepson, re Landfill Siting.

16A. Windecker, re Landfill Siting.

17S. Pederson, re Landfill Siting.

18D. Haime, re Landfill Siting.


19-30Minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, March 10, 1998.




For Adoption.

31-34Bylaws No. 500.232, 500.233, 500.234, 500.235, 500.236 and 500.237 - Spider Lake Applications. (All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)

35-36Bylaws No. 837.07 & 500.229 - Maibach & McAlpine. (All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)

37-38Bylaws No. 837.08 & 500.230 - Burak. (All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)

Bylaw No. 813.20 - French Creek Sewer LSA Boundary Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)

Bylaw No. 889.05 - Northern Community LSA Boundary Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)

Bylaw No. 964.02 - Dashwood Fire Protection LSA Boundary Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)

Bylaw No. 975.08 - Pump & Haul LSA Boundary Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)

Bylaw No. 975.09 - Pump & Haul LSA Boundary Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)

Bylaw No. 1062.01 - French Creek Village Streetlighting LSA Boundary Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)


39-42Minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held March 17, 1998. (for information)


Section 700 Filings. (All Directors - One Vote)

That a notice be filed pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act, against the titles of the properties listed as follows:

a)Lot�1, Section�3, Range�3, Cedar Land District, Plan�24625, 2955 Rosalie Road, owned by R.�Harris;

b)Lot�32, Section�18, Gabriola Island, Nanaimo Land District, Plan 21586, 629 Gallagher Way, owned by D. Ryan and D.�Wiggers;

c)Lot�18, Section 12, Nanaimo Land District, Plan�23365, 417 Berg Road, owned by T.�Bird.



Gravel Referral - Lussier - Area E. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the Board provide new direction to staff to consider an exemption to the Board�s policy position recommending that Mines applications be held in abeyance and provide a referral response to the Forest Land Commission and Mines Branch.


Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1118. (All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)

1.That the "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1118,�1998" be received.

2.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1118,�1998" be granted 1st and 2nd reading.

3.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1118,�1998" be examined in conjunction with the Regional District�s Capital Expenditure Plan and Liquid Waste Management Plan to ensure consistency between them.

4.That staff be directed to prepare proposed amendments to the Regional District Capital Expenditure Plan to provide for the estimated value and timing of capital works anticipated by "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1118,�1998".

5.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1118,�1998" be referred to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission and City of Parksville for comment.

6.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Nanoose Bay Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1118,�1998" proceed to a Public Hearing to be chaired by the Director for Electoral Area �E�, or his alternate, after the mandatory referral requirements have been met.

Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1116. (All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)

    1. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1116,�1998" be received.
    2. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1116,�1998" receive 1st and 2nd reading.
    3. That a public information meeting be held prior to third reading of "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1116,�1998" and that pet accommodation be added as an airport related use.
    4. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1116,�1998" be examined in conjunction with the Regional District�s Capital Expenditure Plan and Liquid Waste Management Plan to ensure consistency between them.
    5. That staff be directed to prepare proposed amendments to the Regional District Capital Expenditure Plan to provide for the estimated value and timing of capital works anticipated by "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1116,�1998".
    6. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1116,�1998" be referred to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, Cowichan Valley Regional District and the City of Nanaimo for comment.
    7. That "Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Area �A� Official Community Plan Bylaw No.�1116,�1998" proceed to a public hearing to be chaired by the Director for Electoral Area �A�, or his alternate, after all mandatory referral requirements have been met.


43-46Minutes of the Environmental Services Committee meeting held March 24, 1998. (for information)


Transit Service to Duke Point. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the verbal report be received for information.


Duke Point Pollution Control Centre - West Coast Reduction Ltd.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That staff proceed with evaluation of the West Coast Reduction proposal, and develop an agreement covering the terms and conditions for the Waste Discharge Permit, including any required upgrading and expansion of the facilities subject to discussion and agreement with West Coast Reduction Limited with regard to financial compensation for staff time.

