(immediately following Regular Hospital Board Meeting)
(Nanaimo City Council Chambers)
12H. Sims, re Bylaws No. 500.223, 500.224, 500.232, 500.233, 500.234 and 500.235.
13-26Minutes of the regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, February 10, 1998.
27-35J. Eadie, FCM, re New Terms of Reference for Municipal Government.
36-40Minutes of the Public Hearing held February 18, 1998 with respect to Bylaws No. 1007.01, 500.223, 500.224, 500.232, 500.233, 500.235, 500.236 and 500.237 - Spider Lake Applications. (All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote) (Minutes & attachments included as a separate enclosure.)
41-42Minutes of the Public Hearing held February 26, 1998 with respect to Bylaw No. 500.239 - Lantzville Projects/Datalog Consulting. (All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote) (Minutes & attachments included as a separate enclosure.)
For Adoption.
Bylaw No. 804.02 - Electoral Area �F� Community Parks LSA Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)
Bylaw No. 1022.01 - Coombs-Hilliers Fire Protection LSA Requisition Limit Amendment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)
Bylaw No. 1081 - Gabriola Island Noise Control Establishment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)
Bylaw No. 1082 - Gabriola Island Noise Control Regulatory Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)
Bylaw No. 1102 - Electoral Area �C� Noise Control Establishment Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)
Bylaw No. 1103 - Electoral Area �C� Noise Control Regulatory Bylaw. (All Directors - One Vote)
43-47Minutes of the regular Development Services Committee meeting held February 17, 1998. (for information)
Section 700 Filings. (All Directors - One Vote)
That a notice be filed pursuant to Section 700 of the Municipal Act, against the titles of the properties listed as follows:
a)Lot A, Section 13, Range 8, Cranberry Land District, Plan 20523, 2025 Hemer Road, owned by S. Gillies;
b)Parcel A(DD 21840N) of Sections 4 and 5, Range 3, Cedar Land District, Exc. Plan 340R, 2796 Quennell Road, owned by J. Hough;
c)Lot A, Section 5 & 6, Range 4, Cedar Land District, Plan VIP54260, 2700 Ritten Road, owned by M. Dillow.
d)Lot B, Section 11, Range 2, Cedar Land District, Plan 31017, MHR 47788, 2130 Cedar Road, owned by K. & K. Lepoidevin
City of Nanaimo Renewal Agreement - Animal Shelter Rental.
(All Directors - Weighted Vote)
That the Chairperson and Secretary be authorized to sign the agreement between the Regional District of Nanaimo and the City of Nanaimo which provides for the rental of the Nanaimo Animal Shelter for a 14 month term from January 1, 1998 to February 28, 1999.
Development Permit Application No. 9801 - Zielinski/Palmer - Area A.
(All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)
That Development Permit 9801, submitted by Richard Palmer on behalf of Alf�s Castings, to legalize the siting and establishment of 3 warehouse businesses (for castings, dairy products and health products), be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in Schedule �1� and subject to a landscaping deposit of $2,500.
Walters - Areas A and C. (All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)
That the request from Oskar Walter, acting on behalf of Walburga and Roland Walter and Patrick Henry, to relax the minimum 10% frontage requirements for proposed Lots 1 and 2 and the proposed Remainder of the West 60 Acres of Section 11, Range 5, Cranberry District shown on the plan of subdivision prepared by WR Hutchinson, BCLS dated Sept. 22, 1997 be approved, in consideration of the applicant�s concurrence to enter into Section 219 covenants as outlined in the staff report.
509209BC Ltd./Sims Associates - Area H.
(All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)
That the request from Sims Associates, on behalf of 509209BC Ltd., to relax the minimum 10% frontage requirement for the proposed Remainder of Lot A shown on the plan of subdivision prepared by Sims Associates, BCLS, dated revision 1997/12/11, be approved in consideration of the applicant entering into Section 219 covenant as outlined in the staff report.
Electoral Area �F� Planning Project Update.
(All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)
That the report updating progress on the Electoral Area �F� Planning Project be received for information and staff be directed to continue implementing the Stages I and II work plans of the Electoral Area �F� Planning Project.
French Creek Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1115.
(All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)
That the French Creek Official Community Plan be received.
Gabriola Island Official Community Plan - Final Draft.
(All Directors - One Vote)
1.That the Regional District of Nanaimo supports the revisions to the Gabriola Island Official Community Plan resulting from Regional District of Nanaimo comments.