French Creek Pollution Control Centre - Odour Control Progress Report.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That the March 1998 progress report on odour control at the French Creek Pollution Control Centre be received.

Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Options Review - Lantzville.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That the March 1998 progress report on the Lantzville wastewater treatment and disposal options review be received.

That the Board Chairperson, Director Sherry and Director Stanhope be appointed to the Consultant Selection Committee for wastewater treatment and disposal.


SWMP - Waste Export Contract Approval.

(All Directors - Weighted Vote)

That the Board approve the contract with the GVS&DD to collect, transship and dispose of approximately 17,000 tonnes of RDN municipal solid waste annually.

That staff report back to the Board with an evaluation report on the waste export process six months after commencement of the service.

3R�s Plan Implementation - Disposal Bans - Progress Report.

(All Directors - Weighted Vote)

That the progress report on the implementation of the solid waste disposal bans be received.

3R�s Plan Implementation - Disposal Bans - Amendment of Bylaw 894.

(All Directors - One Vote)

1.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Solid Waste Management Regulation Amendment Bylaw No.�894.06,�1998" be introduced and read three times.

2.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Solid Waste Management Regulation Amendment Bylaw No.�894.06,�1998" having received three readings, be adopted.


Pacific Shores Sewer LSA - Application for Inclusion. (All Directors - One Vote)

1.That the following application for inclusion into the Pacific Shores Sewer Local Service Area be approved:

Lot 3, Plan 11319, District Lot 22, Nanoose Land District.

2.That "Pacific Shores Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No.�1021.01,�1998" be introduced, read three times, and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.

3.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No.�889.06,�1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.


Cassidy/South Wellington Building Inspection Advisory Committee.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That Jim Calvin be appointed to the Cassidy/South Wellington Building Inspection Advisory Committee.


47-51Minutes of the regular Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting held April 7, 1998. (for information)


Development Negotiations Process/Land Acquisition Process Policies.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That the Board policies on Development Negotiations Process and Land Acquisition Process be approved.

That Item #2 of the Development Negotiations Process Policy be amended to delete the word "generally" between the words "Directors" and "informed".

That Item #6 of the Development Negotiations Process Policy be amended to replace the word "may" between the words "conclusions" and "form" with the word "shall", and to delete the words "at the discretion of the Administration".


Use of Futures Contracts to Secure Long Term Debt Interest Costs.

(All Directors - Weighted Vote)

That the Board of the Regional District of Nanaimo authorize the Municipal Finance Authority to enter into a futures contract to secure interest relending rates for MFA Debenture Issue No.�47.


Proposed Lease of Beach Access/Road Right-of-Way on Wallace Way - Area H. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the Regional District of Nanaimo apply for a lease agreement from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways for the Wallace Way right-of-way located adjacent to Lot�A of Strata Plan VIS�3085 (from Plan VIP�58236), District Lot�11, Newcastle Land District.

Little Mountain & Morison Creek Regional Park Proposals.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That the update report regarding the transfer of Little Mountain and Morison Creek from the Crown to the Regional District as Regional Parks be received.

That staff be instructed to send a letter to the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks requesting that the transfer of Little Mountain and Morison Creek to the Regional District of Nanaimo be expedited.

District 69 Arena Lease Agreement.

(Electoral Areas E, F, G, & H, City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach - Weighted Vote)

That the staff report on the District 69 Arena Lease Agreement be received for discussion purposes.

That the Secretary and Chairperson be authorized on behalf of the Regional District, to sign the amended District 69 Arena Lease Agreement between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the City of Parksville.

Requests for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) - Ice Facility, Public-Private Partnership. (Electoral Areas E, F, G & H, City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach - Weighted)

That the staff report on Requests for Expressions of Interest be received for discussion purposes.

That staff be directed to proceed with the finalization and publication of the RFEI as agreed upon on March�30,�1998.


Urban Containment and Fringe Area Management Implementation Agreement. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the revised Urban Containment and Fringe Area Management Implementation Agreement be received and forwarded to the three Municipal Councils for their consideration and approval.