2.That the Regional District of Nanaimo supports the adoption of the "Gabriola Island Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 166, 1997" provided that an additional revision is made to policy 4.2 (r), as follows:
"(r) The Regional District shall be requested to adopt a development cost charge bylaw for park purposes, with provisions for collection of funds by the Islands Trust, to be deposited in a Regional District of Nanaimo Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund for parkland acquisition for Gabriola Island."
48-50Minutes of the Environmental Services Committee meeting held February 24, 1998. (for information)
Driftwood Beach Estates - Water Service Allocation Transfer.
(All Directors - One Vote)That subject to the revision of the statutory right-of-way agreement for the remainder of Lot C Plan 14848, District Lot 102, Nanoose Land District, approval be granted to transfer the commitment for three residential water services to the following lots:
1.2340 Nanoose Road, Lot 18, Plan 27190, District Lot 130, Nanoose Land District (WBWLSA).
2.2324 Nanoose Road, Lot 19, Plan 27190, District Lot 130, Nanoose Land District (WBWLSA).
3.Lot 1, Arbutus Crescent, Plan 25366, District Lot 78, Nanoose Land District (AWLSA).
Use of Pesticides on Vancouver Island.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the Regional District of Nanaimo forward a late resolution to the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities protesting the use of round-up on railway lines within the Regional District and throughout Vancouver Island.
Pump & Haul Amendment Bylaw No. 975.09.
(All Directors - One Vote)
1.That the Regional District of Nanaimo approve Alternative 3 to provide pump and haul to the existing building located on site and that the owners of the property be required to petition the Regional District of Nanaimo to be included in the Lantzville Sewer Local Service Area and that a covenant be placed on the property to require it to connect to the community sewer when available.
2.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Pump and Haul Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 975.09, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
Duke Point Sewer LSA Source Control Bylaw No. 1112.
(All Directors - One Vote)
1.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Sewer Use Regulatory Bylaw No. 1112, 1998" be introduced and read three times.
2.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Sewer Use Regulatory Bylaw No. 112, 1998" having received three readings, be adopted.
Duke Point Sewer LSA Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 1117.
(All Directors - One Vote)
1.That "Duke Point Sewage Local Service Area Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 1117, 1998" be introduced and receive three readings.
2.That "Duke Point Sewage Local Service Area Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw No. 1117, 1998" having received three readings, be adopted.
Qualicum West Sewer & Surfside Water LSA.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That any proposed subdivision of Lot 1, Plan 37995, District Lot 9, Newcastle District shall meet the current subdivision standards of the Regional District of Nanaimo with respect to frontage requirements.
That the proposal to extend a sewer system to Regional District of Nanaimo standards from the end of the Qualicum interceptor to the subject property be approved.
That the proposal to upgrade and extend the Surfside water system to Regional District of Nanaimo standards and specifications, to supply a subdivision of seven additional lots, be approved subject to the completion of a groundwater assessment confirming adequate supply.
Septage Receiving Facilities - Southern Community.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the progress report on the establishment of private sector septage receiving facilities for the southern community be received.
French Creek Sewer LSA Amendment Bylaw.
(All Directors - One Vote)
1.That the following applications for inclusion into the French Creek Sewer Local Service Area be approved:
Lot 1, Plan 15426, District Lot 29, Nanoose Land District.
Lot 30, Plan 24289, District Lot 49, Nanoose Land District.
2.That "Regional District of Nanaimo Northern Community Sewer Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 889.05, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
3.That "French Creek Sewerage Facilities Local Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 813.20, 1998" be introduced, read three times and forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.
51-56Minutes of the regular Corporate & Community Services Committee meeting held March 3, 1998. (for information)
W. Lemmon, re Resignation from District 69 Recreation Commission.
(All Directors - One Vote)That the correspondence from the W. Lemmon, regarding his resignation from the District 69 Recreation Commission, be received.
Vancouver Island Regional Library - Ten Year Facility Plan.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the Board respond to the V.I.R.L. indicating its receipt of the ten year plan and its support for the timing of the development of a branch on Gabriola Island in 1999.
Appointment to RDN Advisory Committees & Commissions.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the Appointment to RDN Advisory Committees and Commissions Policy No. A1.14 be approved as presented.
Use of Futures Contracts to Secure Long Term Debt Interest Costs.
(All Directors - Weighted Vote)
That the Municipal Finance Authority be advised that the Regional District of Nanaimo wishes to enter into a futures contract to secure future interest rates on the relending date for Debenture Issue 48.
Harbourfront Theatre - Request for Funding.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the costs of the November 16, 1996 Harbourfront Theatre referendums be recovered by allocating these costs to individual Electoral Areas A, B, C, D and E using the grants-in-aid function over the next four years beginning in 1998.
Purchase of Fire Truck for Coombs-Hilliers Fire Department.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the purchase of a model SE1702 fire truck from Profire Emergency Equipment for a price of $157,680 be approved.
That the Treasurer be authorized to enter into a five year lease to finance the purchase.
Regional Parks and Trail System.
(All Electoral Areas - Weighted Vote)
That the major components of the regional parks and trail system program for 1998 be approved in principle, with staff to prepare further specific reports on development cost charges, trail development projects, reserve fund approaches, and system planning.
That adjustments to the regional parks 1998 annual budget provide for an increase in the tax requisition to $400,000 and budget allocations to provide for the initiation of two trail development projects in District 69, planning for the implementation of a District 68 trail system, and the establishment of a reserve fund for future development activities.
City of Parksville OCP Referral.
(All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)
That the Board receive the referral of proposed amendments to the City of Parksville�s Official Community Plan and zoning bylaw, and provide the comments as outlined in this report to the City for their consideration.
City of Nanaimo OCP Referral.
(All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)
That the referral of proposed amendments to the City of Nanaimo�s Official Community Plan be received, and the comments as outlined in this report be provided to the City for their consideration.
City of Nanaimo - Rezoning Referrals.
(All Directors except EA �B� - One Vote)
That the Board receive the referral of proposed amendments to the City of Nanaimo�s Zoning Bylaw No. 4000, and provide the comments as outlined in the staff report to the City for their consideration.
Terms of Reference - Aggregate Study.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the Terms of Reference for the Aggregates Study with the omission of the structuring of the Aggregates Study Steering Committee, be approved.
That the Regional District apply for a planning grant in the amount of $30,000 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to assist in the preparation of an Aggregates Study in support of the implementation of the Regional Growth Management Plan.
1998/99 Annual Operating Agreement - BC Transit/RDN.
(Nanaimo, Electoral Areas A & D - Weighted Vote)
1998/99 Annual Operating Agreement - BC Transit/RDN.
(Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas E, G, & H - Weighted Vote)
1.That "School District 69 Annual Operating Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 1120, 1998" be introduced and given three readings.
2.That "School District 69 Annual Operating Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 1120, 1998" be adopted.
Large Land Holdings & Economic Studies Steering Committee.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Large Land Holdings and Economic Studies Steering Committee meetings held January 28 and February 17, 1998, be received for information.
Transit Business Plan Steering Committee.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Transit Business Plan Steering Committee meeting held February 18, 1998, be received for information.
(Nanaimo, Electoral Areas A & D - Weighted Vote)
That an adjustment to the 1998 Annual Budget for the expansion of the Duke Point Service not be approved and that the service increase to 5 daily trips be undertaken only if it can be achieved through BC Ferries support and at no net additional cost to the Regional District.
That an adjustment to the 1998 Annual Budget for the expansion of the District 68 handyDART service in September of 1998 as proposed by BC Transit not be approved.
Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the Gabriola Island Parks & Recreation Commission meetings held January 19 and February 2, 1998, be received for information.
District 69 Recreation Commission.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That the minutes of the District 69 Recreation Commission meeting held February 23, 1998, be received for information.
(Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Electoral Areas E, F, G, & H - Weighted Vote)
That the RDN support the District 69 Youth Centre proposal by increasing the 1998 Annual Recreation Coordinating budget by $24,000 to be used to initiate the operation of a youth facility in Parksville.
That the RDN agree to transfer:
(a)the operation of the Back Door Youth Facility; and
(b)the $24,000 for the operation of the youth facility in Parksville and any unexpended 1998 funds from the Back Door Youth Facility budget
to the District 69 Youth Centre Society subject to the approval of a consolidated business plan and a letter of agreement between the District 69 Youth Centre Society and the RDN.
Electoral Area Directors Selection Committee.
(All Directors - One Vote)
That Carol Davidson, Barry Lewis, Garry Ramsay, Tom Rusnak, Steve Stupich, Sharon Thompson and Audrey Tilley be appointed to the Cassidy/South Wellington Building Inspection Advisory Committee.
57-671997 Audited Financial Statements.
68-721998 Annual Budget Bylaw No. 1122.
Attachments to Report start at Page 1 and end at Page T-22.
73-761998 Five Year Capital Expenditure Bylaw No. 1123.
Attachments to Report start at Page 1 and end at Page 12.
12.BOARD INFORMATION (Separate enclosure on blue paper)