Performance Review Committee - Membership Appointments.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That Walt�Reynolds, Maureen Young, Robert�Jepson, Bill�Lorenzen, Julian�Fell, John�Gayton, David�Heenan, George�Legg, Terrence�Knight, Lindsay�Locke and John�Nickson be appointed as members of the Regional Growth Management Plan Performance Review Committee.

Aggregates Study - Public Advisory Committee.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That the Terms of Reference for the Aggregates Study as amended to include a Public Advisory Committee, be approved.

That the Terms of Reference be amended to provide that all applications for quarry pit and gravel extraction be held in abeyance except for those applications in stream prior to February 10, 1998.

That the Terms of Reference be further amended to allow for four Electoral Area Board members to be appointed to the Aggregate Study Steering Committee.

Large Land Holdings Study. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the Large Land Holdings Study and process be referred back to the Large Land Holdings & Economic Studies Steering Committee for further discussion and that payment to the consultant be withheld until these discussions have been held.

Economic Planning Strategy - Final Report. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the Economic Planning Strategy, Final Report be received.

That staff be directed to report on and initiate the Action Plan Steps outlined in the Implementation Strategy.


Status Report.

That the Special Event/Special Occasion Status Report be received for information.

Special Event Permit Applications.

Arrowsmith Mountainbike Club - Hammerfest 98. (May 9, 10 - Area F).

(All Directors - One Vote)

That a Special Event Permit be issued to the Arrowsmith Mountainbike Club for Hammerfest 98, to be held May 9 and 10, 1998 at Tranquillity Woods Campground, 2080 Errington Road, Errington.

Special Occasion License Applications.

Arrowsmith Mountainbike Club - Hammerfest 98. (May 9, 10 - Area F).

(All Directors - One Vote)

That the Board approve the Arrowsmith Mountainbike Club�s request for the issuance of a two (2) day special occasion license to operate a beer garden at Hammerfest 98 on May 9 and May 10, 1998.


Large Land Holdings & Economic Studies Steering Committee.

(All Directors - One Vote)

That the minutes of the Large Land Holdings and Economic Studies Steering Committee meeting held March�24,�1998, be received for information.

Intergovernmental Advisory Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the minutes of the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee meeting held March 19, 1998, be received for information.

Transit Business Plan Steering Committee. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the minutes of the Transit Business Plan Steering Committee meeting held March�19,�1998, be received for information.

Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the minutes of the Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held February�16,�1998, be received for information.

District 69 Recreation Commission. (All Directors - One Vote)

That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held March�30,�1998, be received for information.

(Electoral Areas E, F, G & H, City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach - One Vote)

That the District 69 Youth Centre Society Business Plan, as amended, be received with the changes as noted in the staff report and that staff proceed with the preparation of a letter of agreement to be approved by the Regional District of Nanaimo and the District 69 Youth Centre Society to describe the terms and conditions of the Regional District�s participation in the District 69 Youth Centre Society initiative.




52-53Minutes of the Board Room/Additional Building Committee meeting held March 10, 1998. (for information)

54-55Minutes of the Solid Waste Select Committee meeting held Tuesday, March 31, 1998. (for information)

From March 31, 1998 meeting: (All Directors - One Vote)

That the current Solid Waste Advisory Committee be discontinued;

That a new Solid Waste Advisory Committee be created to act as both an advisory committee and a monitoring committee;

That if a potential site is chosen in a rural area that a local advisory committee be created for that area.

From the February 24, 1998 meeting: (All Directors - Weighted Vote)

That the Solid Waste Select Committee recommend that the Board proceed with the Weigles Road and Barsby Lake sites for preliminary investigation.

That the Regional District of Nanaimo hire a new engineering consultant.


56-73Solid Waste Select Committee Progress Report. (All Directors - One Vote)

74-78Special Occasion Licence Applications - Area A. (All Directors - One Vote)

79-122Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Options Review - Lantzville. (Electoral Areas A & D, City of Nanaimo - Weighted Vote)




12.BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)